Considering the fact that IoT has been around for some while now, a lot of people have heard about it. It is starting to emerge as the new most significant thing in the technological world. Hence, we don’t want to reiterate what you might already know about IoT but tell you some facts and figures about IoT. Before we get into it, let quickly take a refresher about IoT.
IoT stands for the Internet of Things. It is a concept that allows any and all devices to the internet and to other connected devices. These devices can then interface with each other for a variety of purposes. The IoT is mainly used for collecting and sharing data between the devices, after which the data is processed to give accurate details about the environment in which the devices are situated.
IoT includes a large variety of devices like Smart Microwaves, which can automatically cook food to the perfect temperature, to self-driving cars, which can drive the user to their destination by taking data from the internet, to avoid traffic or road closures, or any other kind of delay. IoT has become so important it is slowly becoming known as Industry 4.0. This is in reference to the fact that IoT is now colloquially known as the fourth major industrial revolution, after the steam engine, the advent of mass production, and the computer.

Here we will first look at some figures concerning IoT devices and the industry surrounding it. We will then follow it up with understanding the threats that IoT can pose to its users, and then finish with some examples of the use of IoT that you might not expect.
Quick Facts
IoT has improved the standard of lives everywhere and has made a lot of lives more streamlined. This helps their users in being quicker about their lives and focus on what’s important. Here we take a cue from IoT devices and bring you some fast facts.
- There will be nearly 64 billion IoT devices in the world by the end of 2025.
- Only 1% of all data generated through IoT is utilized effectively.
- The first massively used IoT device were ATMs, which came online in 1974.
- $60 trillion will be invested in the industrial IoT sector by the end of 2030.
- The smart wearables market grew to be worth almost $25 billion by the end of 2019.
Adoption of IoT
Before starting the article, we will look at how pervasive IoT has become in the various aspects of life. The introduction of any new technology, especially one as ubiquitous as IoT is going to shake up any industry, no matter the origin or consumer base that they service. We will comprehensively look at sectors, personal adoption, and the future of IoT in general.
1. There will be 20.4 billion devices connected to the internet by the end of 2020: Considering how young the IoT market is, it is a monument to its success that so many people have adopted IoT into their lives, both private and corporate. In the 10 years that IoT has begun to pick up steam, the number of devices connected to the internet and the cloud has increased a lot. By the end of 2020, Gartner estimates that there will be 20.4 billion devices connected to the internet. Keep in mind that these devices don’t include computing devices like smartphones, tablets, and computers of any kind.
(Source: Gartner)
2. By the end of 2020, 90% of new automobiles will be IoT devices: Automobiles have been increasingly growing smarter in the recent past. Automobiles today have a lot of features that rely heavily on being connected to the internet. Some of these features are navigation software like Google maps, entertainment software like Spotify, and even having the ability to have your car ping your phone if you can’t find it in a parking lot. These automobiles can now be classified as IoT devices already. In fact, by the end of 2020, nine out of ten automobiles being sold will be IoT devices. However, this can be very dangerous, as well.
(Source: ZDNet)
3. Every second, 127 new devices are connected to the IoT: When the internet started becoming widely available for the public, there was just one way to access it, and that was via computers and a dial-up modem. Then came the advent of mobile phones, which gave the public any easy way to access the internet on the go. This started to change with the rise of IoT. With the IoT watches, wallets, even shows, and flip flops can connect to the internet now. The situation has progressed so much that each and every second, there are 127 new devices that are getting connected to the internet. Again, keep in mind that this figure doesn’t consist of smartphones, tablets, or computers of any kind. This means that by the time you have finished reading this article, nearly 125,000 new devices will have connected to the internet.
(Source: Politico)
4. 80% of all telecommunication companies see value beyond just connectivity in IoT: Telecommunication companies are responsible for providing internet to consumers, based upon which the entire IoT industry revolves. Keeping aside all debate about telecommunication companies trying to commercialize the internet further, most of them have indicated that they see the IoT industry as more than just a platform that they can facilitate. More than four out of five telecommunication companies have stated that they would like to become IoT service providers and trying to create IoT devices that will enhance user experiences. However, 70% of them stated that they do not have a goal or plan in mind and are instead choosing to approach the IoT industry with a broad mindset, trying to explore multiple avenues.
