
Wishpond Review

By: Wishpond Technologies Ltd From Canada
Based on 10 Votes

Detailed Reviews

Marketing a product or service is just as important as making sure that the service or the product is among the best in the class. There are more components to marketing now than ever. It is, therefore, necessary that one picks the right tool when it comes to marketing. Wishpond helps users with lead generation, email automation, and various other kinds of marketing campaigns. The platform tries to provide a comprehensive solution to all the marketing needs of a user. However, it may be particularly better on some fronts as compared to others.


  • Allows one to create landing pages for all sorts of purposes.
  • Provides multiple templates based on needs and niches.
  • Multiple options for lead generation campaigns.
  • Integrates with a lot of other tools.
  • Provides detailed analytics for better monitoring.
  • The email marketing portion comes with a lot of automation options.
  • Easy to manage all the pages and from a single interface.


  • Email automation part can see some improvements.


There can be many ways to get more customers and clients. It can be by getting them as a lead and then nurturing them into a customer using specific content. It can be by highlighting the pros of your service or products such that it is difficult for the viewer to resist what you are offering.

Whatever method you choose, there can be many ways to go about the process. There can be many ways to generate leads, and there can be many ways to promote the service.

The availability of so many options for marketing is what makes it difficult and easy at the same time. If you have the proper knowledge of how and when to use a specific method, then you might quickly get some traction, given the product/service you are offering is good enough.

It is not much of a difficult task to learn when to use a particular marketing process, but the implementation part can be a curveball. This is where marketing automation tools such as Wishpond come into the picture.

Since there are so many marketing processes, it is only apparent that there are specialized tools to take care of these processes. You will find tools which deal exclusively with email automation, there are ones built specifically for lead generation, and there are also ones to deal with opt-ins.

One noticeable attribute of Wishpond is that it brings in most of these processes under one umbrella. You can use this platform to create opt-ins and generate leads. You can create pop-ups, landing pages, and other kinds of form for the purpose.

Once you have the leads, you can use the email automation on the same platform to reach out to leads and possibly turn them into clients.

The features point toward this tool being a potential one-stop solution for marketing needs of users. This review is going to be all about answering that question.

It takes more than just having the features to be the preferable choice of users. The tool needs to be as good as the top-tier ones in the category. We will go through all the sections of Wishpond and try to find out if all of them are equally good.

What they have got to offer

Most of us have some sense of what landing pages are and what they do. The idea is to block out the distractions and provide the user what she needs.

The homepage of a website would contain all sorts of information about the business or service. There will be numerous links to various sections of the website, which help user get some more information. The focus would be on introducing the user to the service or product under a positive light.

But not everyone is interested in going through long pieces of literature or jump from one webpage to another when they already know what they want.

Landing pages straightaway offer the user what he wants. There will be some information and content of the page for sure, but the primary focus would be of converting the lead into a client, in most cases.

The increasing use of Landing pages by businesses and websites is an indicator of how good are landing pages when it comes to getting more sales or clients.

The thing which seems to be working in favor of landing pages is the fact that they get rid of all the possible distractions.

The same principle can be used in campaigns which aren’t directly linked to getting more sales or clients. One can create sign-up pages for a lead generation campaign, a contest page to get more traffic, etc.

Wishpond allows the user to create Landing pages and other similar kinds of campaigns. All of them will allow you to make it easier for the viewer to respond to the intended call-to-action.

Along with landing pages, we have got pop-ups, opt-in bars, forms, contests, etc. to deal with on this platform.

The platform allows one to sort everything based on various industries. For instance, if you choose the Fitness and Health section, you will get templates from all the page and form types related to the health and wellness industry.

The featured templates will include landing pages, popups, bonus entry sweepstakes, and every possible kind of marketing tool that Wishpond has got to offer. This option to sort content based on industries gives one the opportunity to be flexible with the marketing strategy and weigh the different options before implementing one or many of them.

Let us go through some of them and try to find out how Wishpond can help you grow the business and reach.

Landing Pages

Helping users create impressive and effective landing pages is one of the markers of Wishpond. They provide the user with an easy and intuitive way to publish landing pages.

Most of the landing pages out there on the internet have been created to get more sales. However, you can use it for a variety of other purposes. Landing pages can help you get more clients, gather entries for a contest, sell courses, and a lot more.

The process of creating a landing page for all these different purposes is same and remarkably easy on this platform.

Let us begin with the designing part.

Wishpond will offer you a lot of template options to choose from. The templates contain various kinds of layouts, button positions, backgrounds, end goals, etc.


