Online Tax Software

Tax software can help to effectively file tax returns and help to save more money by accurate calculations and calculating dedication. Many of these software also integrates with leading accounting software to make things even simpler. Below is a list of some leading tax software that can help with this.

H&R Block

H&R Block allows you to perform tax preparation and file your tax return.

By: HRB Digital LLC. From USA

E-file is an IRS e-file provider that allows you to e-file your taxes for free.

By:, LLC From USA


TurboTax is a tax preparation software with free e-file taxes, income tax returns, and tax filing service.

By: Intuit Inc. From USA


TaxAct is an online free tax preparation software that you can still use even if you missed the deadline.

By: TaxACT, Inc. From USA


FreeTaxUSA provides a free federal tax filing service with a guaranteed 100% accuracy.

By: TaxHawk, Inc. From USA


TaxSimple is an online personal tax software with maximum tax refund.

By: Thomson Reuters/Tax & Accounting From USA


TaxSlayer is an accurate online tax filing service with a maximum refund guarantee.

By: TaxSlayer LLC From USA

Online Taxes

Online Taxes (OLT) provides an online tax filing service that allows you to file your federal and state taxes.

By: On-LineTaxes, Inc. From USA


ezTaxReturn provides an online tax preparation and e-file service that helps to maximize your tax deductions and speed up your refunds.

By:, LLC From USA


TaxHawk is a free tax software that allows you to file federal taxes for free, with free federal return.

By: TaxHawk, Inc. From USA

Drake Software

Drake Software provides a professional tax software with various tools to save time, increase productivity, and prepare your taxes.

By: Drake Software From USA
12 is a free e-filing service that allows you to file taxes online and estimate your tax refunds.

By: Drake Software From USA

Jackson Hewitt Online

Jackson Hewitt Online allows you to file your federal taxes for free, with calculation accuracy guarantee.

By: Jackson Hewitt Inc. From USA


TaxPoint is a free tax preparation software with a maximum refund guarantee.

By: Tax Point LLC From USA


TaxBrain provides an online tax preparation and fast tax refund service.

By: JTH Tax, Inc. From USA


eSmartTax is a free tax filing service that allows you to e-file your income tax returns.

By: JTH Tax, Inc. From USA


taxhub is a virtual, personal income tax preparation platform that recreates a face-to-face tax preparation experience through various desktop and smart-phone file sharing mediums.

By: GB Taxportunity, LLC From USA


OnepriceTaxes is an easy and affordable online tax filing service with a 100% accuracy guarantee.

By: AFJC Corporation From USA

Tax Software Buying Guide

As a good American citizen, it is your responsibility to report your income taxes to the government every year. Thus, the process of filing for your tax report becomes a usual activity that you need to do yearly, and it is not always pleasant to deal with. The tax filing process can take a lot of time, especially if you need to take into account various assets that you have, as well as various income sources or investments that you handle right now. With this complexity, many American citizens usually make mistakes in reporting their income taxes, which may result in overpaying their taxes.

This is why the IRS is sending various notices whenever they have problems with the taxpayers for filing their tax information incorrectly. Moreover, the IRS is also giving away tax returns for those who have overpaid their taxes in the past, without taking into account various deductions that are eligible for them. With the complexity, and sometimes, difficulty in the tax filing process, many people prefer to file their taxes online to avoid various problems. When compared to filing their taxes with the regular paper method, the online tax filing method brings various advantages to the taxpayers.

With many online tax filing services offering almost the same features, it might be difficult for you to pick which one to use. Here are some tips to pick the right tax software for you to use regularly:

Service Reputation And Professional Help

The first thing that you need to take a look is the reputation of the service itself. There are online tax filing services that are available as an extension of tax preparation services that are available since decades ago. Thus, these services have a good reputation with thousands of offices throughout the United States. On the other hand, there are online tax services that are just starting out as new service providers that don’t have any established reputation yet. Also, some online services offer a professional help as a part of the plan that you choose, while others offer the professional help with an additional payment required.

Choosing The Right Plan For Your Need

Most of the time, basic online tax filing process is offered for free for individual taxpayers. But, there are some services that don’t offer any free plan for their users. So, if you just need to file a basic tax income report, you can easily do it for free with many available tax filing software. However, it is always important for you to pick the plan that is right for your need. The more complex your tax income report, the more advanced the plan that you need to pick, since it offers more features for you, such as the investment report and various deductions.

The Price Of The Service

Because most tax filing software offers similar features that help the users to submit their accurate tax amount to the IRS, it is always necessary for you to pick the one that provides the most value for you. It is not necessary to pay more for the tax software if it only gives you the same features that are offered by other software with less expensive pricing. Some tax filing software might offer their services for free, and some might require you to pay for the use of the software. The point is to get the maximum value for the money that you spend on that software.

Tax Audit And Tax Information Checking

It is important for you to pick the tax filing software that provides tax audit and tax information checking features. You need to audit your tax from time to time, especially when there are problems that you encounter with the IRS. You need a comprehensive tax assessment in order to ensure that you can fix your problem with the IRS properly. The tax information checking is a necessary feature that you need to get in order to ensure that you are filing your tax information properly, as accurately as possible, so that you pay only the right amount of taxes to the government.


When it comes to picking the right tax filing software that you need to do regularly, you need to see whether you can use the software for long-term. This is because you are likely going to use the software for years to come, which also becomes necessary for you to ensure the reputation of the software as well. You also need some professional help with the software in case you run into problems when filing your tax information online. Next, it is important for you to pick the plan that is suitable for your financial situation, and make sure that you pick the one with the right pricing. And finally, it is important for you to consider getting the software that offers tax audit and tax information checking features to ensure that you are filing the correct information for your taxes.