Keyword Discovery Review
Detailed Reviews
Keyword Discovery is a keyword research tool created by Trellian
Limited in 2004, which is a software company based in Beumaris,
Victoria, Australia, that focuses on providing useful tools for internet
marketers and online businesses, so that they can successfully compete
with their competitors. Some of the software created by Trellian
includes Keyword Discovery, Above.com, Direct Search Network, and
Huge Keyword Database
Other keyword
research tools may only rely on the database provided by Google, Bing,
and some other big name search engines. But, Keyword Discovery combines
the keyword data from approximately 200 search engines that are
available online. This includes regional search engines, which are
usually only available in certain countries. With this feature, you get a
huge keyword database that is the real representation of all online
activities, not just activities done with the Google search engine. The
keyword database includes global premium keyword database, industry
keywords, shopping keywords, and niche-specific keywords.
Keyword Research Features
Discovery offers a complete keyword research features that help to
improve your website ranking and attract more traffic to your website.
With competitor analysis, you can take a peek on the top traffic
websites based on each keyword, which helps to identify your main
competitors for a particular keyword. Keyword project allows you to
organize all your campaign data in the form of projects, which you can
copy, delete, and edit according to your needs. The Yahoo PPC bid tool
allows you to find some useful information regarding Yahoo PPC bid in
relation to the keywords that you have found using the software.
Keyword Research Options
Discovery provides various keyword research options, such as broad
match search, thesaurus, competitors, phrase search, domain score
search, and more. In this way, you can make variations in your research
process to obtain different results, and add them to your project. You
can also search for spelling mistakes and typos, industry categories,
related keywords, inflected form, along with useful features like adult
filter, exclude keywords, keyword manager, plural search inclusion, and
remove space search.
Comprehensive Keyword Reports
reports that are provided by the Keyword Discovery software give you
the full information regarding various things related to the search
terms that are being used worldwide. The top search term lists give you a
complete report about the top keywords that are being searched online,
and you can narrow the report to a certain search engine or region.
Exhaustive keyword lists give you a list of long tail keywords based on
the keyword that you type into the software. Keyword statistics give the
keyword trends that are differentiated by country, giving you the
information regarding how some keywords are popular in some countries
while other keywords are not. The industry-specific keyword lists
provide the list of keywords that are differentiated based on the niche
or industry for easy categorization.
the power of 200 search engines behind this software, Keyword Discovery
can become one of the most powerful and accurate keyword research tools
that you can find online. It provides comprehensive reports for each
keyword that you target, giving you more useful analytics that you can
use to improve your website ranking in the long run. The huge keyword
database allows you to get the complete data that you can find from
various search engines around the world. With the pricing plans suited
for different types of businesses, as well as reasonable pricing
options, you can pick the one that is best suited for you, without
having to break your budget.