Reference Management Software
Mendeley is a research reference management software that helps research students to maintain and generate citations, references, and bibliography using preset layout within a few clicks.
Zotero is a personal research assistant application that allows research students to perform citations, collect information regarding their papers, and organize data according to their findings.
As a researcher, you are continually shuffling various roles, managing competing requests on your time, and organizing your activities in distributing research and those of your partners around the division and the globe.
RefWorks is a reference and citation management software that allows the students and researchers to produce better research papers by providing citation and reference embedding in the articles.
Citavi is a knowledge and reference management system that lets you organize your research and transfer it in the form of articles and research papers with ease.
Paperpile is notes and references management system that help scholars keep track of research papers in their library.
Jabref is a tool that lets users organize the research material and books that they have collected over time.
EasyBib provides a handy tool using which students and writers can create error and plagiarism free documents.
figshare is a platform that assists users in the management of research papers.
BibSonomy is a publication sharing system that helps users organise their scientific work, collect related publications and bookmark relevant material.
Citationsy is an online tool to create citations, bibliographies, and track references which people have used in their projects, articles, research papers, and more.