InstaFrenchie is a service that helps in gaining organic followers to a particular account by studying the followers of similar or competitive accounts and initiating a connection with them. Hence, all the followers gained through InstaFrenchie are real and organic followers without fake accounts and bots.
Top Instafrenchie Alternatives
- Wishpond Social Promotions
- Fomo
- Woobox
- ShortStack
- Heyo
- Opteo
- Social WiFi
- Gleam Competitions
- Rafflecopter
- Giveaway Tools
- Votigo
- Strutta
- PunchTab
- Binkd
- PromoSimple
Top Instafrenchie Alternatives and Overview
Wishpond Social Promotions
Wishpond Social Promotions app allows businesses to create attractive ads and run contests & promotions on their social networks and websites to keep audience interested and curious in their services.
Woobox is a social media marketing tool for online businesses and marketers.
ShortStack social media tool is used by businesses and marketers to create engaging Facebook apps and social marketing campaigns with the aim of growing their community.
With Heyo, any user or marketer can create a mobile optimized Facebook campaign easily.
Opteo is a very powerful marketing software which is used to optimize and manage various AdWords accounts to make them very efficient and simple.
Social WiFi
This platform enables more robust communication and a handshake between hoteliers and their visitors...
Gleam Competitions
The app allows marketers to create simple competition or giveaways for the target audience on...
It is very easy to launch and manage a giveaway with Rafflecopter even without any...
Giveaway Tools
The best feature of this tool is the automatic entry confirmation that confirms all entries...
The software allows contests and apps to run on any platform, and provides complete campaign...
Strutta helps you gain more fans, likes, email subscribers, followers, and to keep them engaged...
The software helps brands connect with their consumers on social channels, to understand and analyze...
By creating engaging Facebook and Twitter contests, marketers can increase the brand value and trust...
With PromoSimple, you can create Facebook Sweepstakes, Wordpress Plugin, Polls & Surveys, Facebook 'Like' Gates...
Instafrenchie Review and Overview
When running an Instagram page, one of the most challenging things is to find people who have a taste for the content the page regularly produces. Since there are billions of Instagram accounts, it can become next to impossible to narrow down and find relevant audiences among such a large pool of people. InstaFrenchie is a service that aids in attracting relevant people to an Instagram page and gaining real followers regularly.
Genuine organic followers
One of the biggest obstacles to gaining followers is fake accounts. Although it may seem like fake accounts, add to the follower base, the disadvantages of having fake account followers far outweigh the benefits of having them. Firstly, fake account followings are usually against the terms of service of most social media platforms. Since fake followers are mostly bots and not real people, there is no real engagement with the page’s products, thereby adding no real value. InstaFrenchie ensures all the follower additions are genuine people interested in similar products that the page offers.
Automated Instagram handling
Manually working to gain followers by interacting with potential audiences is time-consuming and takes a longer time to gain followers. Many follower-building activities like studying the followers of a competitive page, interacting with audiences with shared tastes, approaching the most likely target audience are all repetitive activities whose efficiency can be skyrocketed with the help of automation. InstaFrenchie offers just that, automation with a personal touch. All the processes mentioned above are automatically carried out at regular intervals, resulting in a healthy increase of real organic and relevant audience base.
How does it all work?
Gaining followers with the help of InstaFrenchie is simple and straightforward. After choosing a subscription plan with InstaFrenchie, all that the user needs to do is identify four or five competitors’ Instagram pages or other pages offering similar products. InstaFrenchie will then take over the account by studying the competitor’s followers and engaging with them by liking their photos and following them, resulting in a follow back from most of the accounts due to the pages’ similarity. The whole process is carried out over a hundred times daily and results in the growth of the follower base.
Company Information
Company Name: Instafrenchie
Company Address: 14 Rue Simart, Paris, France, 14
Founded in: 2020