You can either try looking for a suitable template based on your purpose, or you can pick the one which looks the best to you. There is always the option to modify the end goal within the template during the editing part.

The part we liked the most is that the majority of the templates had something unique to offer. The options were there not just for the sake of it. The differences among any two templates were significant.

Once you pick the template of your liking, you will reach the landing page editor. The first thing you will notice about the editor is that there are no unnecessary panels.

There is only one panel at the top of the editor. Rest of the space is the landing page itself. So, as you edit the landing page, you will always have a preview of how the landing page will look in the end.

The editor allows you to click on any element or section of the page to edit. You get to see all the editing options available for that particular item. If it is text, then you can edit it, if it is an image, you can modify it, and so on.


Wishpond offers a drag-and-drop editor, which allows one to move the sections and elements with ease.

It is not as if you get to modify only what’s already available on the template. The ‘Add content’ button allows one to add almost anything and everything that one can think of adding on a landing page.

There are listings for text, rows, column, social buttons, timer, space, HTML, map, etc. All you need to do is drag the element from the tab to an appropriate place on the landing page.


The freedom to add custom HTML and CSS brings so much more to the table, as well. You can also add logos and favicons to the page to put the brand forward.

Apart from the button to add elements, there is also one to take care of design elements of the page. You can use this one to manage background and design aspects of various sections of the landing page.

You can switch from the main page to the thank you page to edit it and make sure everything is in order.

Wishpond lets users create responsive landing pages. You can switch between three different aspect ratios to find out how the page will look in each of them.


There is nothing complicated when you design a landing page on this tool. Things are as simple as they can be, and if you a clear idea of what you want to create, then it is only a matter of minutes that you get the kind of landing page you wanted.

There are a few buttons on the top panel which allow one to get deeper into managing various aspects around the landing page.

The first button on that tab is ‘Support.’ It will provide you tutorial videos, knowledgebase section, and other modes of help to assist you with creating the best landing page. There is also an option to chat directly with support executives of Wishpond if you get stuck somewhere.

The second, and probably the most useful, tab on the panel is A/B testing. It is a tough task to get into the mind of a viewer. You never know what they may like and what can repel them away.

It is only after you have published the landing page that you get to know if the audience is liking it or not. If they like it, then it is all good, but if they don’t then you may end up sabotaging the whole campaign.

The best way to move forward in such a scenario is to have various options at your disposal, test them out, and use the one which yields better results in the end.

A/B testing allows one to do precisely this. You don’t need to rely only on one kind of landing page. If you are not sure between placement of elements, texts, images, etc. then you can create multiple pages so that all the variations are taken care of.


You can then launch the variations and wait for some time so that you have significant data to point out which one is doing better. At the end of the period, you can remove the poor performer and let the better performer take charge of the campaign.

The analytics section on the tool helps you identify which version is working better. We will discuss more about analytics and reports in later parts of the review.

The ‘Settings’ button on the top panel provides the user with the option to take care of several aspects related to the landing page. It has an SEO settings section to let you manage the title and description of the page.


The Share settings buttons allow one to take care of the title, description and heading of the page for sharing on social media websites such as Facebook and LinkedIn.

You can take care of analytics around the page through other platforms. All you need to do will be to paste the tracking code. The analytics/tracking code button helps with this part.

Similarly, there are buttons for referral settings, EU visitor settings, editor settings, etc. The tab provides you a whole range of options to take care of even the minutest of details related to the page.

Finally, there is a tab for publishing options. Wishpond gives user the freedom to publish the landing page almost anywhere. The default option publishes the landing page on Wishpond subdomain.


However, one can publish it on a custom domain, on a Facebook page, or even embed it on any webpage.

The range of options available for all the sections on this platform is commendable. One can be as thorough as she wants while creating a landing page or be as quick as possible and skim through the entire process. In any case, Wishpond lets you create excellent landing pages.


While landing pages allow one to create an avenue other than the homepage to encourage the visitor to respond to your call-to-action, popups are among the easiest and the most efficient ways to manage marketing campaigns.

Having said that, landing pages are still the best way to acquire more sales and customers. But there is more to a marketing campaign other than directly going for the sales.

Most of the times, it is tougher to get leads in the first place. One needs to find those who might be interested in getting involved with his service first, only then you can successfully nurture a lead into a customer.

Common sense would tell you that those who visit your website are as good of a lead as they come. All you need to do is find a way to establish some sort of communication channel with these visitors.

This is where popups can come into the picture. It is one of the best ways to gather leads. And it is not just leads. You can use a popup to inform visitors about sales and discounts, collect entries for seminars, etc.

