Bloc online tech learning platform is designed for anyone, who wants to learn coding. It is also a perfect solution for developers and web designers, who want to improve their skills by learning new and cutting-edge technologies. Various tech courses offered by Bloc include full stack web development, frontend development, Ruby on Rails, iOS, Android, mobile development, UX/UI designing, etc. All courses are prepared by experts and are available on flexible schedule.
Top Bloc Alternatives
- Skillshare
- Udemy
- Treehouse
- 360training
- Khan Academy
- Curious
- StraighterLine
- CreativeLive
- lynda.com
- Class Central
- ed2go
- Universal Class
- Code School
Top Bloc Alternatives and Overview
Skillshare is an online learning website enriched with thousands of online courses and classes in business, design, photography, music, technology, writing, and much more.
Udemy is a very popular online learning platform that provides free and paid learning courses in software programming, yoga, photography, and much more.
Tree House is an online learning platform designed specifically for tech learners, who either want to start in the tech industry or want to improve their existing skills.
360Training mostly provides business-related comprehensive courses. These technical and business...
Canvas offers open, online courses affiliated from world’s leading colleges and universities.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy is a web based education platform providing free online learning courses in computer programming, math, physics, chemistry, art, economics, biology, finance, history, medicine, and much more.
The platform is ideal for anyone, who wants to learn and grow their skills...
VTC courses can be accessed online or through USB or can be downloaded to use...
It offers many professional low-cost college courses and degrees accredited by leading colleges and universities...
Online courses and classes are taught and prepared by famous instructors and experts in every...
The website offers online video tutorials and training in software, business skills, education, animation, music...
Class Central
The courses are suitable for anyone, who wants to learn anything or enroll for a...
In partnership of hundreds of local and international universities, ed2go offers high quality instructor-led online...
Universal Class
Courses are offered in health, business, arts & design, writing, physics, communication, cooking, business &...
Code School
It provides learning courses in various subjects including, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Git, Ruby, iOS, and...
Bloc Review and Overview
Being in an ever-growing world of media, you always wish to stay apt and up in the competition. The vital signs of attracting audiences to your product or business will always be a good marketing and advertising medium and if you own a business or work professionally, you know what it costs to hire a software developer or a simple designer.
Learning and mastering these advance media courses like web development and designing with its fundamentals and building can get pricey and time-consuming at the same time. Bloc is, therefore, a site to help young adults learn all of this to your preferred time and routine at a very low cost.
About Bloc, its services and what does Bloc offer and features
The Bloc is a company that offers online education courses that are powered by fine mentors and devoted developers and designers. The mentors on the site are efficient and skilled in the courses that they offer. The courses are available for the people around the world and are made more effective and convenient as compared to the outmoded degree forms. The site also calls out aspiring learners and mentors to contribute to the courses. The site offers two master programs like Web development track and Designer track.
How to utilize the site correctly and enroll for your preferred course according to your requirement?
The courses available on the site are specifically designed for people who want to learn even though you have a job or could not get time out of your busy schedule. It is therefore built for busy people so you can continue learning while you work.
The site helps you create a portfolio within six to eight projects and enhance the learning procedure based on what you aim to do. The site also offers a certificate with an official stamp to make your course job-ready. The payment procedures are flexible and can be done monthly or even once and for all. The web development course ranges from $7500 one-time payment and $8500 when you pay monthly while the designing program ranges from $8500 one time and $9600 when you pay monthly.
Bloc believes in the weightage of improving your skills over obtaining just a degree and hence the site also assures you a job within the six months of finishing your course or you get assured money-back guarantee.
Company Information
Company Name: Bloc, Inc.
Company Address: 110 Sutter 10th floor, San Francisco, CA, USA
Founded in: 2011
Top Features
- Extensive Training Programs
- Varied Technology Based Subjects
- Outcome Based Online Learning
- Tailor-made For Beginners
- Continuous Learning Opportunity
- Fundamental Learning Techniques
- Front End Development Basics
- Mobile And Web Development
- Web Designing Courses
- Latest Trending Technologies
- Learn At Own Pace
- Flexible Scheduling
- Confident Job Opportunities
- Bootcamp Based Model
- Flexible Payment Methods
- Customized Learning Plans
- Tailored Career Path
- Curated Course Content
- Globally Recognized Completion Certificates
- Industry Expert Course Designs
- Industry Standard Content
- Innovative Learning Methodologies
- Full-fledged Dashboard View
- Course Progress Monitoring
- Transparent Progress Measurement