ClickTale Review
Detailed Reviews
ClickTale is a complete enterprise website optimization platform that
helps you to maximize your visitor interaction and conversion on your
website. The software was created by ClickTale Ltd, a company founded in
2006 and headquartered in Ramat Gan, Israel. The focus of the software
is to help enterprise businesses maximize their website conversion by
monitoring their visitor’s activity within the website.
Session Playback
The session playback feature provided by ClickTale allows you to record your visitor’s activity and replay what they have done in your website anytime. This way, you can follow each of your visitor’s movements within your website and see how they interact with your website in the minutest details. It also provides advanced filtering, which helps you to find specific recordings of the visitors who complete certain actions, such as finishing their checkout process, subscribing to your mailing list, and more. Aside from that, you can also find specific videos of visitors who left your website while doing specific actions, so that you can understand more about them.
Comprehensive Heatmap Suite
The comprehensive heatmap suite provides complete and detailed analysis about your visitors’ browsing behavior on your website. It consists of four main heatmap tracking tools, including click heatmap, attention heatmap, scroll-reach heatmap, and mouse move heatmap. The mouse move heatmap helps to track the mouse movement of your visitors to reveal their focus on your website. The click heatmap allows you to track your visitors’ click and find out which web elements get the most clicks from your visitors. The attention heatmap allows you to discover which content within your website has the most attention from your visitors. And the scroll-reach heatmap allows you to find how your visitors scroll your website so that you can adjust the length of your web pages accordingly.
Conversion Tools
ClickTale provides various conversion tools that are available to help improve your website conversion rate effectively. These tools include advanced filtering, conversion funnels, form analytics, and link analytics. The advanced filtering feature allows you to follow your visitors’ browsing activity and find out how and why they complete or abandon certain actions. The conversion funnels help you to find the best conversion process for your website. The form analytics feature helps you to discover the effectiveness of your forms in converting your visitors into customers. And the link analytics feature helps you to monitor how your visitors interact with your website links and how effective your website links are.
ClickTale Touch
ClickTale provides ClickTale Touch feature, which is a feature that helps you to improve the conversion rate of your mobile website, so that it can be more optimized for the touch interface. This feature helps you to maximize your visitors’ engagement within your mobile website, as well as monitor all of their activities within your website. Just like the desktop analytics tools, this feature allows you to monitor the areas of your mobile website that are getting touched the most by your visitors. In the end, the main focus of this feature is to increase the user satisfaction by maximizing the number of repeated visitors to your mobile website.
offers an enterprise-grade solution to optimize your website
performance, conversion, and sales using the best monitoring and
optimization tools. Whereas the software might not be suitable for
personal or small business website, it can be proven to be a really
powerful tool if used by big-scale enterprises who want to increase
their overall business profit online. So, if you have a website with big
number of visitors, and want to increase the overall conversion rate of
your website, this tool is one of the best tools available for your