Terms of Use

eBool is a product research platform which offers information about various software, services, solutions, and products. When you visit our website, you agree to our terms of services as below and privacy terms. The terms apply to anyone who visits this site regardless of location and browser or platform you are using.


Products ranked on our website are ranked in no particular order. We often try to rank products on their popularity or based on various metrics data, but these rankings are no way determines the recommendations in top order.


We often get paid to list the products to rank on top. You can check our listing fees on the submission page. We usually charge yearly fees to rank the products on the top. Please understand that we do not recommend all the products listed on our index. Our index is primarily to provide a reference for businesses or customers who're looking for relevant products.

Apart from that, for some products, we may refer them using a referral link provided by the product owners or their associates. That means if a visitor of this website click on certain link and buy the product, we may get some commissions from the seller.  Although for all the recommendations, we try to adhere to the FTC guidelines provided. Not all the external links on eBool using referral or any other sort of relationship. We never write biased reviews or recommend any product solely based on our relationship with them.

Before making any purchase decision, you should carefully try to understand the product; it's pricing and any other relevant aspects. While during a review, we take utmost care to add the information accurately, it is not always guaranteed that information listed on our website will always be true. The visitor of the website, who decide to purchase any product, service, or solution is solely responsible for any purchase decision. eBool can't be held accountable for financial or any other kind of loss due to recommendations or links provided on our sites.

Inaccurate or Outdated Information

The products listed on the site are either sourced and reviewed by our editors or submitted by vendors. Although we have various guidelines to make information accurate and relevant, the chances are that some of the information published on site may be inaccurate, including the product’s description, product’s categorization or pricing. Often some information may change without our knowledge, and we may not be able to update it immediately.

Scopes and Limitation

All the information published on eBool website is for personal use only and not for any commercial exploitation, verification, or validation. The content posted on this site doesn’t include any professional or legal advice.

User Submitted Content

When submitting any information to us including product suggestions or product information, we reserve the right to edit, extend, or delete this information without any permission from the original submitter. We’re also not responsible for inaccurately published information or errors and potential damage (including revenue losses) it may cause to anyone, including official product vendors or partners.

Age Restrictions

All users under the age of 14 should not visit this website or should visit this website at their own risk. It is also essential to know that you’re legally eligible to visit this website or any content from the site and there is not any restriction within their jurisdiction.

Product Quality

While describing any product on this site, we may also describe what product does or what features it has. Most of the time, this information is taken from official sources or in certain cases from their users or by using product ourselves. Although, there is no guarantee that feature described on this site may work as expected by other users. In case of unexpected results, users are responsible to request any compensation i(f they’re eligible) from official vendor or seller. eBool is not liable for any loses user may get.

Copyright and DMCA

All the content published on eBool (including individual product’s descriptions and additional information) is the property of eBool only. This includes products you suggested along with the information once published. It is strictly against the law to copy, translate or reproduce the content from the website in any way.

Address: 4099 Brickstone Mews, Mississauga, ON L5B0G2

Last Updated: June 5, 2019.