(Source: Gigabit)
5. More than 70% of the value will be generated through business to business interactions by the end of 2025: As we discussed, businesses spend a lot more on a lesser number of devices as compared to consumers. These corporate interactions, called business to business interaction, account for a large amount of the revenue being generated in the IoT industry. Business to business IoT devices consist of devices to optimize production and share information between the various sections of a company. This is also reflected in the fact that factories accounted for nearly 23% of all IoT device spending. The least amount of spending in the IoT industry is for the home automation and the office environment markets. This may come as a surprise to people since home automation is the most visible part of the IoT industry.
(Source: McKinsey)
6. Around 90% of the value in benefits from IoT will be captured by consumers: The IoT industry has a lot of benefits that it can provide to its users. Even when it comes to factory and manufacturing uses, these benefits are mainly only felt by either the company’s financial beneficiaries or by the consumers. In fact, the consumers can reap as much as 90% of the benefit from the adoption of IoT in various shapes and forms. Some examples of this are fairly easy to see, like when Amazon adopted IoT devices to optimize their warehouses to maintain their one-day delivery guarantee, the consumers can reap the benefit. Another example is when Google uses IoT to track traffic metrics and provide live updates to consumers about their commute. A life-saving example pertains to the wearable monitoring systems that hospitals have begun to use to aid in monitoring chronically- ill patients. Speaking as a consumer, this fact makes me especially happy!
(Source: McKinsey)
7. Four in five industrial manufacturing organizations are using or will use IoT devices: As we have seen, the industrial applications of IoT are very varied and expansive. The modern industrial complex has already realized this and has started to undertake a project to adopt IoT into their manufacturing processes. According to ZD Net’s market research, nearly 82% of all industries have either already adopted IoT or have started pilot projects to facilitate the integration of IoT within their structures. The major industries that haven’t already adopted or are looking to adopt IoT are the oil and coal industries. They have stated that this is mainly due to the fact that most of these companies have slowed down expansion in the face of rising costs of extraction and the falling relevance of oil and coal in the modern world.
(Source: ZDNet)
8. Nearly 90% of all senior executives in the technology industry say that IoT is critical to their growth: In a shocking turn of events, IoT is a technological innovation that even most senior executives understand the importance of. These executives may not understand the importance of securing these devices, but they can attest to their relevance to their companies. According to Hewlett – Packard’s research, nine in ten senior executives from the technological field, they claim that IoT is critical to their growth, and state that their adoption of IoT puts them ahead of their competition.
(Source: Aruba News)
9. By 2021, nearly 85% of all retailers will be using IoT to customize customer experiences: another sector where the adoption of IoT is rapidly rising is the retail industry. Despite the proliferation of e-commerce stores in the current day and age, brick and mortar shops still make a lot of money. Now, with the advent of IoT, these retailers are aiming to provide a more personalized experience to their customers. IoT helps retailers in a variety of ways. For example, if a customer is driving past a brick and mortar shop, they can send them time-sensitive coupons to incentivize purchases. Retailers can also track purchases and the price that customers are willing to pay for them, so they can adjust their prices accordingly, and even notify the customers of the drop in prices.
(Source: SAS)
10. Manufacturing connections grew more than 204.5% every year since 2013: As we have stated, the manufacturing industry is the largest user of IoT devices, are the driving force behind a lot of IoT growth. This makes it no surprise that the market connections between the manufacturing industry and the IoT industry grew at the average rate of 204% every year since 2013. This is an extremely high level of growth as the smart home devices form connections at an increasing rate of only 82%. This means that IoT is being adopted by industries at more than double the rate of home innovation devices!
