
Demio Review

By: Demio
Based on 11 Votes

Detailed Reviews

Demio is a webinar hosting tool, and it allows you to take care of a lot of tasks based around hosting a webinar, as well. It will let you host live and automated webinars, and also publish landing pages and send out email notifications for the same. Demio offers a neat interface throughout the platform and is very easy to navigate.


  • Three webinar options- standard, series, and automated.
  • Interactive chat section.
  • Allows the host to create landing pages for the webinar.
  • Can be used to send out email notifications.
  • Direct integration options for a lot of email marketing tools.


  • No dedicated section for questions and answers.


It hasn’t been long that webinars have become one of the most popular marketing tools. People use them to generate leads, improve engagement, deliver courses, launch products, and so much more.

A webinar is probably the most versatile marketing tool that one may have at their disposal. With so much to achieve from a webinar, it did not take long for a lot of webinar hosting tools to show up in the market.

These tools differ in the quality of service they provide, the number of features they have on the platform, the ease of use, and a few other parameters. Demio is one of such webinar tools and offers the user to host more effective webinars with lesser work involved.

The tool also promises to take care of your marketing needs and proposes to help improve engagement rates with the use of interactive tools on the platform.

In this review, we will go through all the features of Demio, and find out if they actually deliver what they promise. We will be focusing not just on the webinar hosting capabilities of Demio, but also on the factors based around it.

For instance, if you are hosting a webinar to get more leads for your product, then how does Demio help you with gathering leads. Or, if you are hosting a webinar to deliver an online course, then we will see what Demio can do to make it easier for you to make your course more effective for attendees.

By the end of this review, we hope to get you acquainted with all the pros and cons of Demio, thus making it easier for you to decide if this is the kind of webinar hosting platform you were looking for.

So, let’s not waste time and see what Demio is all about.

Takes no time to create a webinar

The one thing that you will notice about Demio right from the beginning is that it offers a very neat and minimalistic interface throughout the process. It aligns well with our personal preference, and we also understand that it is something very subjective.

We would also like to make it clear that a minimalistic interface doesn’t necessarily mean a dearth of options or choices. It is just a better arrangement of the interface so that things don’t seem cluttered, and the user finds it easier to navigate through the options.

The first set of options you get on Demio is when you start creating an event. The tool will offer you three different choices for the kind of webinar you want to create- standard, series, and automated.

However, things can easily be boiled down to two kinds of webinars, that is, the recorded ones and live ones. The standard and series webinars allow you to host individual or a series of live webinars, and the automated webinar is for when you want to create a webinar out of pre-recorded content.

The standard live events do come with the option of sharing pre-recorded videos during the webinar too. In case of an automated webinar, you will not have to do much to run the show. You can import the video file that you want to have in the webinar, and the rest would take care of itself.

The available options for the type of webinar take care of almost all your needs when it comes to creating webinars.

Once you choose the kind of webinar you want to have, the tool would ask you to name the webinar. In the case of an automated webinar, there will be the extra step of uploading the video you want to include in the webinar.

The next steps are the same for all kinds of webinars. The first thing you would want to specify would be the date and time of the event. There are two options in this case, as well. You can set up a webinar for a single date and time, or you can set it to be a recurring webinar.

In case of a recurring webinar, you get to specify the frequency of the webinar between every day to every month. We would have liked it better if there was an option to publish the webinar biweekly, but we guess it’s not that big of a deal to not have the option.

You can also turn your webinars to be one of those on-demand webinars. It would allow the registrants to get access to webinars as soon as they sign up for it. The feature would work great if you plan on generating some direct income from the webinar.

If you are using resources in your webinar such as slideshows or videos or maybe some documents that you would want to share with the attendees, then you can take care of all of them right at the time of setting up the webinar.

You can upload the content within the webinar so that you don’t find yourself rummaging through folders on your system during the webinar. You will be able to simply share all the content from within the webinar and provide the attendees with a great experience.

There is a lot more you can do when you create the webinar, and we will be discussing all those features in the further sections of the review.

For now, let’s jump to what happens during the actual webinar.

Establish connections and nurture relationships

Webinars are great because they eliminate the roadblock of physical distance, and allow the host and attendees to interact in real-time. It goes without saying that such interactions elevate the user experience multi-folds.

