

bbPress by WordPress is forum software that lets website owners embed a basic question-answer, community support and discussion platform to their websites. The tool is designed specifically for WordPress powered websites and blogs and can be easily enabled by installing a plugin. It is very easy to set up, install and manage. Other benefits include easy moderation, fast, clean, simple coding, open-source, single admin area, multisite forums, etc.

Web Visibility: 49.13%
Top bbPress Alternatives
  • Plush
  • Discourse
  • Disciple
  • Tapatalk
  • phpBB
  • XenForo
  • Mighty Networks
  • vBulletin
  • ProBoards
  • Codementor
  • Phorum
  • MemberHub
  • Flarum
  • Vanilla Forums
  • Discuz!
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Top bbPress Alternatives and Overview



Plush is the most polished, user-friendly forum experience ever, featuring real-time discussions, beautiful design, an integrated blog, member directory, private messaging, paid subscriptions and a world-class mobile experience.

By: Plush Content Ltd From UK


Discourse is a free open source forum builder application that allows users to create community websites and host or embed them online.

By: Civilized Discourse Construction Kit, Inc.
Based on 18 Votes


Disciple is a community-building platform that allows users to build different cohorts of people focussed around specific topics.

By: Disciple
Based on 11 Votes


Tapatalk is an online mobile home. In this software, you...

By: Tapatalk
Based on 12 Votes


phpBB is a free forum software and hosting platform that allows users to easily create a customized and unique forum website in minutes.

By: phpBB Limited From UK
Based on 9 Votes


XenForo community forum software allows users to create fast and engaging forum websites easily.

By: XenForo Ltd.
Based on 1 Vote

Mighty Networks

The activities aim not just to increase consumer outreach, but also augment brand penetration and...

By: Mightynetworks
Based on 16 Votes


Users can either host their websites on their own hosting platform or on the vBulletin...

By: Internet Brands, Inc. From USA
Based on 9 Votes


This service help people in having discussions online by developing their own communication communities...

By: ProBoards
Based on 15 Votes


It is a platform that allows freelancers to make money by helping the students and...

By: Codementor
Based on 2 Votes


It is designed to fit the needs of different websites without compromising performance and security...



It can be used in schools to monitor and hold progress reports of children and...

By: MemberHub
Based on 7 Votes


The CMS is available in downloadable form and can be easily installed on any web...


Vanilla Forums

Vanilla open source community platform is suitable for individuals and small businesses...

By: Vanilla From Canada
Based on 66 Votes


By: Tencent
Based on 1 Vote

bbPress Review and Overview

Building an online community allows you to come closer to your customers and engage with them. It also gives your audience a space to share and learn from the experiences of fellow members. Choosing the right community forum and adding it to your site becomes crucial for timeless and streamlined discussions. bbPress is a GPL-licensed free, open-source forum platform that is built on WordPress by the WordPress community for your WordPress site. With bbPress, great add-on features come without the hassle of other hefty third-party integrations.

An easy-to-add plugin for your WordPress site

bbPress is available as an easy-to-add WordPress plugin that you can install and activate like all other plugins from the admin area. Once activated, you can open forums for a variety of topics and discussions and add them to the front-end of your WordPress site. It also allows you to create multi-site forums and offers customizable templates for that. Built-in support for spam prevention keeps up with its aim of making forum handling easy for any WordPress user.   

Where less is more

Unlike most open source forum software that are resource-intensive and often difficult to integrate with your WordPress, bbPress gives you all the essential features without being clunky. It focuses on flexibility and simplicity and doesn’t unnecessarily consume resources. It is built to scale with your growing community, so you have the extensibility of WordPress with bbPress too. Things are kept as light as possible, and they come with the assurance of security and high-speed performance for a great forum experience.

Seamlessly integrates with any WordPress theme

Being lightweight makes bbPress easy to integrate into any standard compliant WordPress theme. You wouldn’t have to worry about how your forums look as bbPress will take care of beautifying it. Allow registrations on your website by building a separate Registration page. Among its many Widgets, you get the login form too so that your users can log in on your website. You can even assign user roles while monitoring access and permissions. 

Top Features

Core Features
  • Simple Setup
  • Full Integration
  • Single Installation
  • Multisite Forums
  • Templates Customization
  • Protect Spamming
  • RSS Feeds
  • Forums List
  • Recent Replies
  • Recent Topics
  • Viewing Topic List
  • Forum Statistics
Forum Tools
  • Repairing Forums
  • Importing Forums
  • Resetting Forums