Experiment is a leading crowdfunding organization which consists of scientists and researchers. The organization focuses on supporting undergraduates, faculty and graduate students as they face difficulties due to the ever-increasing competition. With Experiment in place, people can change the way researches are done. The organization brings people’s power in to the laboratory. Crowdfunding, grants, science, research and publishing are some of the specialties of Experiment.
Top Experiment Alternatives
- Kickstarter
- GoFundMe
- Indiegogo
- Tilt
- Patreon
- Angels Partners
- CrowdFunder
- Crowdcube
- GoGetFunding
- StartEngine
- CrowdRise
- RocketHub
- Razoo
- CircleUp
- Companisto
Top Experiment Alternatives and Overview
Kickstarter which is a reputable crowdfunding platform intends to let different types of creative people - game developers, bloggers, entrepreneurs, artists, journalists, musicians - raise funds for projects by getting connected with their fans that get exclusive rewards and access in exchange for patronage.
Indiegogo is a place for projects for moving quickly from notion to market, augmented by a group of people who believe that the world can improve when all the ideas get a shot at success.
Tilt, a technology organization makes it simple for communities and groups for collecting, fundraising, or pooling money effectively and securely on the internet.
Patreon is a fundraising platform for creators and artists for funding projects on a persistent basis.
Angels Partners
Based in San Francisco and London, Angels Partners is a brand that bridges the gap between entrepreneurs and investors with the help of innovative pitches and top-notch reach outs.
It provides opportunities for direct investment in high-growth ventures and early-stage startups...
It offers a platform for business owners of growing businesses and start-ups for connecting with...
It helps people invest in private organizations through a public platform...
It has been ranked one among the top twenty five crowdfunding sites...
It helps individuals to raise huge amounts of money for campaigns which matter to them...
It powers charity acts which together get to change the world...
For consumer products and retail entrepreneurs, CircleUp offers an easy way for accessing a community...
The investors at Companisto can be a part of the organization with investments of their...
Experiment Review and Overview
It is due to the innovation in science and technology that the world has progressed to the stage we witness it today. Although we keep improving faster, it should be noted that the burden of science and innovation shouldn’t be rested upon just a few institutions across the world. Also, no innovative idea should fall apart just because it lacked funds. After all, innovation can come from anywhere, right? Experiment is a platform that takes this idea forward and acts as a crowdfunding place for science experiments that are facing a shortage of working capital. The platform is open and accessible to all users across the world.
Fuel the success engine
Each child is born unique and experiences different things in his life. This experience is what molds them as a distinct human as compared to everyone else around them or far from them. As a result of the conditions and environment one grows in, everyone acts and thinks differently, and this is where the innovation has its roots. This has also been proven through various cultural studies that every nation innovated and developed uniquely when forced in isolation. While this is an essential trait of the human race to innovate, it is also a sad truth that holds them behind.
Today, rich nations might have all the resources to fund their ideas and give students a fair chance to make it a reality. However, these nations are few, and therefore, while the world still makes progress, it is considerably slower than what it could’ve made if more projects and ideas get funded. Experiment is a platform that understands and tries to resolve this problem. It allows anyone to post their idea and raise funds for their project amidst the community that respects and endorses innovation. It is a station where the ideas are fueled to ignite success.
Hunger for more?
Experiment not only allows people to post ideas and raise funds; it also allows donating bodies to fund the projects from a specific place or university. This section is meant for the people who want to see their alma mater make progress in the field of research and make a mark on the global level. Apart from this, the platform itself holds competitions regularly where it accepts entries from all over the world. Then the best idea that gets selected is granted an additional fund to accomplish their targets. This sparks the desire for innovation among many aspirants across the globe.
Company Information
Company Name: Experiment Inc.
Company Address: 101 Avenue of Americas FL 18, New York, NY, USA
Founded in: 2012
Top Features
- Promote New Discoveries
- Direct Audience Connections
- Direct Funding
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