

By: Sitejabber

Sitejabber is a service used to manage online reputations of websites and companies by collecting and publishing customer reviews on social networking sites. It allows you to collect and aggregate reviews from popular social media platforms and use it for powering the SEO process. Sites with more positive reviews tend to be listed as the top preference for the given niche, thus promoting visitors.

Based on 24 Votes
Top Sitejabber Alternatives
  • Podium
  • Broadly
  • BrandYourself
  • TrueReview
  • Reevoo
  • PowerReviews
  • ResellerRatings
  • Feefo
  • Okendo
  • Shopper Approved
  • FeedbackFive
  • Trustpilot
  • Yotpo
  • BirdEye
  • ReviewBuzz
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Top Sitejabber Alternatives and Overview



Podium is an interaction management software that is redefining the modern relationship between the clients and the businesses with tools to take responsibility for online reputation.

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Reevoo is an E-commerce and Product Reviewing software that was developed to help the users in buying products which highly rated and have received the highest ratings.

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Shopper Approved

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Sitejabber Review and Overview

Social media reviews have become an essential part of influencing a person to take action online. People post information about companies and review them online via various social networks. Companies should have software to capture these reviews and use them to boost the SEO of the company website. Sitejabber does this by analyzing and collecting reviews from customers.

Control online presence

It allows businesses to collect reviews directly from the customers and feeds the information to Google reviews. This helps the company website to rank higher in search results related to that query – increasing the number of visitors to the site. Collecting reviews are important as most of the online shoppers tend to go for products with more reviews. Around 85% of people read at least ten reviews of a particular product before they make their purchase decisions.

It is possible to add the number of rating stars or rating points to the review while it's displayed on Google search results. Sitejabber is also a Google certified review and rating provider, which means that the business is guaranteed to be on front page search results.

Increase conversions

Sitejabber reviews help businesses and online shopping website to get more visitors to the site. More visitors and compelling content mean more conversions. It's directly responsible for getting more revenue. More positive reviews influence the shopper's decisions, and they are more likely to trust the item.

This is how the power of online reviews convert coincidental visitors to the website into buying customers.

Reduce spending on ads

Minimize your spending on Google Ads by getting rating stars next to the PPC ads. Rating stars can be a deciding factor for a user to visit the website – a five star rated website is the better choice than a lower-rated one. This can improve the click-through rates by 20-30% and increase conversions.

Monitor and respond to customer questions on social media sites to ensure that they are satisfied with the after-purchase services. Resolve issues by knowing the problems faced by the customer in real-time.

Social media influence

Get social media to promote you. Use the customer ratings and reviews to build a reputation for the website or company online and combine the power to get more revenue. Both social media and customer reviews, when combined, can create a massive boost to the SEO and credibility of the company.

Company Information

Company Name: Sitejabber