Online Courses Platforms

Online learning and education has become a very convenient and trendy method of learning among people these days. Easy and quality of learning, cost-effectiveness, flexible schedule and physical independency have made this a very popular learning choice. Users can not only learn new skills and technologies online, but can even enrol for a complete online course or degree offered through recognized universities and colleges. Video tutorials, live lecturers, discussions, live assessment & exams, online quizzes, etc. are some common e learning methods.

There are hundreds of online education websites offering free or paid professional courses to students all over the world. Here are some of the most popular ones.



Skillshare is an online learning website enriched with thousands of online courses and classes in business, design, photography, music, technology, writing, and much more.

By: Skillshare, Inc. From USA
Based on 15 Votes


Udemy is a very popular online learning platform that provides free and paid learning courses in software programming, yoga, photography, and much more.

By: Udemy, Inc. From USA
Based on 38 Votes


Tree House is an online learning platform designed specifically for tech learners, who either want to start in the tech industry or want to improve their existing skills.

By: Treehouse Island, Inc. From USA
Based on 16 Votes


Coursera, in partnership to world’s leading Universities and educational organization, provides online access to several approved courses and education material.

By: Coursera Inc. From USA
Based on 25 Votes


edX provides online education through great online courses from the world’s leading universities.

By: edX Inc. From USA
Based on 27 Votes


Codecademy is an online education platform for anyone who wants to learn to code.

By: Ryzac, Inc. From USA
Based on 22 Votes


Udacity provides free online courses for anyone who seeks to nourish their technical skills or want to learn a job oriented course.

By: Udacity, Inc. From USA
Based on 33 Votes


FutureLearn online learning platform provides creative learning through videos, articles and discussions in many subjects, such as languages & cultures, business, science, technology, health, arts & media, teaching, and more.

By: FutureLearn Limited From UK
Based on 17 Votes


Mindvalley offers personal development-related courses that help an individual to improve his career through personal growth.

By: Mindvalley Academy

Interaction Design Foundation

The Interaction Design Foundation offers a comprehensive range of online UX design courses suitable for beginners and professionals.

By: IxDF From USA


360Training mostly provides business-related comprehensive courses. These technical and business courses are...

By:, Inc.


Canvas offers open, online courses affiliated from world’s leading colleges and universities.

By: Instructure, Inc. From USA
Based on 134 Votes

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a web based education platform providing free online learning courses in computer programming, math, physics, chemistry, art, economics, biology, finance, history, medicine, and much more.

By: Khan Academy, Inc. From USA
Based on 25 Votes


Curious is an online education platform, providing video lessons and courses in coding, technology, business, arts & craft, music, photography, health, food, and much more.

By:, Inc. From USA


VTC (Virtual Training Company) is an online training platform, providing affordable software training courses for individuals, business and colleges.

By: Virtual Training Company, Inc. From USA


StraighterLine is an online learning platform for students, who cannot afford high cost of college education.

By: StraighterLine, Inc. From USA


Bloc online tech learning platform is designed for anyone, who wants to learn coding.

By: Bloc, Inc. From USA
Based on 3 Votes


CreativeLive provides online classes for individuals, who want to learn anything from, art & design, photography, music, craft, business, software or anything else.

By: CreativeLive, Inc. From USA
Based on 16 Votes
19 is an online courses platform designed for anyone who wants to nourish their skills or want to learn something new.

By:, Inc. From USA

Class Central

Class Central is an online education platform, providing free massive open online courses (MOOCs) from top universities like MIT, Harvard, Stanford, and others offered through other learning platforms including, Udacity, Coursera, edX, NovoEd, Open2Studey, etc.

By: Class Central, Inc


ed2go online courses are designed specifically for people, who want to continue their education or complete their college degree in an easy and affordable way.

By: Cengage Learning, Inc. From USA

Universal Class

Universal Class is an online courses platform, providing high quality online courses and learning material to learn anything, anytime, and anywhere.

By: Universal Class, Inc. From USA

Code School

Code School is a web based code learning platform that enables anyone to learn the most advanced web technologies online through video courses, screencasts and coding challenges.

By: Code School LLC From USA

One Month

One Month is a technology learning platform that enables people to learn to code and build web applications in just one month.

