Ryte Review
Detailed Reviews
Ryte helps improve the online performance of a website by analyzing and then optimizing its various components. This SEO tool comes with a holistic approach to help webmasters get better citations and more traffic on the website. The three different suites on Ryte focus on individual facets of search engine optimization and ensure there are no gaps in the user’s SEO strategy.
- Provides an exhaustive and comprehensive website audit.
- The content editor helps the user create better content with semantics in mind.
- Provides data in a much more useful way as compared to Google Search Console.
- Helps make sure there are no performance issues on the website.
- Not the most intuitive platform for people without technical expertise.
The online success of a website or business rests upon a lot of factors. The competition is so stiff if that one can’t afford to fail in taking care of even one of those factors.
The definition of SEO has gotten broader over the years, leaving the webmaster to take care of a lot of things. They need to manage both on-page and off-page SEO. Both these categories come with multitudes of subsections, and the grueling competitors don’t make life any easier for them.
Since it’s next to impossible to deal with all the tasks manually, SEO tools offer to help the webmasters. But having an SEO software doesn’t necessarily means top position on the results page.
Individual SEO tools are different, even though they seem to be taking the same approach. For instance, all SEO tools will analyze backlinks on your websites and even come up with suggestions. But the suggestions will vary from one tool to another. The differences will then lead to different conversion rates, different effects on domain authority, and different effects of traffic volume.
Ryte is among such SEO tools. Broadly, it has a three-dimensional approach for SEO. There are three suites on the platform, and all of them handle different subject matters.
The ‘Website Success suite’ keep the pages free of any error. The ‘Content Success suite’ helps with the content planning. And the ‘Search Success suite’ assists with the performance stats.
This review will take you through all three of these suites. It will help you decide if you like such a method better than what other SEO tools usually offer.
It will also be interesting to see if the three suites can cover entire SEO or not. We will also be focusing on the intuitiveness of the tool, as it is often difficult for beginners to get a grip on what’s happening on an SEO platform.
If you are among the beginners, then there will be things for you to learn throughout the review.
So, let’s get right into the suites and find out what Ryte offers to its almost 1 million users.
Website Success
All the keyword research, backlinks accumulation, content strategy, and similar factors won’t even come into play if you don’t have a stable website, that is indexable by search engines.
First of all, the user needs to make the website accessible for search engines. Once the user is sure that search engine crawlers have access to all necessary pages on the website, the next step would be to ensure that it’s easy for them to crawl the website.
You would also want to make sure that you present the best version of your website as the search engines have gone quite choosy these days. They don’t like a website that slows loader, has suspicious links, isn’t properly designed, etc.
The Website Success takes its own sweet time to analyze the entire website and brings out all such shortcomings on it. It will depend on the size of your website and your subscription plan as to how long it might take to generate a comprehensive report about website status.
You get the option to start with the analysis, and then you can leave the portal. Once done, they will send you an email about the completion of the process.
The suite provides and OnPage Score for the website in the overview section. The score is calculated after considering a wide range of factors related to the state of things on the website.
You might not get an impressive score for the first analysis, but the silver lining would be that you will now have information on what’s wrong with the website and how you can improve the OnPage Score.
The overview section provides a summary of website quality, content quality, and SEO. There is a score attached to all three sections, and the color-coding makes it relatively easier to identify the critical areas.
There would be some issues on the website requiring immediate attention. The ‘critical errors’ section contains all these subjects. There is an option sort the errors using different filters, allowing one to attend specific areas first.
Indexability refers to the ability of the search engine to interpret the contents of a website and add it to its index.
Search engines depend on crawlers to find out about the pages and sites on the internet. The crawlers move from one page to another and from one site to another using links. But a crawler can’t just go on any page and index it.
The webpage or the website needs to be indexable for the crawlers to interpret what’s inside them. Indexability and crawlability have slightly different meanings in the world of SEO. However, both of them have got much to do with the visibility of the site and page to the search engine.
