Mind Mapping Software

Mind maps are visual representation of data, images and other information based on ideas and thoughts. These are used by organizations for planning, schools for learning, and individuals for better management of their ideas. Mind mapping software is used to jot down ideas and create mind maps based on these ideas. It is a very helpful tool for businesses, schools, homes, and individuals, allowing them to manage their data, information, and ideas in an interactive and interconnected manner.

Below are some of the most popular Mind Mapping applications used by companies and people worldwide.



Inspiration is a graphic tool used to create mind maps, diagrams, map views, presentations, and much more.

By: Inspiration Software, Inc. From USA


XMind is used by thousands of people to mind interactive maps to manage and simplify complex projects and to get the work organized.

By: XMind Ltd. From Hong Kong
Based on 10 Votes


MindMeister is simple and intuitive mind mapping software used by people at schools, businesses and homes to mind maps for plans & strategies.

By: MeisterLabs GmbH From Germany
Based on 11 Votes


Coggle is high-level mind mapping software used to build simple and complex mind maps to simplify complex things.

By: CoggleIt Limited From UK
Based on 32 Votes


Mindomo mind mapping software allows users to create online mind maps and to share them with other users working on the same idea or project.

By: Expert Software Applications srl From Romania
Based on 28 Votes


Popplet is a mind mapping tool used by organizations and individuals to manage and generate ideas.

By: notion, inc. From USA
Based on 16 Votes


MindMup is an online web based mind mapping platform that gives users an easy to use set of tools to create, edit, share and manage interactive mind maps for business meetings and other planning tasks.

By: Sauf Pompiers Ltd From UK
Based on 8 Votes


MindManager is a popular mind mapping software used by many organizations and individuals to create mind maps for brainstorming, project management, event planning, meeting planning, business planning and entries collaboration.

By: Mindjet LLC From USA
Based on 10 Votes


bubbl.us is used by schools, businesses and universities to create colorful mind maps online for brainstorming and generation of ideas.

By: LKCollab, LLC From USA
Based on 3 Votes


MindNode is a mind mapping tool used to create mind maps for people to organize their thoughts and to brainstorm.

By: IdeasOnCanvas GmbH From Austria
Based on 15 Votes


iMindMap mind mapping software allows users to create interactive mind maps based on rough ideas and data.

By: OpenGenius Limited From UK
Based on 23 Votes


Scapple is a simple mind mapping tool that allows users to note down ideas quickly and create connections between these ideas.

By: Literature & Latte Ltd. From UK
Based on 1 Vote


MindView from MatchWare is a professional mind mapping tool used by businesses to present and brainstorm ideas visually.

By: MatchWare Inc. From USA


Stormboard is an online brainstorming and planning tool that allows users to brainstorm, organize and manage their ideas and thoughts on a real-time whiteboard.

By: Edistorm Inc. From Canada
Based on 23 Votes


WiseMapping is a free online mind maps creating and editing software for individuals and organizations.

By: The Buzan Organisation, Ltd. From Argentina
Based on 8 Votes


TheBrain digital mind mapping software is designed to make the data organization and presentation processes easier and interactive.

By: TheBrain Technologies LP From USA


MindMaple mind mapping software is used to create mind maps for organizing ideas and thoughts visually.

By: MindMaple Inc. From USA
Based on 1 Vote


SimpleMind mind mapping tool is compatible with all Windows, Android or Apple devices and can be used for brainstorming, idea collection and management.

By: Software & Consulting B.V. From Netherlands
Based on 2 Votes


SpiderScribe is online brainstorming and mind mapping software used to create, organize and act upon ideas in free-form maps.

By: Disarea LLC From USA


MindGenius is mind mapping software used by businesses and professionals for brainstorming and planning using interactive maps.

By: MindGenius Ltd. From UK
Based on 16 Votes

ConceptDraw MINDMAP

ConceptDraw MINDMAP is mind mapping software used for planning, note taking, meeting management, and brainstorming ideas and processes.

By: CS Odessa LLC From USA
Based on 15 Votes


iMindQ is a mind mapping tool for businesses, education and individuals.

By: Seavus DOOEL From Macedonia
Based on 2 Votes

TaskMap Professional

TaskMap Professional is an easy-to-use process mapping software used mainly by business professionals to create flowcharts, visualize workflow and document processes.

By: Harvard Computing Group, Inc. From USA

Any new technology or invention originates from a concept. A concept is a broad overview of how new technology should be. For other products like cars, it is about conveying the overall design language and philosophy. For a new workflow of process, it is about showing the way in the process progresses through various stages. Therefore, the meaning of the word concept carries a different meaning for different industry sectors. However, the one thing common between all the concepts is that they all originate from a cluster of ideas. For a concept to take a form, various ideas and thoughts need to come together in a structured and systematic format.

The birth of a product

The structure given to the ideas lends it a definite shape and makes it more understandable to others. Modern-day inventions and technologies are a result of collaborative work by various programmers and product designers. For instance, the cars that are manufactured today have been in development stages for at least a couple of years. It begins with an intent to make a particular type of car. The intent is driven by both market demand as well as the resources available with the company. Based on the intent, a preliminary design is prepared, which is then sent to the engineering department. The engineering department then tests and evaluates the design for feasibility, and the back and forth keeps happening until a satisfactory design is created. 

The brainstorming process

There are two aspects to the whole process described above. One is that it is highly collaborative and involves continuous involvement of various stakeholders, and the other is that it is thought intensive process. Ideas flow through the process multi-laterally. These ideas require a structured system to flow through, or else they would end up creating complete chaos. For this very purpose, mind maps are used. Mind-maps are a visual representation of the ideas presented in a structured manner using various tools. They aim to enable the users to progress through the brainstorming process smoothly and arrive at design solutions.

How have computers and the internet affected the process?

Ever since the advent of computers and mind mapping software tools, the process of mind mapping has gone digital. Users have turned to these digital mind mapping tools to bring their product ideas to life. These digital mind mapping tools have allowed users to work on multiple ideas at once and also collaborate with other users to develop them further. Most of the mind mapping software available in the marketplace comes with features that allow users to create Gantt charts and have a visual overview of their tasks. Additionally, many of them also offer instant messaging options, and these allow users to have quick discussions with their fellow users in real-time.

What makes the digital mind mapping tools a necessity?

The other noteworthy features offered by these tools include drag-and-drop options that enable users to make quick edits and access across multiple devices. The users can sign up with the tools and then use any of their devices to access the services. The improved accessibility enables users to ideate and brainstorm ideas on the go and comes up with compelling designs. The mind mapping software tools are offered in both paid as well as free versions. Professionals prefer the paid versions as they provide better functionality and security when compared with the free versions offered by certain software companies.


1. I’m a student. Can I make use of these mind mapping software tools?

Definitely, there are no bounds to the usefulness of these mind-mapping tools. Anyone with a curious mind and fresh ideas can make use of these tools to create new concepts and further bring them to life.

2. But I can brainstorm using a pen and paper itself. Why do I need to use these tools?

Yes, brainstorming can be done using pen and paper itself. However, when you use digital mind mapping tools, you progress through your thoughts and ideas in a more organized manner, and the digital mind maps are not confined by the size of the paper, unlike the pen and paper ones.

3.  Do these tools offer any integration options?

Yes, they do. These digital mind mapping tools offer integration options with graphic design tools as well as text editing tools. Additionally, some of them also offer integration options with content management tools.
