Social Network Software

Social network software can help in variety of ways to make communication possible online. Enterprise and small companies can use these software to built an effective communication within their employees. Many of these software even allow to chat live, message privately or publicly, discuss and much more. Here is the list of leading software.


SocialEngine allows you to create social networking websites that you can customize according to your needs.

By: Webligo Developments, LLC From USA
Based on 10 Votes


Yammer provides a private social networking platform that allows you to connect your employees across locations and departments.

By: Yammer, Inc. From USA
Based on 39 Votes


Bitrix24 is a social networking software for companies and organizations, which allows you to unite your company into one internal social networking platform.

By: Bitrix, Inc. From USA
Based on 40 Votes


Hoopla allows you to create your own community, which gives you full control an easy customization.

By: Social Strata, Inc. From USA
Based on 19 Votes


Nimble is a smart and simple social CRM platform that allows easier social selling process.

By: Nimble Software, LLC From USA
Based on 130 Votes


Chatter is an internal social networking platform for your employees, allowing you to collaborate all employee data in one place.

By:, inc From USA
Based on 61 Votes


Ning allows you to create your own social network for your brand or community.

By: Ning, Inc. From USA
Based on 12 Votes


BuddyPress is a social networking software built for the WordPress platform, allowing you to create your own social networking platform.

By: Automattic Inc.
Based on 6 Votes

Zoho Connect

Zoho Connect is a social crm for enterprises and teams. It offers...

By: Zoho Corporation Pvt. Ltd. From India
Based on 9 Votes


Elgg is an open-source social networking engine that helps to build social applications for your business.

By: Elgg Foundation
Based on 1 Vote


HumHub is an open-source social network kit that is designed to be flexible, open, and secure.

By: HumHub GmbH & Co. KG From Germany


PHPfox is a social networking software that allows you to create a custom social networking platform for businesses, organizations, startups, and interest groups.

By: Benc Enterprises AB
Based on 37 Votes


Oxwall is an open-source community software that allows you to build social networks, fan sites, community sites, or educational projects.

By: Oxwall Foundation
Based on 2 Votes


JomSocial is a Joomla-based community software that allows you to turn your Joomla website into a social networking platform.

By: iJoomla, Inc. From Indonesia
Based on 8 Votes


Socialcast helps to connect the community within your company or organization, so that you can work smarter together.

By: VMWare, Inc. From USA


Jcow is a social networking software that allows you to create specialized niche social network or community websites.

By: From China


webNetwork allows you to create your own social networking website, which you can host on your server or on the cloud.

By: Web Scribble Solutions, Inc. From USA


Socialtext is a social software that allows you to create a collaboration platform for your business.

By: Socialtext, Inc. From USA
Based on 1 Vote


SocialGo allows you to create your own social networking platform for your community, with personalized and fully customizable social website.

By: SocialGO PLC From UK
Based on 1 Vote


Zyncro is an enterprise social network software designed for collaboration, integration, and mobility.

By: Zyncro Tech S.L. From USA


Jamroom provides a community CMS platform that you can run on your own server.

By: Talldude Networks, LLC From USA
Based on 6 Votes


mooSocial is a social network software with full features required to help you build a successful community.

By: SocialLOFT Co., LTD From USA
Based on 9 Votes


Tibbr provides a social network for business which allows you to connect people, tasks, content, apps, and discussion in one simple platform.

By: TIBCO Software Inc. From USA
Based on 16 Votes

Boonex Dolphin

Boonex Dolphin Pro is a comprehensive social media software with complete features and add-on modules.

By: BoonEx Pty Ltd From Australia


phpDolphin allows you to create your own social network or online community without any programming knowledge.

By: From Romania


Sharetronix is a top-rated collaboration software that allows you to create your own private social networking platform for your business.

By: Sharetronix LLC From USA

Evoq Engage

Evoq Engage allows you to build a customer fan base for your business, which helps to nurture customer loyalty for your brand.

By: DNN Corp. From USA


Crea8socialPRO is a Social Networking Platform in the world with complete features you need to create an amazing community with little or no technical experience.

