Mobile Testing Tools

Mobile App Testing software or tools are used to run tests to check mobile applications for errors, bugs and crashes. Developers and businesses that deal in the development and marketing of mobile apps need test systems and mobile devices to check their apps during and after the development. Mobile app testing platforms provide these services and tools at minimal costs to allow users to test their mobile applications, identify errors quickly and launch bug-free applications.

There are many mobile app testing products from which, some of them are described here.


Applause is a complete mobile testing solution that implements a 360° approach to test mobile apps against thousands of devices and multiple operating systems.

By: Applause App Quality, Inc. From USA
Based on 19 Votes


MATS (Mobile Application Test System) provides cost-effective testing solutions to mobile app developers and businesses.

By: QualityLogic Inc. From USA


Calabash is a free, open-source tool that specializes in automated acceptance testing of mobile applications.

By: Xamarin Inc. From USA
Based on 4 Votes


Appium is open-source mobile app automation software used to design and run automated tests for native, hybrid and web mobile applications.

By: Sauce Labs Inc From USA
Based on 9 Votes


HockeyApp is an online platform that allows mobile app developers to create world class apps by testing them with live users.

By: Bit Stadium GMBH From Germany
Based on 15 Votes


CircleCI is an app testing platform for iOS, and Android mobile apps.

By: Circle Internet Services, Inc From USA
Based on 10 Votes


NeoLoad is an online testing platform for mobile and web apps.

By: Neotys USA, Inc. From France
Based on 2 Votes


pCloudy is the most powerful cloud-based App Testing Platform. It has the...

By: Smart Software Testing Solutions Inc From USA
Based on 13 Votes

Perfecto Mobile

Perfecto Mobile online platform enables businesses and developers to test and analyze their mobile applications across real devices with real end-users and conditions to identify bugs and improve user experiences.

By: Perfecto Mobile Ltd. From USA


TestArchitect is a mobile testing tool that runs automated mobile applications test for Android, iOS phones, tablets and devices running the latest operating systems.

By: LogiGear Corporation From USA
Based on 1 Vote


Ubertesters is a mobile app testing platform that provides users with the tools to test their mobile applications across real devices, under live conditions with the help of hundreds of testers globally.

By: Ubertesters Inc. From USA
Based on 9 Votes


TestObject is a cloud mobile app testing platform that features hundreds of real Android and iOS devices for manual and automated testing of mobile applications in the cloud.

By: TestObject GmbH From Germany
Based on 2 Votes

Xamarin Test Cloud

Xamarin Test Cloud is a mobile app testing platform that lets developers and individuals test their mobile apps on hundreds of existing and new devices online.

By: Xamarin Inc. From USA
Based on 10 Votes


DeviceAnywhere from Keynote is a mobile testing suite for apps and websites.

By: Keynote LLC From USA


TestDroid helps developers and app development companies design and develop high quality, user-friendly applications, mobile websites and games by running automated mobile app tests on thousands of Android and iOS devices.

By: Bitbar Inc From Finland

Silk Mobile

Silk Mobile offers automated mobile app testing for android, iOS and other mobile applications.

By: Borland Software Corporation From UK

Test Studio Mobile

Test Studio Mobile is a mobile app testing automation solution used by developers to quickly test their native iOS and Android mobile applications.

By: Telerik AD From Bulgaria