Instant Checkmate

Instant Checkmate

By: Instant Checkmate, Inc

Instant Checkmate is a public record check platform used for personal and professional background checking. The online platform can be used by anyone to check someone’s records against police databases of criminals, sex offenders, and more. The tool is useful for families, detective agencies, offices, employers, and many others. With this tool, you can search for criminal records, court documents, real names, addresses, and real age for anyone in the US.

From: USA Web Visibility: 66%
Based on 18 Votes
Top Instant Checkmate Alternatives
  • Spokeo
  • PeopleFinders
  • PeopleLooker
  • Intelius
  • Zaba Search
  • Anywho
  • Names and Facts
  • pipl
  • That's Them
  • Peek You
  • Truth Finder
  • eVerify
  • Checkr
  • Melissa Data
  • Radaris
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Top Instant Checkmate Alternatives and Overview



Spokeo is a personal search engine and background checking platform that can be used to search people by their names, email address, phone number, username, or physical address.

By: Spokeo, Inc. From USA


PeopleFinders is a background check application that is used to check if someone has a criminal record or to find out about someone’s past or more.

By: From USA


Get online background report for people from; You can reverse search by Names, Phone Numbers, Address, Relatives, Friends, and much more.

By: PeopleLooker LLC,


Intelius is a record and background check platform where users can search for people by their names, email or phone numbers.

By: Intelius, Inc From USA
Based on 1 Vote

Zaba Search

ZabaSearch is the search engine platform that allows you to search for people, phone number, and address.



AnyWho is the people search platform that allows you to find people, businesses, and places online.


Names and Facts

With this service, you can find detailed information about any person, such as their address...

By: Names and Facts From USA
Based on 5 Votes


This platform is designed for business users that want to perform people search, use the...

By: Pipl
Based on 12 Votes

That's Them

It provides a robust people search engine that you can use anytime for free...


Peek You

You can find the information about anyone by entering their full name, username, or phone...


Truth Finder

It is connected with the police records, so you can get the detailed information about...



It can give comprehensive reports with detailed information about social media profiles & data, criminal...

By: From USA


This tool helps you to increase operational efficiency, mitigate risks, maintain compliance, improve candidate conversion...

By: Checkr, Inc.
Based on 28 Votes

Melissa Data

It can be used to find address & property history, ZIP code history, business &...

By: Melissa DATA Corp From USA


It can search anyone by their name, phone or address, and gives complete records including...

By: Radaris America, Inc. From USA

Instant Checkmate Review and Overview

Background checks are an important step in hiring procedures. No company wants to hire vendors or employees with criminal backgrounds. However, conducting background checks is far from easy. The HR officer has to check with the local government offices, contact the police for verification and call the employees’ previous employers.

All of this takes significant time and delays the hiring process. Moreover, this approach is very difficult to scale as it involves a lot of manual work and no part of it can be automated.

Simplified Background check processes

The process has however been simplified with the introduction of online background check services.

Online background check services possess a database of all the criminals in a specified area and continuously update it to keep it relevant. Instant checkmate is one of the leading online background check service providers with 5-star reviews from seventy thousand customers and an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau (BBB). The service provider offers features like unlimited background reports, people search, location search, reverse phone lookup, and email search.


The unlimited background search gives the flexibility of fetching as many reports as the user wants at no extra cost. The background reports may include information like personal information, related persons’ details, criminal record data, traffic violation data, and corporate affiliations among many other details.

The people search feature lets users search for people based on their names, last known location and even age. In addition to people search the service provider also offers phone-based search options. This enables users to track a person from his phone number as well.

Additional features

Other features like the e-mail search and location search enable searching information about people through e-mail addresses and locations. When it comes to the process of background checks, privacy and confidentiality become very important. Instant checkmate is aware of the requirements and hence provides complete secrecy related to searches and further secures its database by deploying Norton protection.

Additionally, the connection to the database is also secured through the use of a 128-bit encryption layer. Instant checkmate is not only a great option for HR managers looking for background check services but it can also be used by people to search for information about their long-lost childhood friends and lost family members.

Company Information

Company Name: Instant Checkmate, Inc

Company Address: Suite 112, Las Vegas, NV, USA

Founded in: 2010

Top Features

Core Features
  • Checking Personal Background
  • Unlimited Searches
  • Online Background Check
  • Local Data Sources
  • State Data Sources
  • Federal Data Sources
  • Multiple Data Points
  • Standard Background Reports
  • Comprehensive Arrest Records
  • Email Report
  • Industry-leading Quality
  • Friendly & Knowledgeable Support
Scheduling & Billing
  • Up-to-date Information
  • Unlimited Reports