By: pRocrea8 Technology Solutions Limited From Nigeria
Based on 10 Votes

Lithium Online Communities

Lithium is an integrated social software that allows you to use social conversations to grow your brand.

By: Lithium Technologies Inc From USA


Picsplore is a brand new Location Based Social Network, we present users with a feed of trending tags happening locally so that they never miss a thing! Our users can see the most lively bar, the big local concert, the most popular vineyard, really it can really be anything.

By: Tomzach Inc. From USA

Social Network Software Buying Guide

Social networking software allow creating an interactive and visually appealing social site. They can be acquired online or can be downloadable for hosting on your server with little effort as well as time. However, before you do so, it is essential to ensure that the social networking software has all that you need.

Purpose of Social Network Website

When you select a right software, you should check a purpose why you want to create a social network. Networks like Facebook, Linkedin or Google Plus already have tons of features to offer and are used by millions of users. They have very sophisticated infrastructure to offer best possible user experience to their users.

When you select a social network software, most probably you want to create it as a private community with as much control as you can have. This could be a private network in your company, school or any other organization with all privacy controls in your hand.

There is no point in having a software that offers too many or less features than what you need, because that means you will end up investing in a wrong software or product that either has least useful stuff for which you paid extra or lacks some essential features that cannot fulfill all your needs.

Because there are several social network software available in the market, it is essential to choose the most useful one as per your business or personal needs. For that, you will have to map the features to your needs or requirements. Therefore, here are some most useful features to look for!

Cloud versus Self-hosted

Most modern software are available in these two versions. If you already a Web server hosting your site, you can choose a self-hosted version. Otherwise, the cloud version can be a good-to-go-with version, provided security is ensured.

Open Source Code

Each too has its own coding framework, which is usually HTML or PHP in most cases. If you are a developer, having a software with an open source code framework is essential. Access to such code can enable you to make the desired changes to the code for including more functionality or features in your community site.

In case you have no programming skills, it can be even feasible to allow someone else to do the changes on your behalf. Making changes to code might appear a bit daunting, but it is really easy after some practice and useful for customizing the look and feel of the new site. A few software providers have a dedicated team to do these changes for you, which is surely not expensive. They are usually more than happy to guide and help you.

Friendly Designing Experience

If you are a beginner or naive with no programming skills, the best software for you is the one with drag-n-drop interface. Obviously, you would like to have all the desired features and functionality without the need to access or change the code. Most of these social network software don't come with too many templates. So you may have to rely on default template. If you can edit it or enhance look and feel, you can distinguish it from other sites using same code.

Facebook has more than half of its users accessing its platform through mobile and mobile apps. Apparently, Facebook is a big network but your ideal social network website must have responsive design atleast where your users can access their account without any issue.

Interactive Features

Making a new community site without including videos, comments, photos, discussions, polls, and blogs is just unimaginable. Therefore, choose a software that comes with all these utilities as modules or features. If you wish to give Facebook-like look, you can choose a software that allows including Facebook features such as likes, Notification Center, and posts.

Marketing Features

Several modern social media script builders come with unique features dedicated to marketing. Most social network software come with a unique module called Marketplace that allows selling products and keeping contact directly with the sellers. This means you can earn money from your new community site.

Feature Extensions

Products like SocialEngine, PHPFox and Boonex have their own app markets. Other users of their product develop various addons (extensions) and submit them to these marketplaces for free or as paid extension. These kinds of extensions can really help to increase feature strength and sometime enhance features of the network. It is always good idea to buy software having such an active and own marketplace.

Custom Branding

Do you wish to hide from your users the networking software that you have used to create the social site? If yes, then look for a a product that comes with 'no branding' feature. This feature will not have any “powered by” tags in the footer.


What is the purpose of your social network? If you’re willing to build a close community without any profit plan then you may not need these else you should look for software that support monetization.  Built-in monetization support can help you to avoid messing with code especially if you’re not tech savvy.

Some of the social network software mention on our reviews also support advertising. Meaning if someone want to advertise their product to your community users, they can do so. That's also yet another great option to monetize social network without help of any external tools.