A popup can serve a lot of purposes, depending on how well you can use it. As it was in the case of landing pages, Wishpond provides the user with a lot of template options for popups.

Some of them are to invite users to join mailing lists, some to notify visitors about discounts, some for distributing free courses, etc.

Once again, you can either pick a template based on its purpose, or you can go for the one which looks better. Once you reach the editor, you can modify it the way you want.


You will get the same editor to customize the popup as you got in the case of landing pages. The only difference will be that popups are relatively smaller in size, hence much easier to manage.

Popups are supposed to carry out the message clearly and motivate the user to act with the intended call to action, hence, there is no point of filling the small space with a lot of elements unnecessarily.

It might be tempting to use the editor to stuff the popup with all sorts of buttons, items, and sections, but one should only include what’s necessary.

Wishpond lets one take care of the thank you page in case of popups too. All the buttons on the top panel are the same as the previous case. You can see how the popup will look like on screens with different aspect ratios, carry out A/B testing, take care of conversion tracking, etc.

Everything is virtually the same during the editing part. The difference will be there when you need to decide where and how do you want the popup to appear.

You can mention the website on which you want the popup to appear and choose if it is going to be on every other page on the website or only on selected ones.

One can move on to triggers for the popup once they decide where the popup will appear. It can be when a visitor arrives on the page, clicks on a link, scrolls down the page, trigger javascript, etc.

For options of showing the popup when someone is scrolling down the page or when the visitor has spent some time on the page, present you with some more specific choices.


You can specify the percentage of the page visitor has scrolled before the popup appears, or the time visitor has spent on the website before which the popup appears.

For other triggers, you get to choose the frequency of appearance. Finally, there are checkboxes to hide the popup from mobile devices and devices of existing leads, respectively.

You will have to integrate the Wishpond with your website for the popup to appear on it. There are multiple ways to go about it. You can embed the code on your website. If you have a WordPress or Shopify website, you can use the respective integrations to do the same.

Once the popup is live, the analytics section will tell you all there is to know about the popup’s performance.

Sweepstakes and bonus entry sweepstakes

Sweepstakes are a great way to attract some traffic and gather leads from them. A sweepstake offers everyone an equal chance of winning when they participate in it.

It does not require much effort from the participant, and it is one of the reasons that viewers usually don’t mind in getting involved in them.

Wishpond allows users to create pages for sweepstakes in no time. When you start building a sweepstake, the platform will once again give you a lot of template options.


It is apparent that all these templates factor in all the designs and layouts that one can possibly think of using in a sweepstake page.

The editor you get this time is going to be slightly different from what we saw in the previous two cases. The ‘design’ and ‘add element’ buttons are not going to be present on the canvas this time, and the top panel will not have as many buttons as it was in the case of editor for landing pages and popups.

However, it won’t cut down on your editing abilities very much. You can still create a page the way you want it to be. A sweepstake does not require many elements anyway. Therefore, it makes all the sense in the world to have minimalistic editor for it.


You will still have the ability to select elements if you want to modify or customize them. You can click on the background to change it, select columns and text to format them, and so on. Each sweepstake will come with a timer, and it will be up to you to decide what kind of information you will collect to allow a visitor to participate.

The editor lets one deal with visuals and aesthetics of the sweepstake page, for everything else, there is the advanced options section. You can make it compulsory for one to login with social media handles to enter the contest, imply CAPTCHA, show entry count, choose if a user can enter the sweepstake only once or multiple times, etc.

Wishpond won’t leave you unassisted in any case. You will get to edit everything that you possibly can for a sweepstakes page.

While regular sweepstakes are all nice and good, one can always use bonus entry sweepstakes to achieve more than just lead generation.

Wishpond allows the user to create bonus entry sweepstakes. These ones help users to improve their chances of winning by making little bit of an extra effort.

You can introduce bonus actions such as sharing content across social media websites, adding comments, sharing links with friends, etc.

The editor for any bonus entry sweepstake is same as what we saw in case of landing pages. It allows the user to add elements on the page. You can add social share buttons, copy link buttons, etc.

The platform allows one to assign points to each action. Therefore, by completing every step, the user increases her chances of winning prizes.


Bonus entry sweepstake is an excellent way of taking help of the viewer to get more traffic and visibility and returning something to the viewer in return.

You will be able to see points accumulated by users on the dashboard for the sweepstake, thus making it easier for you to pick the winner(s).

Both regular sweepstake pages and bonus entry sweepstake pages can add a lot of value to your lead generation campaigns.

Contests of all kinds

Before we get into explaining the different types of contests you can launch from this platform, let us first try to understand the subtle difference between a contest and a sweepstake.