(Source: Verizon)
11. Two – thirds of all US cities are adopting smart devices for public management: It is not just the private sector that the IoT benefits it benefits the government as well. As many as two-thirds of all US cities are rapidly adopting smart devices for public management. This includes things like smart parking meters, to monitor usage, and to prevent people from cheating the system, also removing the need for meter maids. There are also intelligent traffic lights that can learn the volume of cars on a regular basis and to change the timing of the lights to match the volume of flow.
(Source: TechRepublic)
12. The number of smart clothing (IoT connected) units sold saw 71.6% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) rise: A surprisingly large market has emerged for IoT devices, and that is smart clothing. These clothing are made for a lot of reasons, from compression shirts to monitor breathing and heart rate, to baby monitors that can be worn by a baby and functions as a full hospital kit monitoring the baby in real-time. They can measure anything from heart rate to blood oxygen level to even the sleep and dream patterns! There are even t-shirts with a led screen that can display whatever they want. The number of IoT enabled clothing is increasing at a tremendous rate, with the growth of the industry seeing a 71.5% CAGR increase, which is smaller than the biggest industry in the market, but still higher than a lot of others.
(Source: Markets and Markets)
13. Samsung holds the award for the greatest number of patents filed under the category of IoT: Samsung, the tech giant, is the company that is investing most money into Research and Development (R&D). Samsung has nearly 9550 patents for the IoT category. These patents are mostly under connectivity technology like 5G technology and creating a new version of Bluetooth. In the current IoT world, nearly 75% of them use Samsung parts or technology in one way, shape, or form.
(Source: IoT Sense)
Financial Figures
The adoption figures don’t always show the whole picture. To understand the prevalence of the industry, it is imperative that we get an idea of the financial aspect of the IoT industry as well. In this section, we will explore the state and growth of the industry as a whole, and also look at some sections of the IoT industry in-depth, focusing on the major parts of the industry. Keep in mind that when we talk about internet-enabled devices, we will exclude smartphones and computers completely.
14. Globally, companies will invest nearly $15 trillion by the end of 2025: Investment in the field of IoT has been rising rapidly in the past few years. We have seen IoT penetrate every industry from healthcare to automobiles, to home electronics, and more. This has led to a considerable boom in the investment being poured into the field, with some reports suggesting that as much as $9 trillion were invested into IoT in 2018. This figure is expected to rise sharply to reach $15 trillion in investments by the end of 2025.
(Source: Business Insider)
15. The global economic impact of IoT will be $3.9 trillion to $11 trillion by the end of 2025: As the investment into IoT grows, as will the impact that IoT has on the global economy. IoT provides a new way to optimize every manufacturing and supply chain process, from monitoring factories to creating optimal distribution networks. According to research conducted by the McKinsey research and analytics company, it is expected that by the end of 2025, IoT will have a substantial economic impact on the global stage. The lower estimates put the figure at $3.9 trillion, with some estimated putting the impact as high as even $11 trillion, and beyond.
(Source: McKinsey)
16. The home IoT market is expected to grow to $53.45 billion by the end of 2022: On the consumer side, one of the most popular applications of IoT are home smart appliances like smart speakers, lighting, and even intelligent microwaves. This market, though smaller than its corporate cousin by far, is still estimated to grow at a rapid pace. Zion market research estimates that, by the end of 2022, the home IoT market will be worth nearly $53.45 billion, with the most growth being shown in IoT controllers, like the Amazon Echo and Google Home systems.
(Source: Zion Market Research)
17. The Global IoT Healthcare Market is expected to reach nearly $140 billion by the end of 2024: Another massive market for IoT in the healthcare system. There are many applications for IoT when it comes to caring for humans. Some basic examples are wearable bracelets that track the heart rate and blood oxygen level for individuals with a heart condition, devices that can track the blood sugar level and suggest changes for an insulin dosage for diabetic people, and even devices that can inform medical professionals if the wearer suffers from a heart attack, or any other situation that prevents the patient from calling ambulances themselves. This market is expected to reach nearly $140 billion by the end of 2024.