Those pages must be indexable that you want to appear in search engine results. The same goes for assets ad images on the website. This section of Ryte focusses on all the necessary elements of the website being accessible by search engines.
It starts by telling the webmaster about everything that’s indexable on the website. You can have a glance at the different kinds of indexable documents on the website. Not all pages on the website are supposed to be indexable. It’s better to keep those pages non-indexable that deal with sensitive content.
The next section gives a distribution of the status code of different pages on the website. It refers to what happened when the tool tried to access the pages.
We felt that Ryte could’ve done a better job explaining to users about the significance of different error codes. At the moment, it might be slightly difficult for beginners to make sense out of what’s happening in the section.
The subsequent sections, such as redirects, robot.txt, pagination, and canonical, might also be overwhelming for beginners.
There is no doubt that Ryte went deep into indexability, but it seemed to forget to pay attention to the intuitiveness.
There is a Content Success suite on the platform, and it is not supposed to be confused with this sub-section. This sub-section deals with metrics associated with content on the website while the suite focuses on the essence of the content.
Search engines take almost every step possible to find the most readable and relevant content for search queries. It means anything that affects the readability of the content or affects search engine rankings.
Ryte would help you take care of some of those affairs in this section. They start with titles. Search engines do not like long titles. Duplicate titles end up confusing search engines as they find it difficult to determine which one of the content pieces might be more relevant to the search query.
So, the first section is all about taking care of the titles. It gives distribution for different title length. Some of the titles that are appropriate for desktop might be a tad bit long for mobile search results, and you might want to take care of them.
For duplicates, you get a distribution based on the number of duplicates. We feel that these should be a much bigger priority compared to the length of titles.
Even though meta descriptions don’t seem that big of a factor for search engine rankings, it can’t hurt one to keep things in order. There is a section in the suite dealing with length and duplication of meta description on the pages.
Some websites cater to a more diverse audience compared to others, and therefore, have content in multiple languages. The ‘countries and languages’ section allows the user to make sure there are no anomalies in terms of language and the target region.
The formatting of content affects readability. The appropriate use of H1s, H2s, and other fonts can have a significant impact on the page ranking. You can use the headlines section to ensure that you don’t have multiple H1s on the page, and there are enough of other headline fonts when needed.
The length of articles on webpages has always been an enticing topic for me. Popular perceptions command that long-form content is good for SEO. But, as an online content consumer, most of the time, I don’t want to indulge in long content pieces. I instead look for those that have a concise and apt response to my query.
Long pieces of content aren’t friendly towards readability, yet SEOs motivate webmasters to have long-form content on the website.
We leave it up to you to decide the length of content you would prefer. The ‘Word Statistics’ section on the suite will help you keep an eye on the word count. It even gives a count for unique words and content to code ratio for the pages.
Everyone knows that internal plagiarism can only harm the website. Yet sometimes people end up having the same content across pages. The ‘Duplicate Content’ tool helps you identify such instances on the site and stay safe from getting penalized by search engines.
The other tools on the website deal with outbound links, document type, and social previews. The usefulness of the information available on these sections may vary from user to user.
The performance of the website depends a lot on the optimization of digital assets. They affect page load speeds, which in turn relate to traffic volume and bounce rate.
If we talk about images, then it is not just the size. You also need to take care of alt text. Search engines do pay attention to these details. Your website will fare much well if there is a suitable image description rather than some random numbers, symbols, or vague information.
There are dedicated sections for images, JavaScript, and CSS on this tool. Ryte allows you to explore the files and monitor usage in different sections.
There is always an emphasis on backlinks by SEO, and rightly so. But the outbound and internal links on the website do hold some importance, as well.
They allow search engines to establish a relationship between different pages with the website, and outbound links establish a similar kind of relationship with other websites.
