E-file.com Review
Detailed Reviews
eFile is an easy-to-use tax filing software created and developed by
E-file.com LLC, a software company based in Florida, USA. The company
provides a simple federal and state tax filing software that helps the
taxpayers to file their income and business taxes more easily as
compared to the regular paper form method. The company also focuses to
help the users to get their tax returns much faster than the traditional
Save Time With Electronic Tax Filing
The problem with the traditional method of tax filing is that it can take a lot of time to do, and for most people, they don’t have the time to wait for the process that the usual paper filing method may require. With eFile, filing your taxes can be done in a more convenient way, since you are doing it online, and electronically, which means that you don’t have to deal with the headaches of the regular paper filing method. For instance, when you are filing your taxes with the regular paper method, you might make mistakes sometimes, and when that happens, you need to redo all that you have done. But, with this software, it’s getting easier. When you make mistakes in your tax filing process, you simply need to delete it and rewrite the correct information.
Qualified Tax Support For Your Tax Filing Process
For some people, especially those who are filing their taxes for the first time, this process might be a bit daunting and confusing. Sometimes, you don’t know what to write on certain required fields, and thus, it makes the process much harder and complicated for you. Fortunately, this software offers a qualified tax support for your tax filing process, meaning that you can get all the assistance that you need to complete this procedure. With the plan that you choose on this software, the expert assistance is included for you at no additional cost.
Get The Tax Return Faster Than The Regular Method
The good thing about eFile is that it is connected electronically with the IRS, so that every data that you input with this software can go directly to the IRS server, and thus, your information is updated in real time. It is the same with the tax refund. Since the software is connected directly to the IRS, then it can be quicker for you to get your tax refund, since you can set it to be deposited directly to your account. In this way, you don’t wait longer for the tax return check to arrive at your home, and instead, it is deposited directly to your bank account.
Itemized Tax Deductions With All Deductions Supported
As an American citizen, you have the rights to deduct your taxes with various types of deductions if you qualify for it. This software offers the itemized tax deduction feature that can list all of your qualified deductions to reduce the amount of tax that you need to pay to the government. With this feature, you can easily see your deduction options and apply it directly to your tax application, making it easier for you to pay lower tax amount.
File Your Business And Personal Income Taxes Easily
Though this feature is only available on the most expensive plan, eFile allows you to file both your business and personal income taxes in one convenient software. It means that you don’t need to have a different software or different method of tax filing just to submit your business and personal income tax applications. You can do it together with the software, and submit your tax information under your personal and business name easily. You can go through the process to ensure that your tax application is submitted correctly, both for your personal income and business income.
When it is the time
for you to submit an accurate income tax information for both your
personal and business taxes, eFile offers the system that allows you to
do it smoothly and quickly. With the electronic tax filing method, it
helps you to save your time in filing your tax information for the
government, and with the support for all deductions, you can easily add
various deductions to lower your taxes. Of course, since the software is
connected directly with the IRS, then you can easily submit your tax
information and update your information in real time. Overall, this is
the software that you need to make it easier for you to file your
personal and business income tax information online.