

Browsershots tool is used to check browser compatibility for any website or application. The tool can test your website across all versions of all popular mobile and desktop browsers, Operating systems and screen sizes, with filters like Java, Flash, Color depth, and more. Browsershots is a free open-source online tool that can be used to test browser compatibility of any website using its URL.

Top Browsershots Alternatives
  • BrowserStack
  • Browserling
  • Blisk
  • LT Browser
  • Ghostlab
  • Browsera
  • Browser Sandbox
  • TestingBot
  • MultiBrowser
  • BrowseEmAll
  • Sauce Labs Browser Testing
  • Testize
  • Equafy
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Top Browsershots Alternatives and Overview



BrowserStack is a cross browser testing tool that lets you test your application or website for compatibility on several real browsers at once.

By: BrowserStack Inc. From India
Based on 12 Votes


Browserling is an online live cross-browser testing tool that lets you test any web URL across a number of Operating Systems, browsers, and devices.

By: Browserling Inc. From USA
Based on 3 Votes


Blisk is a complete browser program that allows developers to test their websites on a number of devices, emulators, mobiles, browsers, and more.

By: SyncUI OÜ From Estonia
Based on 9 Votes

LT Browser

LT browser is a website view debugging platform that allows the developers to test the website views and make changes.

By: LambdaTest Inc From USA
Based on 19 Votes


Ghostlab is a synchronized web testing and debugging tool by Vanamco.

By: Vanamco AG From Switzerland
Based on 1 Vote


Browsera is an automated cross browser compatibility testing service that tests the layout, functioning, and performance of a website across several browsers.

By: Browsera, LLC From USA

Browser Sandbox

The program is specifically useful for developers looking to test their websites and applications for...

By: Turbo, Inc. From USA


The tool supports both automated and manual testing with access to hundreds of browsers in...

By: TestingBot From Belgium
Based on 1 Vote


It offers testing on real web browsers, devices, mobile browser simulators, emulators, and developer tools...

By: TWD Solutions Pte. Ltd. From Singapore


It runs a number of tests and offers relevant screenshots, side-by-side comparison and code analytics...

By: Position Fixed UG From Germany
Based on 1 Vote

Sauce Labs Browser Testing

The program allows developers to cross test their applications across a number of real browsers...

By: Sauce Labs, Inc. From USA

The tool tests your applications on real devices, OS and browsers that are commonly used...

By:, LLC From USA


It allows you to test your website for compatibility, structure, and performance, check reported issues...

By:, Pty Ltd From Australia


It supports both automatic and Selenium testing where you can either scan your site to...

By: Equafy SaaS From Bulgaria

Browsershots Review and Overview

Ever wondered what your website would look on different browsers and different operating systems? Now is that chance to see how it actually looks. Browsershots allows you to see how your website appears on different browsers and operating systems. It can be used as a way to check your website's compatibility. Browsershots works by taking screenshots of how your website appears on different browsers and operating systems.

How does it work?

Browsershots makes use of community cooperation. To understand what is being done behind the wheels of this website, one must understand community cooperation. This means that the work is distributed among the members of an online community and they take a screenshot and upload the required images. The volunteers can either join a Queue or start a Factory and upload the screenshots accordingly. When you request the screenshot for your site, the volunteers are the ones that get to work. 

Why do you need it?

It is necessary that your site needs to look as appealing as ever to keep the traffic that was attracted. Therefore, in order to hold the attention of the customers, it is necessary to have an idea about how your website looks from different browsers and operating systems. Another important point is that, since Browsershots is a part of community cooperation, it is entirely free and you don't have to pay for anything, unlike other websites that charge considerable amounts.