This tool on Ryte assists the user in ensuring that all the links on the page are in order. The overview section provides the user with a list of links present on the website. There is an OPR (On Page Rank) score associated with each of those links to help the user understand the importance of each of them.
There is also a distribution of links pointing towards different folders, different hosts, to itself, and so on. You can then inspect the anchor text of each of those sites. You can also check the ones with Nofollow and hreflang attributes.
There are sections within the tool to give the page-rank distribution. You can have a layout of click path, i.e., the number of clicks it takes to reach from homepage to that page. The tool can show you the pages without incoming links, give a distribution of status codes, show link targets, and so on.
It is difficult to find a tool that goes into so many details of links. We understand that all this information can be a bit overwhelming for some users, but we also can’t help but appreciate the presence of so many tools at our disposal.
A sitemap allows both visitors and search engine crawlers to navigate the website with ease. Usually, the more important pages are present before the other ones in the sitemap. It helps search engines to place respective value on the importance of the page. Visitors also find it easier to navigate to such pages when the sitemap is in order.
A well-structured sitemap will let search engines know about the important content on your website. It can then refer to this useful content against search queries on the engine.
The tools under the sitemap section on Ryte allow one to monitor all the different attributes related to the pages. The ‘priority settings’ and the ‘update frequency’ modules categorize the pages based on their importance under the current sitemap structure.
You can modify these settings and provide the right kind of visibility to each page on your website. Some pages show the status code of pages and files. The list goes from the pages with the highest OPR to lower. You can have a glance on the list to ensure all the critical assets are in order.
Do you remember the last time visited a webpage that was taking too long to load or the page loaded, and yet all the images took ages to render? This has happened to most of us, and generally, we end up leaving the page when it’s possible.
Since search engines have grown conscious of the kind of user experience a site provides, poor performing websites often show up in the later search results. Poor performance even sabotages the good quality content present on the website.
The ‘performance’ section analyzes the performance of all your webpages under different parameters and finds out the ones not doing so well.
It starts with load times of pages. People have a very short attention span these days. They are not going to wait for your page to load and move on to other sources. Ryte categorizes the pages under different load times.
The load time groups give the user a general sense of loading time across the website.
Compressing files and resources on the website is an efficient way to boost up the loading speed. It includes everything right from images to CSS and JavaScript files. The compression module lets the user know which of the files are zipped and which ones need some action.
The following module shows the file sizes and arranges them in a decreasing order by file size. If there are unnecessarily big files on your website, you will find them at the top. You can either compress such files or find some other way to deliver it.
URL structure
A URL is a readable interpretation of the otherwise complex IP addresses. They let humans know where the address might lead them. However, that happens only when the URL is created to make it possible for readers to comprehend them.
Having relevant keywords in the URL does help with search engine rankings, but it is usually not that big of a factor. There are a few recommendations associated with URLs to ensure better ranking.
URL should contain only lower-case characters. There might be a case of duplication when someone types in the same URL but with upper-case replacing lower case ones or vice-versa.
Even though the allowed length of a URL is 2,083 characters, it is advisable to keep it short. Ryte keeps track of URL length, GET parameters, and sub-folder counts under the URL tool.
With dynamic URLs in action, the webmasters find it easier to update webpages with new content. However, as the content gets updated on dynamic URLs, there is always a possibility of duplication. This might leave search engines confused as to which content is more important.
The GET parameters section points out such instances and allows the user to avoid duplication issues. You can then can use canonical tags to tackle the issue.
The filename module under the tool points out the instances of the use of upper-case characters. The subfolder count section gives the distribution under the number of directories per user.
The Website Success suite goes as deep as it can into the matters of what is happening on the website. Such a thorough audit should be enough to point out all the anomalies and shortcomings on the website.
It might not be easy going for beginners on the tool, and it might take them some time to figure out things under the suite. Otherwise, the suite provides a comprehensive report of the state of things on the website.
