Swell Investing

Swell Investing Review

By: Swell Investing LLC

Detailed Reviews

Swell Investing is an online trading platform provided by Swell Investing LLC, an investment platform founded in 2015 and based in Newport Beach, California, USA. The focus of the company is to help traders and investors to invest in companies that matter the most to them and for the world, delivering profit as well as purpose in their investment. The company offers the portfolio of stocks that belong to companies that help to make the world a better place, spanning from renewable energy to disease eradication markets.

Low Initial Deposit, Low Annual Fee, And No Price Per Trade

When compared to other similar trading platforms, Swell Investing offers low initial deposit, low annual fee, and no price per trade. Other platforms might have a high initial deposit, high annual fee with additional and hidden fees, and a fixed price per trade. So, in terms of pricing, this platform offers investment services that are way better than the competitors. With this feature, anyone can become a trader or investor on this platform, and they can make the world a better place by doing that. This is because this platform only focuses on trading stocks for high impact and positive companies.

Invest Only In Companies That Make Positive Impact To The World

Trading on this platform is not a matter of earning as much profits as possible. It is a matter of earning profits while making positive changes in the world. This platform provides stocks that belong to companies in various markets, which have a main purpose of either solving world problems or making the world a better place. These companies include renewable energy, green tech, disease eradication, clean water, zero waste, and healthy living companies. The investors of this platform can help these companies grow and make a better impact to the world.

Professionally-Managed Portfolio With High Impact

With Swell Investing, you can manage your investment portfolio professionally, which helps you to minimize the risk in your investment. Each portfolio is intelligently optimized to ensure that you get the best return on your investment, with regular re-balancing quarterly. Also, since the focus of the platform is to help positive companies to make a better impact in this world, the platform has the filtering system that removes bad companies from being displayed within the company portfolio. In this way, every investor can only invest in positive and high impact companies and contribute to their growth and development.

Company Cards With Full Information For Each Company

Each company that is available to invest in the Swell Investing platform has company cards that you can read before you decide to invest in it. Each company card has the full information about the company, so that you know each company profile before you make any investing decision. You can also know the exact reason why you should invest on each company, and what impact that you can bring to the world if you do so. With this system, you no longer invest in companies that you know nothing about. You only invest in companies that you know what they are doing, as well as what they are contributing to the world.

Automatic Dividend Reinvestment

With the investment that you make using this platform, you can enjoy the continuous building of your dividends, since the dividends that are lower than $1 can be reinvested automatically. It means that you can profit from your investment incrementally, depending on the dividends that you earn from your investment. The more dividends that you have, the more revenue that you can have, and it builds up toward your initial deposit. You can either withdraw your deposit or reinvest your investment again anytime you need.


Swell Investing is an online trading platform that allows investors and traders not only to profit from their investment, but also to have a purpose in their investment. The platform gives a list of companies to invest in, with each company having a company card that contains full information about the company. In this way, traders can know exactly where their money is headed, and what impact that they can make in the world. It also offers a professionally-managed portfolio that ensures your investment to be profitable and reduce your risk. Best of all, the pricing plan offered by this platform is one of the best in the market, as it offers low minimum deposit, low annual fee, and no trading fees.

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