One can then easily leverage this improved connectivity and engagement to build up a huge and loyal user base. But let’s not get too ahead of ourselves here. You would still need some supporting features from the webinar tool to help you achieve this target.

This section will go through the state of these features on Demio. The area from where you stream your webinar is called the room, and it is where all the magic happens.

The first thing that we noticed in the room is once again the clean user interface. Everything seems to be at the place where it is supposed to be, and it is quite simple to navigate through the options here.

You will see the webcam feed or the content you are sharing on most of the screen, and there will be a panel on the right for all the engagements and interactions.

Demio allows a maximum of three users to share their webcam feed simultaneously on the webinar, and we think it’s a fair number. After all, there will be only one person speaking at a time.

When you share content such as a video or a slide, the webcam feed of the host automatically goes on the top of the window. We felt that they could’ve provided some options for the layout of the screen.

The layouts can prove to be useful depending on the use case, and therefore a necessary feature that every webinar tool should have. However, the automatic layouts by Demio aren’t that atrocious, and you can still have a wonderful webinar using them.

The engagement panel on the right has various sections. It goes between chats, polls, and handouts. The chat section is where you will be interacting with all the attendees.

Demio’s chat window is one of the most interactive ones that we have seen so far. It allows the user to react to individual comments with gestures, mention an attendee within a comment, and interact better with the audience with the use of emojis.

Whether you like it or not, we come across emojis a lot in our day to day lives, and it is one of the better ways to communicate during texting.

The only downside to Demio’s chat window is that there is no specific section dedicated to questions and answers. If you have a lot of attendees in the webinar, then it can turn out to be a very challenging task to separate important questions from the usual chat messages.

Polls can be used for a variety of reasons during a webinar. It can be to sense what the audience thinks about a specific topic, to make the session more interesting for the attendees, or maybe a combination of both.

Demio lets you create and introduce polls in the webinar. When you publish a poll on the webinar, it appears right on top of the chat window, thus helping improve the reachability of the poll.

The tool will provide you with real-time stats for how users are interacting with the poll, and it is up to you if you want the attendees to see the results of the poll. We liked the availability of real-time stats.

Another section on the right panel is handouts. This section is for you to provide any kind of documents to the user. It can be an e-book, transcription of the course, or maybe a template for something.

You will once again get real-time stats for the document and will be able to see how many of the audience members downloaded the document.

All you need to do is upload the document in the handout section, and all your attendees will be able to get it with a single click. We usually don’t come across features like these on a webinar hosting platform, and feel it is a great addition to the host’s arsenal.

And we saved the best one for last. CTAs hold a great deal of importance in the marketing world these days, and it doesn’t take a genius to guess why. Demio allows you to introduce CTAs on the right panel under the name featured actions.

The process is simple enough. You need to give the featured action a name, provide URL, enter button text, upload an image if any, and your CTA is ready to go. It will once again appear right on top of the chat window, and you will get real-time data as to how many people responded to your call to action.

Demio is much better compared to a lot of other webinar hosting tools when it comes to interacting with the audience. The availability of a dedicated Q&A section would’ve sweetened the deal even more.

Create beautiful landing pages and send out email notifications

There is more to a webinar than just creating it. You need to have people who would attend your webinar and engage with what you have to offer.

Landing pages have now become one of the most common tools used by marketers to get visitors to respond to the call to action. One obvious way of making people register for your webinar is to have a landing page ready for the job.

A landing page differs from a usual web page in the sense that it focuses entirely on the intended call to action. There are no distractions on the page, and its features guide the visitor to the intended call to action.

Demio allows you to create landing pages for your webinars. You don’t need to leave the platform for the job, and it all can happen within the customization section of the specific webinar.

The tool takes care of all the basic needs of the host and allows one to modify the registration page to a great deal. The registration page section has two divisions. One is for you to manage the aesthetics, and another one is to modify the form fields.

The form field section allows you to add the fields you want, and there is also the option of marking these fields as required and optional. There will be a name and form field already present on the landing page by default.

Demio comes with three templates for the landing page. All three templates follow a minimalistic design and make up for good enough landing pages. Demio doesn’t provide you with a plethora of options in case of landing pages, but the available options are capable enough of getting the job done.

