Plesk is much more than just a Control panel. It not only gives you a secure hosting account, but also simplifies the website hosting process and web management activities you are usually worried about. Your hosting control panel gives you access to almost every task including subscriptions & accounts, creating new domains and sub-domains, setting up email addresses, filtering and email forwarding, database configuration and application installation.
Top Plesk Alternatives
- cPanel
- Vesta
- Webmin
- DirectAdmin
- ISPConfig
- Centos Web Panel
- ISPmanager
- Ajenti
- SeekaHost
- Froxlor
- Webuzo
- Sentora
- Interworx
- Kloxo
Top Plesk Alternatives and Overview
cPanel is one of the oldest Control panel hosting platforms in the market.
Vesta is a simple yet fully-optimized hosting control panel that makes the process of hosting very easily manageable.
Webmin is a web base admin control panel hosting service that allows you to host your files and web application on the powerful Unix server with complete control to services like administration, file sharing and more.
EHCP stands for Easy Hosting Control Panel, which is a server admin panel service.
DirectAdmin is a very popular control panel hosting service. The...
ISPConfig is one of few control panel hosting platforms that you can actually use through your browser as well as on your desktop.
Centos Web Panel
The hosting panel is very easy to use even for beginners with everything available right...
The control panel interface is attractive and easy to use even for a novice user...
The control panel is compatible with almost all hosting accounts and can be easily integrated...
It allows the delivery of super-optimized SEO content for maximum reach...
Your hosting control panel account gives you access to several services including customer management, domains...
All apps can be deployed on Virtual machines with just a click...
Sentora panel account comes bundled with several additional add-ons to maximize the functionality and design...
The control panel interface is easy to use and navigate through various applications and services...
The application comes integrated with features like CentOS 5 Support, accounts transfer from one cluster...
Plesk Review and Overview
Plesk is a unique web hosting solution that includes a custom created control panel with each one of its domains. This control panel provides several fine-tuning options to add functionalities and customize some of the finer aspects of the websites for industry-leading uptimes and stability, even when put under high load. This control panel also makes the setup of the initial website and mailboxes much more manageable, making the Plesk Control Panel a flexible solution for web admins.
A highly-manageable way of administering websites
The Plesk Centralized Control Panel is an ideal way of managing several Plesk websites at once, and easily customize all their bells and whistles. This tool has a dashboard that shows all the performance metrics of the website in real-time, allowing users to identify and act upon overloading situations. The dashboard can also be used to create and customize websites along with email boxes from a single workflow, enhancing the development experience and reducing development time. Users can also use the dashboard to install plugins for various tasks easily and update them if necessary, all with a single click.
Secure mailboxes for better prospects
Plesk ensures that the mailboxes associated with the web domain are at the top-notch condition at all times, both from an operational point of view and a security point of view. This is facilitated by two different platforms, namely the Plesk Premium Email platform and the Plesk Email Security platform. Premium Email ensures that the company mailbox is entirely customizable and scalable through an open-source architecture. The platform also gives the company with several options regarding the hosting of the mailbox. The security system protects the mailbox from spam, malicious elements, and more while ensuring that the operation remains smooth.
Integrated plugins and tools for a better website
The Plesk dashboard can be used as a simple installer tool supporting more than 100 plugins explicitly made while keeping the capabilities of the platform in mind. These include security systems like DigiCert SSLs, extensions like Cloudflare and Node.js, and more. The platform can also be fitted with backup systems that can auto-backup data to ensure maximum uptimes. The SEO tool bundled can also be used to increase website popularity in the form of search engine rankings.
Company Information
Company Name: Parallels Holdings Ltd.
Company Address: 500 SW 39th Street #200, Renton, WA, USA
Founded in: 1999
Top Features
- User Interface Administration
- Mobile Browser Support
- PHP Developer-Ready Enviroment
- Self-repairing Tools
- Rapid Website Backups
- Advanced Migration Tools
- Developer Packs
- CloudFlare Server
- Control Suite for Windows
- MagicSpam Tool
- Email Security Pack
- Kaspersky AntiVirus
- Secured Server & Website