Visitor Management Software

Many enterprises are employing automated visitor management systems in their facilities to enhance security and to maintain a professional appearance of their business. Visitor Management Software automates the visitor enrollment and management process while ensuring company safety by checking visitors’ information and authority against company database. These programs allow users to set their own criteria and mandates for the auditing of visitor data. It is important to look for key features and benefits while choosing a visitor management application.

Here are some useful and popular Visitor Management Platforms widely used by enterprises.



iPass professional visitor management solution enables company front desk staff and security officers to check, track and verify their visitors.

By: iViewSystems, Inc. From Canada
Based on 1 Vote


Envoy is a powerful visitor management application designed to replace hectic paper based entry mechanism.

By: Outrageous Labs, Inc. From USA
Based on 24 Votes


ProxyClick is web based visitor management software that manages office visitors for enterprises and businesses.

By: Proxyclick Sprl From Belgium
Based on 30 Votes


InVentry are the market leader for sign in and visitor management solutions, and are trusted by over 4,000 establishments.

By: InVentry Ltd From United Kingdom


AlphaCard visitor management software allows companies to create visitor ID cards by using an easy drag and drop interface.

By: AlphaCard Systems, LLC From USA


WhosOnLocation is a visitor management software along with many advanced features.

By: WhosOnLocation From New Zealand
Based on 10 Votes


LobbyGuard is visitor management and front desk automation software for companies of any size or industry.

By: LobbyGuard Solutions, LLC From USA
Based on 2 Votes


EasyLobby is automated visitor management software that simplifies visitor enrollment process and increases security of your enterprise by cross referencing visitor information against felony databases.

By: HID Global Corporation From USA
Based on 4 Votes

Lobby Track

Lobby Track is a complete visitor management solution that lets companies register their visitors, issue visitor badges and maintain full visitor logs.

By: Jolly Technologies Inc. From USA
Based on 21 Votes

VisitUs Reception

VisitUs Reception is a modern and beautifully designed IOS app and web dashboard that will transform the way your business welcomes visitors.

By: VisitUs Reception From Australia
Based on 9 Votes


TEMPbadge by IDenticard is a secure and easy-to-use Visitor Management System (VMS), ideal for companies looking for a complete Visitor Management solution.

By: IDenticard Systems From USA

The iPad Receptionist

The iPad Receptionist visitor management software is used by hundreds of small, medium and big enterprises to handle visitor management task effectively.

By: Los Trigos, Inc. From USA


Visitlog is visitor management software used at the receptions of offices for visitor entry and security checking.

By: RIW Software Technology AB From Sweden
Based on 17 Votes

Go Reception

Go Reception VMS is a complete front desk solution replacing the traditional paper log book system.

By: Furio Pty Ltd From Australia
Based on 1 Vote

iVisitor Business

iVisitor Business is a web based visitor management system designed for businesses.

By: Advantor Systems Corporation From USA