(Source: Zion Market Research)
18. Business spending on IoT accounts for almost 57.04% of all IoT related spending: The two major sections of IoT customers are the business-related markets and the consumer markets. These markets are relatively close when it comes to IoT related spending. Even so, the business spending counts for around 57.04% of the expenditure in the IoT market. This is because, even though consumers buy way more devices, business tend to spend a lot more on IoT based systems that help them optimize their processes. This disparity will only rise in the future as consumer IoT devices get cheaper, and more and more businesses invest in IoT.
(Source: Gartner)
19. The largest IoT based acquisition was by Softbank, who purchased ARM for $31 billion: New and smaller companies often lead the charge when it comes to innovation of new technology. These start-ups can become giant companies, like with Amazon, or get acquired by a larger company to work with their resources. These acquisitions can often be extensive and can lead to some companies being bought for vast sums of money. The biggest acquisition of an IoT based company was when SoftBank, a Japanese investment conglomerate, bought ARM for a reported sum of $31 billion dollars. This was by far the most valuable IoT related purchase. The second largest is $5.6 billion, which Google invested in purchasing a smaller company.
(Source: The Verge)
20. The IoT security solutions industry will grow to be worth almost $840 million by the end of 2020: With the rise of the IoT industry, it is not a surprise that there are a lot of concerns about the security and flaws of the system. In the following section, we will take a look at these concerns. However, lets first take a look at the IoT security industry. It is a smaller subset of general cloud-based security, which focuses entirely on making sure that all IoT devices protect the information with which they are trusted. By some estimates, the industry will grow to be worth by the end of 2020.
(Source: Zion Market Research)
Challenges Facing IoT
The IoT technology, no matter its potential, does have some drawbacks and challenges to its adoption. Both the critics and the supporters of this technology share the same sentiment regarding these challenges and the lack of solutions that the current industry provides. These problems need to be addressed before IoT sees the expansion that the industry desires. Let’s take a look into the issues that IoT faces and try to see if there are any viable solutions for the same.
21. Nearly 40% of the rural areas in developed or developing countries don’t have sufficient internet access: IoT obviously needs the internet to function, that’s right in the name. Hence without a stable internet connection to them, 24/7 IoT devices may not function appropriately. This is not an issue in a highly urban area, where Wi-Fi and data are cheap and easily available, but in rural areas, this is really difficult to get. Hence IoT devices are overwhelmingly adopted in the urban areas. As much as 40% of the global population lives in a rural setting, where internet access isn’t stable enough to host IoT devices.
(Source: Brookings Institute)
22. More than 60% of people who own a router have never updated the firmware on them: Routers are the backbone of a successful IoT network. They provide the platform for all IoT devices to gain access to the cloud, from wherein they can be controlled. That, unfortunately, makes routers the easiest target for any hacker. This is exasperated by the fact that most routers run on extremely outdated software. More than three out of every five routers don’t ever see a security update. This means that some homes and businesses are running on more than 5 years old routers. Now since IoT devices collect an unprecedented amount of data about you, a router being hacked can cause a massive loss of information.
(Source: Internet of Business)
23. Almost 90% of developers working on IoT products believe that these products don’t have enough security features: Each IoT device has a team of developers who write the code for the device, thereby making them the people who have to secure the device. With the loud public outcry, one would have to assume that the developers are confident about the security of their device, right? Not true. Nine out of ten developers working for IoT devices say that they don’t believe that these products have enough security features. This means that, logically, 90% of the devices on the market could be compromised.
(Source: Innovation Enterprise)
24. 85% of developers state that they feel forced to rush out products without enough time to address security concerns: Due to the earlier fact, one will wonder, why can’t the developers just write more/better code for their products? It turns out, developers agree with you.However, due to the comparatively shorter hardware cycle of a product, developers often cannot implement the feature they otherwise would have. This problem is so prevalent that 90% of the developers developing IoT devices claimed they faced it. Unfortunately, due to the rapid evolution of technology and the even faster rate of software evolution, these concerns will not be met with any change any time soon. This is scary since:
(Source: Innovation Enterprise)
25. Almost three – quarters of IoT devices on the market currently have one or other major security concerns: As we said, as many as 90% of the devices may be compromised on the internet. The truth is only slightly better. Only 75% of the devices have a major security flaw. These are, of course, the known flaws, so the number may as well have been 90%. The fact is that these devices will definitely get hacked into. So as of right now, the damage is still mostly benign. However, with automobiles and healthcare being the next industry to see a boom, a security flaw could prove deadly.
