TD Ameritrade

TD Ameritrade Review

By: TD Ameritrade, Inc. From USA

Detailed Reviews

TD Ameritrade is an online stock trading company founded in 1994 and based in Omaha, Nebraska, USA. The company provides various products and services related to financial technologies, as well as stock trading brokerage services for traders and investors in the United States. The investment products offered by this company include stocks, managed portfolios, futures, Forex, mutual funds, annuities, cash management, and more.

Fixed Online Stock Trading Fee Without Minimum Requirements

The good thing about TD Ameritrade is that it has the fixed pricing scheme that gives the users the flexibility that they need in their investment, since there is no minimum requirements for online orders. It means that no matter how much stocks that you want to buy, you can buy it using this platform without having to worry about the number of orders that you need to make. You can simply order one or a hundred stocks easily using this platform. And since the fee is fixed, with no additional fees for online trading, then it means that you know exactly how much you need to pay per trade, and thus, you can plan your investment easily.

Independent Research That Can Be Conducted For Free

Investing and stock trading are the kinds of business that need constant planning and calculations, since it usually places your investment in a high-risk environment. So, it is always better to conduct some researches before you actually spend some money to buy stocks, so that you know which investment is good and which is not. The best research is the one that can be conducted independently, so that you know that the results are accurate. Fortunately, this platform offers an independent research tool that you can use for free, meaning that you can test your investment before you actually put money on it without paying any additional expenses.

Intelligent Order Routing With No Subscription Fee

TD Ameritrade is a powerful trading platform that you can use to place stock orders unlike any other platforms. This is because it has an intelligent order routing that allows you to place your order quickly and intelligently, so that you can get your stocks at the best price possible. This feature is embedded into the platform, and it has been helping the traders and investors to get the best value for their investment. Whatever stock that you need to buy, you can get it quickly, and at the best price that is offered to you. Moreover, the platform doesn’t require any subscription fee, since it has a fixed price plan per trade.

Free And Powerful Stock Trading Tools Available

Your online trading activities cannot be successful without the help of trading tools that keep track of your investment every second. This platform allows you to use the free and powerful stock trading tools with the best technology available for each stock trading activity that you conduct with this platform. It means that there is no need for you to use third-party tools just to monitor your investment and take the right decision for it. The tools can be used by any level of traders, which are available on desktop, browser, and mobile platforms.

Investment Guidance With Progress Tracker

TD Ameritrade also offers investors and traders the investment guidance that they need. So, whatever investment goal that you need to reach with this platform, you can easily put your goal in action with this platform. The platform can help you to devise the best ways to reach your goals with your investment. You can either plan your investment yourself or ask one of the experts to help you fulfill your goal. Best of all, it comes with the progress tracker, which helps you to measure the level of success of your investment plan.


When it comes to online stock trading, TD Ameritrade takes care of its users really well. The platform offers a complete online stock trading solution for any level of traders and investors, whether beginners or experts. With this platform, you can trade with confidence and plan your investment goals easily. You also get powerful trading tools that you can use with any device, allowing you to monitor your investment anytime and anywhere. It also has an intelligent order routing system that ensures all of your stock purchases are executed quickly, so that you get the best possible value for your investment.

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