Content Success
A decade ago, search engines relied a lot on keywords and meta tags to find suitable results for users. They started to realize the issue when a lot of websites started abusing this relationship and stuffed pages with keywords.
There was no emphasis on the content around the keyword, and the relevancy of content to the search query was nowhere in the picture.
But things changed for good once Google launched its Panda update. The algorithm started focusing on the relevancy of the content rather than keywords. The update forced significant changes in search results, and users started getting more relevant results for their queries.
Subsequently, more updates strengthened the ability of the search engine to find relevant results. It is still important to have keywords within the content, but the algorithm started considering more factors to judge the relevancy of content.
The content success suite on Ryte helps the user at every step of content creation. It provides the user with keywords suggestions, and there is even an editor within the suite to provide real-time analysis of the content that the user creates.
They have divided the suite into two sections. One is to analyze the content and the other to optimize it. Let us start with the former.
To put it in simple words, this is the keyword suggestion tool from Ryte. Unlike the previous suite, Content Success seems a lot more intuitive and much easier for a beginner to handle.
The drill is simple; you enter the keyword, specify the country, region, and language, and the suite will come up with keyword suggestions based on what the top-ranking sites have on their webpages.
There are three ways they display keyword suggestions. The ‘keyword recommendations’ mode displays a list of keywords with a bar indicating the relevancy of keywords.
There a few filters to sort the suggested keywords. You get the option to list out only the most popular ones, filter them by word type, and pick between one and two-letter keyword suggestions.
They would also point out the number of times a keyword was found on pages to justify the relevancy. The ‘keyword suggestion’ mode is as simple as it gets. It essentially says that the keywords at the top are more relevant to the context.
The ‘detail mode’ section did slightly more than the previous one and put the citation metrics along with keyword suggestions. We did not find much of a difference between the first two modes other than the method of display. There was no need to mention two modes in this case. All it did is cluttered the interface.
We have a ‘competition’ mode in the end. It brings in some of the competitors and displays the relevance of keywords on their site. The dots get bigger and dark-colored for higher relevancy, telling the user which websites pay more weight to a specific keyword.
For filters, they are the same ones as they were in the case of the previous two modes. So, the only new thing this mode brought to the table was a list of competitors and the indicator for how much they like a keyword.
We hate to say this, but there seems to be nothing spectacular in Ryte’s keyword suggestion tool. This single shortcoming places it far too lower compared to other SEO tools such as WebCEO and SEOprofiler.
The tool comes up with only one and two-word keyword suggestions. Everyone knows that shorter keywords are much harder to rank for compared to longtail keywords, especially when the website does not have much online authority.
Ryte skipped the entire longtail keyword part. There weren’t even 3-word keyword suggestions. We agree that the keywords it came were highly relevant to the focus keyword. But all they displayed were obvious suggestions with high keyword difficulty, in the language of other tools.
There weren’t any relevant metrics associated with keywords. A simple indicator for relevancy can’t cut the deal anymore. There needs to be more information to help the user make a much more informed decision.
The lack of information translated into fewer filters. They offer the user to filter keywords based on word type and the degree of popularity. There aren’t many situations when one would need them.
The provision to mention country and language is going to be a lot of help for local players. We feel this is the only thing we liked about this content analyzer.
There is room for a lot of improvement in this section. They can start by introducing some metrics along with suggested keywords. It would help the user consider a lot more factors when choosing a keyword for the page.
Ryte can also get rid of unnecessary modes. They can easily remove one. It would make the platform a lot more user-friendly and allow the user to focus on the task at hand rather than going back and forth between the modes.
Ryte content editor to help the user create the most engaging and SEO-friendly content. This is what they suggest.
The editor comes with most of the formatting options that one may need while creating a web copy. The editor even allows one to add images and links to the content.
For the part in the which the editor helps make the content SEO friendly, it would provide you with keyword suggestions next to the editor. These are the same suggestion that we came across in the previous section of the suite.