(Source: Entrepreneur India)
26. Only one in four organizations have the data scientists required to reap the full benefits from IoT devices: IoT is just a web of devices that record data about you then sends to their parent company for processing. This data is then sued to optimize your device to your needs and also helps the company conduct research into what the people want and how they use their devices. This processing needs to be done by a data scientist. Unfortunately, due to the massive demand for data scientists, most companies re unable to take advantage of the data they collect.
(Source: Gartner)
27. It only takes 5 minutes for any IoT device to be attacked since being connected to the internet: To just a get a sense of how prevalent IoT device attacks are, consider the fact that on an average, it only takes 5 minutes for a new IoT device to be attacked by a potential hacker. That means that in the time interval between you setting your Alexa up and you giving it the second command, it could already be compromised in one way or another! This is possible due to the fact that most major IoT devices are constructed by a well-known company whose servers are nearly constantly being attacked in search of an exploit. It takes only one day for the device to be targeted by exploits specifically made for it.
(Source: Netscout)
28. IoT security experts are IT (Information Technology) professionals and not OT (Operating Technology) professionals: Now comes the other major problem with IoT devices and their developers. IoT developers primarily work with IT and not OT. It is the use of coding to create programs that work on a particular platform. Other devices, working on the platform as well, will then for the IoT. Unfortunately, a lot of problems with IoT devices themselves, which work on a system not designed for them. OT developers are responsible for the creation of operating platforms that the IoT works on. OT developers often lag much behind hackers due to a variety of reasons, from sheer numbers to the fact that hackers can often be backed by powerful governments.
(Source: TechRepublic)
Unusual Examples of IoT
Throughout this article, we have been talking about the various ways that IoT has been adopted into industries and consumers’ life. However, while most IoT applications serve to enrich the lives of those that use it, some forms of IoT are just too weird. Necessity might be the mother of innovation, but the following products make us question how many actually feel the necessity that they are trying to address.
29. Catching bed bugs with the internet’s help!: Everyone can agree on the fact that bedbugs are extremely annoying to deal with. These tiny little invisible pests can cause havoc and are the cause of many a sleepless night. However, if you bedbug spray is just isn’t enough to deal with them, and you desire to use an arguably smarter method of securing your bed against these tiny bugs, look no further than Valpas’ smart bed legs! These bed legs feature a proven method of bedbug catching, i.e., the falling method, which trap any bed bug climbing onto the bed in the bed legs themselves. A sensor inside the leg then notifies an application on the user’s smartphone, telling them about the number of bugs it has caught. Valpas has been very popular with hotel chains, who can use it to monitor a bed bug invasion and decide based on the numbers whether or not they require an extermination service.
(Source: Valpas)
30. Don’t want to smell your baby’s diaper to see if they have pooped? IoT has your back!: The age-old method of seeing if a diaper involves some really disgusting prospects of sniffing the baby’s bottom to see if they’ve soiled their diaper or not. Many a parent or caretaker are understandably uncomfortable with the practice, and now they can choose to turn to IoT to help them out! Smardii’s smart diapers are waterproof diapers, which claim to be reusable up to 300 times. These diapers come equipped with sensors that can monitor a baby’s bottom and informs parents of an impending change almost immediately. Smardii also has adult-sized diapers for any individual suffering from incontinence. The immediate attention given to a full diaper can prevent a whole host of health issues that prolonged exposure can bring.