All that a sweepstake require from the participant is to register in it. There is no need for anything else to have a chance of winning a prize. On the other hand, contest does require the user to make some effort. Depending on the kind of competition it is, the user will have to offer a solid case to be able to win the prize.

Wishpond offers a wide array of choices when it comes to creating contest pages. You can have a leaderboard contest, photo contest, video contest, vote contest, essay contest, etc.


The names of all these contests signify what they are about, and all of them are great tools for any lead generation campaign. One advantage that contests have over sweepstakes is that participants of a contest make for a much better-quality lead compared to those of a sweepstake.

The fact that a viewer is participating in the contest and making some effort suggests that he has already got some interest in the product or service.

It is a straightforward process to create a contest page. You can select the type you want to have, choose an appropriate template, and reach the editor.

The editor for contest pages is the same that we came across in case of regular sweepstakes. It won’t allow one to add a whole lot of elements to the page, but everything is customizable.

Depending on the kind of contest it is, there will be a section to add Instagram photos, add videos, add essays, etc. The editing part for all the contests is pretty much the same and provides the user with a lot of options.

As you proceed to the advanced settings option, you will be able to manage other things related to the contest. It allows you to take care of the entry settings, introduce moderation if necessary, and manage a whole lot of other facets of the contest.

A contest can be a valuable asset for any lead generation campaign if appropriately used. When used correctly, they will not only help you get more leads, but you can get significantly more traffic with the right kind of contests.

Opt-in bar, welcome mat, coupon and more

Lead generation and marketing campaigns are getting as diverse as they can. In such a scenario, one can’t rely on only a few page types to get more leads or exposure.

We have already discussed some of the prominent tools when it comes to marketing, yet there are so many more to consider.

It is entirely circumstantial as to which method may work well for you. Therefore, it is a good idea to have all the tricks up your sleeve and use the ones which are more appropriate for the situation.

Wishpond allows you to have opt-in bars, forms, coupons, call to actions, and many more methods in your campaigns.

Forms can be used to collect inputs from both viewers and internally within the organization. Opt-in bars may work well for you if you don’t want to be too pushy with the campaign and don’t want to mess with user’s experience of the sight, as well.

They are a great way to boost up the business and invite users to interact with the service.

Creating all of these pages and forms is as simple as it was in the previous cases. You will get the same kind of functionality and flexibility with these pages.

The crux is that Wishpond provides you with pretty much everything that you may need for the campaign.

Email automation

So far, we came across the different methods and pages you can use for lead generation. Now is the time to discuss what happens once you have contacts of all these potential customers and clients.

The next step would be to reach out to these people. You will be sending out relevant emails to all these contacts. It can be to inform them about new products, to promote a new service, to send out coupons, to notify them about a new blog post, etc.

Most marketing and lead generation campaigns involve the use of different tools for lead generation and email automation, respectively. However, Wishpond seems to be eager to provide a comprehensive solution for the marketing needs of a user.

It not only helps one with landing pages and lead generation in so many ways, it has also got a dedicated email automation section.

Wishpond allows one to save all the leads under various lists, gathered through all the lead generation campaigns. Having your email lists organized in the first place helps save a lot of time later when you are about to send out emails.

There are two ways you can use Wishpond to send out emails. One way is to create emails and then send it to select lists, and the other way is to set up an automated workflow such that each time the workflow condition is satisfied, the email goes out automatically.


Either way, you will have to first take care of the conditions which are responsible for the email. For instance, if it is a usual email, you will need to either choose a list which will get the email or select a property from recipients, pick an attribute such as page view to determine who will get the email.

In the case of automated workflows, you will have to mark an event along with choosing a property related to recipients. The initial email setup may seem a bit tricky to some users, but once you get aware of properties and conditions, it becomes a walk in the park.

Usually, email automation tools allow users to create segments for leads. Segments consist of properties which may vary for a contact along with time or actions. Having segments frees you from the task of manually picking up contacts or moving them from one list to another.

For instance, if you are setting up an automated email for new subscribers, you would want only those people to get the email who have subscribed to the email recently, and never get it again.

A segment would allow you to do that without the need of moving a single contact from one list to another. Things would have been a bit easier if there were a provision for segments on Wishpond.

The platform provides plenty of templates when it comes to choosing the kind of email you want to send. You are likely to find a sample email for all the possible scenarios.

The editing part is relatively simple, as well. Wishpond provides a drag and drop editor to create engaging emails. You can add sections, videos, embed codes, etc. There is pretty much everything that you would want while creating emails.