The editor also shows the word-count and the approximate time needed to read the content. It will help you make sure that that the article isn’t so long that it gets boring for the reader. The usual perception around web content is that the long-form content helps increase site visibility, but one should not end up sacrificing readability for that.
We can see how the optimization section can help the user generate better content for search engines. But there is nothing revolutionary in it. The only advantage, in this case, was that the user had keyword suggestions next to the content all the time, and there are plenty of ways to achieve that.
We felt that the Content Success suite overshot while making promises. The keyword suggestion tool has some serious room for improvement. And we don’t think we will miss having this editor with its current capabilities.
Search Success
The third suite on Ryte is about monitoring all the data related to the website and analyzing it. You would first need to connect your Google Search Console account with Ryte. The tool collects all the authentic data from GSC and then displays it in a somewhat different way on its interface.
A lot of you might be already thinking about why is there a need to monitor website traffic data on this tool if it is already available on GSC. Ryte has two reasons to counter this notion.
First is that unlike GSC, they do not delete traffic data. It allows the user to broaden the horizon during research. The other reason they provide is that Ryte queries up to 5000 lines of data, whereas GSC does it only for 1000. They say it allows the user with a much better quality of data set.
Let us now review the suite itself. The first tool on the suite is keyword monitoring. It allows the user to keep a close eye on specific keywords. You can add keywords in this suite and observe the changes around them.
You can follow the stats associated with these keywords, such as clicks, impressions, and CTR. You can further categorize keywords under various labels based on page, region, language, and so on. The option to categorize them under different filters makes things so much easy on the platform.
The ‘keywords’ section of the tools deals with all the keywords on your website that appear at least once in Google search results. The keyword data comes with all kinds of data, and you can use filters to navigate through it.
You can pick a time interval and monitor how the stats associated with a specific keyword changed over time. The feature turns out to be handy when you are not sure if the current strategy is working or not.
There are also specific sections for new and lost keywords. It will help you stay on your toes and help you ensure that you emerge on the right side of things often.
The ‘distribution’ section informs the user of ranking distribution across different search engine results pages. The infographics gives the user better insight into how ranking across all the pages vary as one implies different content and marketing strategies.
There is a similar section for pages as well. The noticeable difference in this section is the presence of ‘directories.’ Local businesses can rank better than the global contenders for a specific region or location. It is because search engines respect physical proximity if it can affect the search query.
However, the business would need to let search engines recognize its local presence. One of the better ways to do it is to register the business with all the directories possible. It would not only help your business gain more attention, but you can make sure no one else can have a false claim on your business.
Search Success helps you make sure that your business has all the online presence it needs. It will list out all the popular directories where your business should be present and make sure you check in all the boxes in this regard.
This suite is good at helping the user keep track of virtually everything happening on the website.
Ryte is as detailed as an SEO tool as they come. You know the tool means business when it pours a load of information over you right in the overview section. We understand that it can be a bit overwhelming for some of the users, but it’s worth the hassle to go through the data.
The Website Success suite goes deep into the performance details of the website. Not only does it contain multiple sections, but there are also multiple parts within those, as well. We don’t think anyone would even imagine going into more details than what the suite offers.
The suite covers a wide array of issues. It even monitors server uptime for the user. It would focus on the sitemap, links, assets, content, indexability, etc., as well. It might take one a while to go through the entire suite, but you can be confident of having a website free of any peculiar performance and SEO issues in the end.
Content Success suite might not be the best tool for website content creation, but it doesn’t belong to the lower tier, as well. You will find good enough suggestions and a satisfactory editor to help you create the best possible content.
Moving on to the Search Success suite, it might not add anything new to the table in terms of information, since everything is imported from Google Search Console. But it provides the user with a lot of fresh perspectives and ways to look at the information.
Ryte comes with a trial offer if you are willing to register with a credit card. We would encourage you to ahead an try out the tool yourself and find out if it suits your needs.