(Source: Smardii)
31. You can display your tweets using Ballantine’s T-Shit OS: Twitter and emojis may be a gift from God, or the things causing society to collapse, depending on the person you ask. However, the graphics company Ballantine is firmly in the camp that believe that an individual’s tweets and mood are worth sharing with anyone with whom they come into contact. Here is where Ballantine’s T-Shirt OS comes in handy. This product features an ultra-thin LED screen sewed directly into the fabric of a t-shirt. This LED screen links up to an application on the wearer’s smartphone, which can then be configured to display anything that the user desires. The application features a live link to the wearer’s twitter feed and comes with a library of nearly 200 fully animated emojis. So, get out there and show the world that you’re feeling 😊.
(Source: AdAge)
32. Would you like for your friends to know exactly how drunk you are? Welcome the DrunkDuino: No matter your personal opinions about Twitter, you cannot deny that it is an effective way to get your thoughts across to your peers in a simple way. Now with the DrunkDuino, you can put out more than just your thoughts to your Twitter feed. The DrunkDuino combines a Netduino with a breathalyzer module to constantly measure the alcohol content in your bloodstream. The 2’x2’ device can be hooked to the collar of an individual’s shirt, and from there can produce a result that is up to 90% accurate. The Netduino then interfaces with the user’s smartphone and constantly updates their twitter with details regarding the user’s state of inebriation. The updates can be similar to something like “Mark is completed hammered as of 10:58:07 AM”. The device is in the prototype stage currently.
(Source: DuckNetWeb)
33. Never run out of fresh eggs with Quirky’s Egg Minder: Has it ever happened to you that you just got back from the grocery store in the morning, you bought a ton of groceries, everything from ketchup to a nice prime steak. For breakfast, you desire a large plate of fresh scrambled eggs, so you go to your fridge, but BAM, you’re out of eggs or the eggs you have gone completely bad. With Quirky’s Egg Minder, you never have to be in this position ever! It is a smart egg holder, which can hold up to 14 eggs together (and annoyingly enough not 12, like most commercial packs) and monitors them constantly. It connects to the user’s smartphone and informs them when they are running low on eggs and can even monitor the health of the eggs, so the user never has to eat a bad egg ever again. Unfortunately, the idea didn’t appeal to a lot of people, and the product was discontinued in 2018.
(Source: Quirky)
34. Keep an eye on your dog with Furbo’s IoT treat dispenser and camera: A dog is a man’s best friend. Leaving your best friend alone at home while you go to work can be a stressful experience for both your dog and you. If you’re worried about your dog missing you while you’re gone, you might want to invest in the Furbo. The Furbo is basically like a baby monitor, but for your furry baby. It features a camera and a two-way speaker, so you can keep an eye on your dog, and even speak to them. It also has a bark monitor that sends you a notification if your dog is barking too much. However, the best about Furbo is its treat-dispensing capabilities. If you feel like your dog has done something that deserves to be rewarded, you can instruct the Furbo to shoot out their favorite treat!
(Source: Furbo)
35. Have a personalized water drinking schedule with Hidrate Spark’s smart water bottle: If you’re among the kind of people that struggle with drinking the correct amount of water in a day, then you might want to obtain Hidrate Spark’s smart water bottle. This bottle, which holds 24 ounces of water, reminds you to take a drink of water if you’re falling behind your hydration schedule. It also reminds you to fill it up when necessary. It even interfaces with various fitness applications to track how much exercise you are doing and adjusts your hydration schedule accordingly. It even features a ‘learning’ period, wherein you can turn off the hydration schedule completely, and the bottle will instead learn exactly how much water you drink daily and adjust its parameters accordingly.
(Source: Hidrate Spark)
36. If dental hygiene is crucial to you, then a smart toothbrush might be for you: Visits to the dentist is something that most people despise. People are so lax when it comes to going to the dentists, that some dentist’s offices resort to very creative ways to remind people to visit regularly. However, if one believes that they only need to go to the dentist when absolutely required, they might want to take a look at Prophix’s smart toothbrush. This toothbrush takes photos and videos of the inside of the user’s mouth. These photos and videos are then processed by the application on the smartphone and can identify any rising concern. This can give the user an early warning about any dental hygiene issue like cavities, plaque build-ups, and even impending gum troubles. This enables the user to contact the dentist on their leisure and nip any issues in the bud.