You can take care of branding by uploading the logo and taking care of the color scheme. If you want to make the registration a bit more appealing for users, then there are options to add videos, descriptions, and also to feature presenters of the webinar. You will find almost everything that you need to attract more attendees.

There is also the option of taking care of the social share button. You can decide what image and description will go for the webinar when someone shares the link for it on a social media platform.

With the availability of the landing page builder on the tool, you don’t need to look for a landing page building tool, and the feature helps you save a lot of time and effort.

And it is not just a landing page builder. With Demio, you might not have to get an email automation tool, as well. The email notification section on the platform allows you to send out timely reminders to the registrants to make sure they do not miss out on the webinar.

There will be email notifications already set up for instant confirmation and reminders for 24 hours before the webinar to 15 minutes before the webinar.

You can add or eliminate email from the list of email notifications, and they also allow the user to modify the content of individual emails. You can add as much of a personal touch to the notifications you want. Or you can use the prebuilt email templates, which are suitable for the job, as well.

Demio does a great job of taking care of the marketing needs of any webinar host. Absence of these features would’ve meant that one would’ve needed a landing page builder and an email automation tool. Both of which would’ve cost some money and also added up to the list of tasks.

Integrate the platform with tools that you already work with

There are hardly any standalone tools in the market. The tools are usually built for a specific operation, and more often than not, they turn out to be good at it. But the nature of work these days requires one to carry out a variety of operations, and therefore, it is getting tougher for users to rely on just one platform.

While it may not be possible for one tool to do the work of others, it can at least be compatible with other tools so that the user finds it easier to use it in conjunction with others.

Demio comes with the direct integration options with a variety of tools, most of which are email marketing tools. Webinars are often a good way to generate leads. All the leads are then usually exported to the email marketing tools, as it is where further action will take place.

The integration option would only make it an overall smoother process. You won’t have to manually copy and paste the email addresses from one tool to another, and it would also help eliminate latency.

Another kind of integration for a webinar tool can be the one for a landing page builder. Maybe you don’t prefer the kind of landing pages that Demio has got to offer. You can then easily integrate your landing page builder with Demio to get the kind of landing pages you like.

Demio would provide you direct integration options for most of the popular email marketing tools. Apart from that, you can use the Zapier integration to connect the platform with thousands of other apps.

The activity section

It’s important that you manage all your contacts carefully. In most cases, they are your prospects, form the top tier of your funnel, and responsible for bringing you the revenue in a lot of cases.

You can analyze the behavior of your current audience to predict the next right move. If you are reading the right signs, then it can not only help you improve the quality of your campaign but also to attract more attendees the next time.

The activity section of Demio is based all around the people registering for your campaign. You can use it for both pre as well as post-analysis of the the webinar.

Before the webinar session, you will be able to see the people who have registered for the campaign. You can remove them from the list or exercise the option of sending them the confirmation email once again. You can also search for specific attendees if they are too many to manage.

When it comes to post-webinar analysis, you get the percentage for how many registrants attended the campaign. You will also get to see the timestamps for when the users joined and exited the campaign.

In the case of an On-demand webinar, you can view the same data over a range of dates.

According to Demio, they will be updating the activity section in the future so that hosts can get their hands on a lot more data compared to what they are getting at the moment.


Demio is surely among the better webinar building tools for us. It isn’t because of the availability of any extraordinary feature on the platform, but because of the quality of the existing ones.

You will find most of the features on Demio that you would expect to see on a webinar platform. Creating new webinars is a simple enough task on the platform, and it provides a more engaging environment for both the host and the attendees during the webinar.

There isn’t a need to download any software or one to broadcast or view the webinar, so it is only obvious that it’s easier for the registrant to start watching the webinar. The chat window on Demio is also one of the best that we have seen on the webinar tool.

The tool takes care of landing pages and email notifications, thus making the job easier for the host. We also liked that there were enough customization options for the registration page.

You will get a lot of integration options for Demio because of Zapier, and there will be enough data in the analytics section, as well.

It comes with a trial option that doesn’t need any credit card info, and we feel that you should give this webinar hosting tool at least a try.

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