Looking for awe-inspiring photos, images online? Check out Dreamstime offering royalty free images and high-resolution stock photos. Sign up and get a 1-week free trial. Download Images at affordable credit packages and subscription plans with the best deals.
Top Dreamstime Alternatives
- Shutterstock
- PixaBay
- Adobe Stock
- Pexels
- FreeImages
- GettyImages
- iStockPhoto
- Unsplash
- 123RF
- 500px
- Deposit Photos
- Fotolia
- Alamy
- Bigstock
- EyeEm
Top Dreamstime Alternatives and Overview
Shutterstock is a company that provides thousands of high-resolution royalty free images, stock photos, vectors, music and video clips.
If you need an awesome collection of beautiful images, consider Pixabay.
Adobe Stock
Download Adobe stock photos and images online. The company offers...
Pexels is a company that provides top quality free images and photos for downloads.
Browse and download the latest collection of free images and stock photos from Free images.
Access the world's best collection of imagery and videos from world-renowned Getty images.
The company provides high-resolution stock images, photos, Illustrations, video, audio, across categories and genres...
Sign up for free and discover the best collection without worrying about credits or attributions...
The company offers high-quality stock images, photos, vectors, illustrations, footage, music files at affordable subscription...
Explore 500px offering hand-picked photos from editors, search photos, people, locations from wide categories...
Deposit Photos
The company offers photos, vectors, illustrations, editorials, HD videos, at affordable pricing plans...
The company houses essential photos, videos, templates, 3D imagery, editorial, premium images with integrations to...
Download the images at affordable pricing options based on size and license type...
The company offers perfect high-resolution images and HD video clips at flexible pricing model...
The company offers creators stories to enhance visual appeal, redefines visual language, source original real-world...
Dreamstime Review and Overview
Quick Intro of Dreamstime
Dreamstime is a company providing royalty-free stock images. It is based in Brentwood, Tennessee. It was formed in 2000, for selling stock images, which later changed to micro-stock photography, now rivaling iStock and Shutterstock.
It has one of the largest stock photo collections with 28 million registered users, 500k photographers, and about 120 million imageries. It is also a member of DMLA and CEPIC. Dreamstime also fathers European Tech Alliance.
What does Dreamstime bequeath in Online Photo Distribution?
If you have ever navigated to a stock photography website, you must realize by now that the process of accessing these images is relatively simple.
Users can simply register on Dreamstime for a one-week trial and get rights to download 5 images from their website. Later on, there are paid plans that offer to download about 9k images.
The website is very user-friendly and offers a quick search feature. The website aids with detailed filters and searches queries from millions of stock photos.
Most images are watermarked. You need a legit subscription to get HD images and without watermarks. The royalty-free license allows a user to pay for images only once and use it unlimited times. It also offers Extended Licenses too.
They offer services like Buy the Rights, On-Demand purchase, and Subscription-based plans. Most pricing plans are convenient as per online stock photography standards.
Dreamstime also offers an Android app which allows users from all around the globe to sell their photos. The app offers regular services like account set up, image optimization, sell the photos, track sales & earnings, and connect the app to cloud services like G drive, photos, Dropbox, Fotor, etc.
This apps has over 500k installs and decent rating of 3.9/5 stars. However, similar selling features can also be accessed from the online portals.
The images are set into categories like photos, editorials, illustrations, videos, audios, and raw Vectors. You can use the search filters to find a relevant image from here.
Apart from the cheaper rates for stock photos, Dreamstime offers multiple plans, among which full ownership and RF plans are great. It is therefore reasonable if your need for images is high and you are committed to long-term plans.
Company Information
Company Name: Dreamstime.com
Top Features
- Professional Stock Photos
- 4K resolution clips
- amazing audio sound effects
- download royalty-free
- public domain images
- search icons
- discover cliparts and logos
- highly scalable images
- hand-drawn illustrations
- computer-generated illustrations.
- Pay per download
- Credit packages
- 1-year validity
- monthly downloads
- discount offers
- promo deals
- extended licence subscriptions
- video subscriptions
- multi-seat licenses.
- corporate accounts
- photo map
- camera options
- photographers section
- Multi-language support.
- Photographers app
- message boards
- upload image
- social media integration
- message boards
- share tips
- referral program
- contest entries
- API documentation
- Blog posts.