GlobalSign Wildcard SSL Review
Detailed Reviews
GlobalSign Wildcard SSL is a wildcard SSL certificate provided by
GlobalSign, an internet security company founded in 1996 and
headquartered in Cambridge, Massachussets,
USA. The company offers various internet security products such as PKI
solutions, identity management, and access management products. The
Global Sign Wildcard SSL allows you to install certificates for your
sub-domains across multiple servers on a single IP address.
A Single Certificate for All Sub-Domains
GlobalSign Wildcard SSL allows you to use a single root certificate for
the whole sub-domains of your base domain, along with the base domain.
It means that when you purchase a wildcard certificate for domain.com,
you not only secure the main domain, but also all the sub-domains that
are related to domain.com, such as subdomain.domain.com,
subdomain2.domain.com, and so on. The certificate is only valid for
first-level sub-domains, and the number of sub-domains that you can
protect with this certificate is unlimited. Moreover, you can install
your certificates across multiple servers without any additional
charges, as long as they are still using the same IP address as the main
SSL Page Load Acceleration
The wildcard SSL provided by GlobalSign comes with a feature called SSL page load acceleration. Sometimes, the problem with installing SSL for your website is that the data transfer speed between your visitor’s browser and your web server may experience a bit of slowdown. It means that for your visitors, it is faster for them to load a web page without an SSL security than a web page that is encrypted with an SSL certificate. The SSL page load acceleration feature offered by GlobalSign can solve the problem of slow load speed of your web pages, so that your visitors can always load your encrypted web pages as quickly as they load a non-encrypted web pages. It keeps a good website performance that keeps your visitors’ satisfaction with your website.
Phishing Detection Alert
The phishing detection alert is a feature offered by GlobalSign for its wildcard SSL certificate, which prevents your website from being used as an object of phishing attacks from hackers. This helps to secure your website and protect all of your data all the time. With the detection alert, the phishing attacks can be prevented even before they happen. It uses 2048-bit encryption and 256-bit signed certificates across all of your sub-domains that give the best security and protection for all of your data. It scans your website daily for any suspicious threats that may potentially damage your website and warn you immediately when a threat is detected.
Clickable Secure Site Seal
Upon purchasing a wildcard certificate from GlobalSign, you get a secure site seal that is clickable, which allows your visitors to verify the information of your organization easily. When your visitors click on the secure site seal, they know immediately that your organization is legitimate. Thus, they won’t hesitate to complete their transaction within your website because they trust your website. The certificate is universal, meaning that you can use it in all the browsers that are available today. Your visitors can see the secure encryption icon in the address bar when they visit your website, helping them to establish more trust for your website. It also includes an AutoCSR technology, which allows you to generate the CSR for your wildcard certificate automatically.
The GlobalSign Wildcard SSL
certificate allows you to protect all of your sub-domains and the main
domain of your website using a single certificate, which can be
installed on multiple servers simultaneously. The SSL page load
acceleration can help you to improve your website load time, which keeps
your website performance at its best. The phishing detection alert
system allows you to prevent any kind of potential phishing attacks on
your domain name, and warn your visitors not to take part in any
transactions when a potential phishing attack is detected. Also, the
clickable secure site seal can help to establish trust between your
customers and your business, since they can easily validate the
information about your company or organization for themselves by simply
clicking the secure site seal.