By: One Month, Inc. From USA
Based on 1 Vote


EduCBA is a leading online training and tech courses firm focused on many topics such as Agile, Big Data, VBA, Valuation Training and Financial Modeling etc.

By: eduCBA From India
Based on 14 Votes


Digital-Tutors is an online courses platform that offers professional training in various cutting-edge technologies and tech skills.

By: PL Studios, Inc. From USA


KelbyOne is an online photography learning website that provides creative training in Photoshop, photography and lightroom.

By: KelbyOne, LLC From USA


iversity offers free, open online courses accredited by many leading universities.

By: iversity GmbH From Germany
Based on 3 Votes


Open2Study provides free online courses, professional training, diploma courses & certificates, and university courses to people around the world.

By: Open Universities Australia Pty Ltd. From Australia
Based on 2 Votes


Dataflair provides instructor-led training for a variety of technological domains. Instructors are...

By: Maya
Based on 1 Vote

Total Training

Total Training is an online education website that allows users to learn new advanced skills from hundreds of available courses.

By: Total Training From USA

Market Motive

Market Motive is an online learning platform, offering digital marketing training and certification courses to marketers and SEO professionals around the world.

By: Market Motive From USA

Until a few decades ago, when the concept of the Internet wasn’t yet a way of daily life, the only form of education known to people was being physically present inside a classroom and taking down what the teacher was explaining or writing on the whiteboard. It is the traditional framework of education, and while it is very much still in effect, the advent of online training has been a revolutionary change in the education industry. Nowadays, most students complement their classroom education with MOOC (Massive Open Online) study, if not at least opting for a complete distance learning course.

Giving students a customized learning experience

Many online courses allow students to learn at their own pace. So, if you are a tad bit slow to catch up with certain parts of the course material, you can go back, practice, and take the course without any hurry. Plus, mostly, there are no fixed hours. Devote ten hours a day with additional learning or devote ten hours a week for the basics, it’s all on you. Besides the flexibility it offers, you can choose from a wide assortment of courses. You may be learning data science in your classroom course. Yet, when online, you can do some courses in web development, business English, photography, or anything under the sun at various levels. You can find paid and free courses on these online platforms. Sometimes, they will also offer a diploma or degree certificate once you attend the required number of hours and complete the assignments, and you wouldn’t even need to set your foot on the campus or go out of your room for that matter.

Effective learning with less investment of time and money

As compared to in-person education, online course platforms offer an affordable learning method. Not only will the price be less than the traditional classroom course (bonus if you can find a free course or get financial aid), you also save money that would otherwise go into commute and buying books. It will also save you time. You wouldn’t need to wait for the tutors or other students to arrive. You can power on your laptop, connect to the Internet, and start studying on the course platform any time of the day. Even a half an hour break during your lunch hour at the office can be your study time. There’s no need to apply for leaves to study at home for a morning class.

Building an online school community

For teachers, this means being able to teach students your university classroom. Even if you are not a professor but have in-depth knowledge in the field of your work, you can become an online educator with an online course platform. Whether it is physics, yoga, cooking, or coding, an online course platform will help you share your knowledge and build your own school community. Students can interact with each other, just like in a conventional classroom. You, as their teacher, should also be able to assess your students’ performance, give them feedback, and answer their queries. Analytics such as course enrollments, learning patterns of students, course drop-outs, etc. will help you understand your students better. You can then rework your course structure according to the majority’s needs and, in turn, build a stronger community.

Essential features of any online course platform

Now, with thousands of platforms to choose from, you should lookout for a few essential features before you launch your course on the platform. See how intuitive the interface is. You shouldn’t need to learn the A to Z of coding to operate an online course platform. The same should be valid for your students too. Opt for a cloud-based platform so that your course material is accessible anywhere and everywhere. This way, the changes you make in the content should be reflected across all student accounts. Although we are talking about an online course platform, students may not have a reliable internet connection round the clock. So, it’s better if the platform allows them to download some content and go through it even when offline. A white-label platform would enable you to customize and add your own branding to add more value to your teaching without the provision of unauthorized downloads and reshares (content security). Add interactive elements such as quizzes, simulations, videos, bookmarking capabilities, and discussion forums to keep your students engaged.