(Source: Prophix)
37. A wine bottle that doesn’t go stale and can give you vital information about the wine you’re drinking: A big part of the issue that wine enthusiasts have with wine is that once a wine bottle is opened, oxygen is introduced into the wine. This causes degradation of the wine, spoiling the taste and hence rendering the wine unpalatable to many enthusiasts. One company tried to fix this issue by utilizing IoT to upgrade wine bottles and bring them into the smart world. The Kuveé smart wine bottle consists of a sleeve that a wine canister can fit into. This sleeve has a touchscreen on its front that can display information about the wine that is being drunk. This information includes the kind of grapes that wine was made with, the area of the world the vineyard was based in, and even what food would pair well with the wine. The Kuveé bottle could only be fitted with canisters created by the company themselves. However, the bottle was not well received by wine enthusiasts, who cited the lack of range of wines available for purchase. The business shut down in 2017, citing the fires in Napa Valley, where most of the wine the company was selling was sourced from, as the main reason.
(Source: Business Insider)
38. If you don’t know anything about cooking, but desire the perfect baked salmon? Say hi to June intelligent ovens: For a novice chef, trying to figure out cooking temperatures and methods can be a huge hassle. The intelligent June Oven aims to solve many of the problems that novice chefs face. It uses cameras and machine learning algorithms to identify the foodstuff put inside of it. The oven then cooks the food to the perfect state, as requested by the user. The oven even remembers the exact way that the chef prefers to have their food, for example, if the chef prefers to have their steak medium instead of medium-rare, the oven will remember that for the next time. The oven can even suggest changes that the chef can make to their schedule to cook what they like by suggesting the time that they need to spend on preparing ingredients and raw materials for the same.
(Source: June Oven)
39. Tired of measuring and pouring out salt at every meal? Introducing the smart salt-shaker!: Are you tired of shaking your salt-shaker over every single meal every day? No? Well, the Smalt-shaker still has your back! The shaker has a touchscreen on its top where the user can select the exact amount of salt that they need, in terms of grams or even tea-spoons. This can even be achieved using the attached application available. The application also has settings to manipulate the RGB led that rings the shaker and can play music over the speakers integrated speakers! However, shockingly, people prefer their regular old shakers, which can actually grind up salt, something that the Smalt-shaker couldn’t do. The project was underfunded on IndieGoGo the current status of the project is unknown.
(Source: IndieGoGo)
40. Make cleaning up and taking the trash out interesting with the Bruno Smartcan: The small line of dust that remains on the ground after scooping up dirt and trash onto a dustpan is the bane of existence for many individuals. Then there is also the issue of forgetting to put the trash out for collection, and then having multiple weeks’ worth of trash pile up in your house. The Bruno Smartcan was created for individuals just like these. It features a small, but powerful, vacuum at its bottom that sucks up any remaining dirt and debris, and delivers it straight into the trash bag, or Bruno Bag as it’s called. The trashcan notifies the user when it is full, and even reminds the user when their trash day is coming up, so that they may remember to put the trash bin out. The can’s app also tells the user when they are running low on trash bags, so they never run out.
(Source: Bruno Smartcan)
Data Sources and References
- Gartner
- ZD Net
- Politico
- Gigabit
- McKinsey
- McKinsey
- ZD Net
- Aruba News
- Verizon
- TechRepublic
- Markets and Markets
- IoT Sense
- Business Insider
- McKinsey
- Zion Market Research
- Zion Market Research
- Gartner
- The Verge
- Zion Market Research
- Brookings Institute
- Internet of Business
- Innovation Enterprise
- Innovation Enterprise
- Entrepreneur India
- Gartner
- Netscout
- TechRepublic
- Valpas
- Smardii
- AdAge
- DuckNetWeb
- Quirky
- Furbo
- Hidrate Spark
- Prophix
- Business Insider
- June Oven
- IndieGoGo
- Bruno Smartcan