
SERPWoo is not just a rank checking tool, but a complete SERP (Search Engine Result Page) analysis tool that checks the performance of user website as well as competitors for target keywords. Find out which website is moving up or down for which keyword and identify the changes you need to make in your own website. SERPWoo allows users to set alerts for important keywords to get notified when there is any change.

Web Visibility: 24.64%
Based on 2 Votes
Top SERPWoo Alternatives
  • RankWatch
  • Rank Ranger
  • SERPs
  • Topvisor
  • Pro Rank Tracker
  • AuthorityLabs
  • Rank Tracker
  • Norrth
  • SEO Rank Monitor
  • RankTrackr
  • RankSonic
  • Rankinity
  • Accurate Monitor
  • SEO Powersuite Rank Tracker
  • CuteRank
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Top SERPWoo Alternatives and Overview



RankWatch online marketing software gives a complete analysis of user website along with current search engine rankings of all target keywords.

By: RankWatch , Inc. From India
Based on 10 Votes

Rank Ranger

Rank Ranger is a powerful SEO tool mainly used for tracking the ranks of websites and keywords.

By: Rank Ranger, LLC From USA
Based on 5 Votes


SERPs rank tracking software has been designed for daily rank tracking and analytics of websites.

By: SERPs, Inc. From USA


Provides the best SEO and PPC tools for your website in one simple platform.

By: Topvisor Co., Ltd.
Based on 1 Vote

Pro Rank Tracker

Pro Rank Tracker is an online rank tracking tool that gives up-to-date rank reports for all business campaigns of users.

By: Pro Rank Tracker From Israel


AuthorityLabs allows users to track search engines ranking for their keywords on daily basis.

By: AuthorityLabs, LLC From USA
Based on 6 Votes

Rank Tracker

Rank Tracker dashboard allows users to keep track of many things such as, daily website...

By: RankTracker From UK
Based on 1 Vote


The software automatically updates keyword ranking results every day so that users can see the...

By: From USA

SEO Rank Monitor

It is a fast, reliable and accurate rank checking tool that comes packed with several...

By: From Netherlands
Based on 3 Votes


Accuracy, speed and simplicity are some of the strongest aspects of this software that ensure...

By: Kundi d.o.o From Slovenia
Based on 12 Votes


RankSonic allows users to track hundreds or thousands of keywords and phrases daily and gives...



The software allows users to track the ranks of hundreds of keywords instantly in local...

By: Rankinity
Based on 1 Vote

Accurate Monitor

The tool automatically tracks rankings as scheduled by users and generates reports in PDF, RTF...

By: CleverStat

SEO Powersuite Rank Tracker

Users can download and install rank tracker in their desktop or mobile device, and can...

By: Link-Assistant.Com From Belarus


The tool allows users to add domains and all target keywords easily to the dashboard...


SERPWoo Review and Overview

In these modern times of technology, there are so many SEO tools from which you can choose. But most of them are not useful. There are such types that are not so popular yet very useful and superior. SERPWoo is far more than these that offers a comprehensive suite of tools at a price that fits best to your wallet. With SERPWoo, get rid of the frustration of tracing only selected URLs. 

Why SERPWoo?

Most of the tools do not clearly define the things that are going on in SERPs or how to analyze, track automatically, and monitor the competitor's websites. However, SEPRWoo fills this gap by using its tools.  SERPWoo enables marketers to access the top 20 results for any keyword for a better understanding of the moving up and down of websites rankings and traffic generation. 

Advanced Rank Tracking

SERPWoo is far more than the tradition tracing tools. Various solutions only deal with a single domain and rank detecting from Google Results. SERPWooo wors with top targeted keyword results. SerpWoo offers reverse engineering capability that is one of the most excellent and most compelling features of this solution. To deliver efficient and reasonable results, SERPWoo takes help from data feeds.

You can implement these data feed to third-party solutions such as Majestic, SMERush, and many more.  You can use SERPWoo for finding the SEO strategies that competitors follow.

Supports ORM Campaigns

You can use this solution for ORM campaigns and tag multiple varieties of URLs.  SERPWoo offers a local map of the region where you stay. Perform an impressive domain or URL monitoring with monitoring features. One of the best tools is its keyword research tool by which you can detect friendly keywords. It can handle millions of data points to help your business in making better business decisions.

Company Information

Company Name:

Founded in: 2012

Top Features

Core Features
  • Archiving Historical Data
  • Monitoring Unlimited Domains
  • unlimited Projects
  • Social Signals
  • Monitoring PageRank
  • Daily Alexa Updates
  • Daily Alert & Notifications
  • Real-Time Platform Discovery
  • Third-party Datafeeds
  • Exporting Data
  • PDF Reports
  • White Label Reporting
  • Tracking Local SEO
  • Multiple Languages Supported
  • Mobile Tracking
  • Keywords Tracking
  • Keyword Finder