Searchmetrics Suite

Searchmetrics Suite Review

By: Searchmetrics
Based on 10 Votes

Detailed Reviews

SearchMetrics is heavily focused on SEO and will have little significance to a marketer who swears by pay per click. By leveraging their abilities towards one component of internet marketing they have certainly mastered the SEO sector.

boasts brands like eBay and Symantec on their home page as clients which stands testimony to the effectiveness of their service.

Content Optimization and Marketing

As we head for 2015, the days for manipulating search rankings with backlinks and inflated page rank is over; it’s all about the content! SearchMetrics provides insights on how to structure and write content that will be well receptive with search engines as well as your site readers. SearchMetrics also gets to the point by providing details on how to deliver content that will sell.

Website Optimization

The above component goes hand in hand with this feature. SearchMetrics gets their very own spiders to get to the bottom of your website’s code and structure your content and layout in a manner that will make it easy for search engines to find and trust your content.


SearchMetrics has a dedicated Mobile SEO section to capture the mobile market which is currently the fastest growing segment online. With mobile SEO, you can develop mobile-friendly pages and content to rival competitors and stay on top of your game on all platforms. Take a look at the big picture and compare relative traffic to find out how mobile is catching up.

Backlink Data

Keep a track of inbound and outbound links. Create an extensive link network within your site as well as externally. You can also keep a track of links that are lost as well as where the links come from. Identify important patterns to strengthen your link capacity.

Social Media Research

Social media is the next big thing in terms of SEO as search engines are now heavily relying on a social presence for ranking. SearchMetrics keeps a track of your social presence across all the popular platforms. Keep a track of important metrics related to social websites such as number of visitors arriving via social media websites as well as brand perception based on social mentions.

International SEO

An important benefit of SearchMetrics, acquire search statistics from two dozen countries. Of course, you may not need all this data but you can opt to broaden your reach one country at a time with this useful data.

PPC Research

As mentioned before, PPC is not their strong suite but nevertheless they provide a few useful tools if you are looking to simultaneously run a PPC campaign with your SEO efforts. SearchMetrics puts your PPC data side by side with organic traffic to understand the results and behavior of the two types of traffic. They also provide useful information about competitors’ campaigns which can be replicated in yours.


SearchMetrics is quite cryptic about their pricing on their website which sets off an alarm that it may be on the higher side but further investigation will reveal that their base package costs just $70 a month for a host of valuable features. Of course, it may not be enough if you are running a network of websites or if you are an SEO but for individuals, it is plenty to work with.

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