For email automation, Wishpond comes with a few workflow processes. You can have calendar date-based workflow, welcome emails, hot leads segments, cart abandonment, sales lead follow-up, and a standard workflow process.


All the above-mentioned workflow processes, except the last one, do what their names suggest. If your specific need matches what they have got to offer, then you are at luck. If not, then you can make use of the standard workflow option to create a custom process for you.

Wishpond may not offer the best email automation that you can get out there, but it surely does provide one which can do the job. If you are only new to email marketing, then it is possible that this platform will have everything that you may need.

For those with more advanced needs, there are plenty of integration options to take care of not just email automation but a lot of other marketing processes, as well.


Marketing has become such a diverse field that it is incredibly challenging to find a stand-alone product which may take care of all the processes. Wishpond is among the very few products which try to get the tag.

Even though Wishpond takes care of such a large variety of tasks and actions, there is still so much to do when it comes to marketing.

It is also possible that a person using this tool may like only one of the many features that it has got to offer. In such a case, it will do only good for the product if it is integrable with other marketing and automation tools.

A lot of people go for Wishpond because they like the landing pages section on this tool. For other needs and requirements, they refer to some other avenues.

This platform provides ample integration options that it doesn’t matter if you are using only a part of the tools and want to use other tools for remaining tasks or if you wish to have some integration options to take care of other aspects of the campaign.

You can establish both direct and indirect integration channels with other tools in the market. For CRM software, there are plenty of popular options such as Insightly, Salesforce, Base CRM, Clio, etc. to make the lead capturing process much easier for the user.

If you are using Wishpond for lead generation and want to take help of some other platform to send out emails, then you won’t be disappointed once again. 

Wishpond integrates directly with top tier email automation tools such as MailChimp, AWeber, Constant Contact, etc. You can sync all the lead generation campaigns with these tools so that email lists keep getting updated accordingly and you need to worry much about the emails.

There are integration options for helpdesk apps, webinar apps, survey apps, phone & SMS apps, live chat apps, e-commerce integrations and so much more available for the users.

There are so many marketing tools and applications available out there that it is almost impossible for any platform to have a direct integration option for all of them. For such cases, the Zapier integration for Wishpond may come in handy.

One can use it to integrate more than 500 other applications with this tool. Wishpond has pretty much got it covered if we talk about third-party integrations.

Reports and Analytics

Launching a marketing campaign and introducing various pages and forms on the internet is just one part of the whole process. One needs to ensure that the efforts lead to some positive results, as well.

All it needs is some close monitoring in the initial stages to ensure things are moving in the right direction, and some laid-back monitoring at later stages to ensure things keep working the way they are.

There are multiple ways for the user to go about the monitoring part. There are options to integrate Wishpond with analytics tools such as Google Analytics and Facebook Ads Pixel.

You can also get a performance report of all the forms and pages of campaigns on the Wishpond dashboard. The user can choose one or many of these ways to take care of the analytics part.


All of us are aware of the analytical capabilities of third-party tools. Let us have a look at what information will be available at the user’s disposal via Wishpond.

Wishpond tracks the traffic on the pages and presents you with data such as views, unique views, conversions, conversion rate, user demographics, etc.

You can vary the time frame of the data as per your requirement and decide if you want to have a look at the broader picture or want the minute details.

Stats such as views and conversion rate as good of an indicator of the campaign’s health as anything. You can get into the leads section and have a look at various user properties. It can help you know what kind of audience is reacting best to your campaign.

The pageviews help one know which pages are getting better traffic and help understand what is it that the viewers like.

Wishpond comes with enough provisions for one to smoothly go about the monitoring process.


There are a lot of ways to give a verdict about Wishpond in the end. It will be different if we consider all the features of the platform collectively compared to if we pick out individual facets.

Let us begin with what’s the best part of this tool. Wishpond is among the better tools available out there for landing pages. There are plenty of options at every step of the way right from the part when you pick a template and all the way up to the part when you need to publish the page.

The lead generation section is also as good as landing pages. The variety of options translate into the variety of ways that the user has to go about the campaign, which only makes it easier reaching the end goal.

The email automation part was satisfactory but not as good as what a lot of prominent products of the category have got to offer. It will do the job good enough for you, but as your needs get more and more complex, you may want to have a look at some other options.

They provided enough integration options for one to make the most out all the campaigns and automations without the need to put in a lot of effort. The integrations include analytics tools, which help a lot with monitoring along with the stats section on the platform itself.

Wishpond is an excellent asset for anyone who is already into or getting into online marketing. It is definitely worth a try, in our opinion.

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