

By: Ryzac, Inc.

Codecademy is an online education platform for anyone who wants to learn to code. Enriched with a team of programming experts and computer engineers, Codecademy is committed to creating the best quality content and tutorials for users. At Codecademy, users can learn to make a website, learn rails, the Command Line, SQL or any of the programming languages from HTML, CSS, jQuery, Phython, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, and a lot more.

From: USA
Based on 22 Votes
Top Codecademy Alternatives
  • Skillshare
  • Udemy
  • Treehouse
  • Coursera
  • edX
  • Udacity
  • FutureLearn
  • Mindvalley
  • Interaction Design Foundation
  • 360training
  • Khan Academy
  • Curious
  • VTC
  • StraighterLine
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Top Codecademy Alternatives and Overview



Skillshare is an online learning website enriched with thousands of online courses and classes in business, design, photography, music, technology, writing, and much more.

By: Skillshare, Inc. From USA
Based on 15 Votes


Udemy is a very popular online learning platform that provides free and paid learning courses in software programming, yoga, photography, and much more.

By: Udemy, Inc. From USA
Based on 38 Votes


Tree House is an online learning platform designed specifically for tech learners, who either want to start in the tech industry or want to improve their existing skills.

By: Treehouse Island, Inc. From USA
Based on 16 Votes


Coursera, in partnership to world’s leading Universities and educational organization, provides online access to several approved courses and education material.

By: Coursera Inc. From USA
Based on 25 Votes


edX provides online education through great online courses from the world’s leading universities.

By: edX Inc. From USA
Based on 27 Votes


Udacity provides free online courses for anyone who seeks to nourish their technical skills or want to learn a job oriented course.

By: Udacity, Inc. From USA
Based on 33 Votes


With a rich database of hundreds of free online courses, FutureLearn makes it easier for...

By: FutureLearn Limited From UK
Based on 17 Votes


Most of the courses are provided by the veterans in the relevant field...

By: Mindvalley Academy

Interaction Design Foundation

These self-paced courses are taught by industry experts, and successful completion results in industry-recognized certificates...

By: IxDF From USA


These technical and business courses are ideal for companies who want to train their employees...

By:, Inc.


It provides a common platform for teachers and institutions, who want to share their knowledge...

By: Instructure, Inc. From USA
Based on 134 Votes

Khan Academy

Most of these courses are designed for school based or junior college based education...

By: Khan Academy, Inc. From USA
Based on 25 Votes


The platform is ideal for anyone, who wants to learn and grow their skills...

By:, Inc. From USA


VTC courses can be accessed online or through USB or can be downloaded to use...

By: Virtual Training Company, Inc. From USA


It offers many professional low-cost college courses and degrees accredited by leading colleges and universities...

By: StraighterLine, Inc. From USA

Codecademy Review and Overview

Codecademy has one goal in its minds, to impart education uniquely in the form of interactive learning. Started in 2011 by Columbia students, it provides coding assistance for 12 programming languages in most interactive ways.

It offers paid plans for personalized learning plans, tests, projects, and live interactions with the support staff. It has now about 25 million users worldwide.

How the Courses work in Codecademy?

Codecademy has a meticulously designed course offered for 12 main programming languages like Java, CSS, Python, PHP, Ruby, etc.

Most of these programs are offered free of cost. The extra perks and individualized learning environment require a $15/month Pro plan. The program is designed to give skill points and badges for self-regulating the learning process.

Each of these courses comes with greetings and a dedicated learning schedule. This can further be customized in paid plans. The paid plans come with personal quizzes, building portfolio projects, personalized database, premium support, and many more.

From exhaustive introductions to detailed dive-in of every subject, Codecademy is one of the exceptional online learning programs for coding. Their IDE interface is quite efficient and even spouts assistance on user requests.

A whole lot of student interactions happens on forums. It enables you to compete as well as communicate with others for better understanding. The resource page envelopes formulas, rules, language glossaries, and other FAQs.

The UI is devised to provide a unique learning path, with challenges to test the learning. It is known to have better methods for these courses than its alternatives like TreeHouse, SitePoint, etc.

The app is also available on mobile platforms for all-time access to these courses. It even has basic courses for Git and Command-line Interface (CLI).


Overall, Codecademy is one of the well-known online learning courses for anyone wanting to learn coding. The unique environment and learning path will give you a different experience. If you deem more personal attention, like a tutor, paid plans are always on the deal. It has received many awards for its free and exceptional services.

Company Information

Company Name: Ryzac, Inc.

Company Address: 49 W. 27th Street 4th Fl, New York, New York, USA

Founded in: 2011

Top Features

  • Online Software Programming
  • Latest Technical Skills Upgrade
  • Faster Upskilling
  • Amazing Career Growth
  • Interactive Video Learning
  • Coding Challenges
  • Comprehensive Subject Catalogue
  • Unique Graphical Interface
  • Varied Data Science Topics
  • Latest Technical Languages
  • Front End Development Frameworks
  • On-demand Skill Training
  • Supplemental Practice Exams
  • Accelerated Skill Development
  • Trendy Job Skills
  • Live Customer Service
  • Dashboard Monitoring
  • Professional Tools Usage
  • Build Own Projects
  • Peer Collaboration
  • Flexible Curriculum Schedule
  • Prompt Project Reviews
  • Meaningful Expert Developer Feedback
  • Clearly Defined Deliverables
  • Outcome Oriented Programs
  • Online Software Programming
  • Latest Technical Skills Upgrade
  • Faster Upskilling
  • Amazing Career Growth
  • Interactive Video Learning
  • Coding Challenges
  • Comprehensive Subject Catalogue
  • Unique Graphical Interface
  • Varied Data Science Topics
  • Latest Technical Languages
  • Front End Development Frameworks
  • On-demand Skill Training
  • Supplemental Practice Exams
  • Accelerated Skill Development
  • Trendy Job Skills
  • Live Customer Service
  • Dashboard Monitoring
  • Professional Tools Usage
  • Build Own Projects
  • Peer Collaboration
  • Flexible Curriculum Schedule
  • Prompt Project Reviews
  • Meaningful Expert Developer Feedback
  • Clearly Defined Deliverables
  • Outcome Oriented Programs
  • Top Institution Partnership
  • Progress Measurement
  • Top Institution Partnership
  • Progress Measurement
  • Affordable Pricing
  • Affordable Pricing