Mindvalley offers personal development-related courses that help an individual to improve his career through personal growth. Most of the courses are provided by the veterans in the relevant field. The platform promotes self-transformation by offering guidance and support. Habits such as smoking, negative thinking, or negligence in maintaining relationships can be improved.
Top Mindvalley Alternatives
- Skillshare
- Udemy
- Treehouse
- Coursera
- edX
- Codecademy
- Udacity
- FutureLearn
- Interaction Design Foundation
- 360training
- Khan Academy
- Curious
- StraighterLine
Top Mindvalley Alternatives and Overview
Skillshare is an online learning website enriched with thousands of online courses and classes in business, design, photography, music, technology, writing, and much more.
Udemy is a very popular online learning platform that provides free and paid learning courses in software programming, yoga, photography, and much more.
Tree House is an online learning platform designed specifically for tech learners, who either want to start in the tech industry or want to improve their existing skills.
Coursera, in partnership to world’s leading Universities and educational organization, provides online access to several approved courses and education material.
edX provides online education through great online courses from the world’s leading universities.
Codecademy is an online education platform for anyone who wants to learn to code.
Various courses offered by Udacity include front-end web development, tech entrepreneurship, android development, data analyst...
With a rich database of hundreds of free online courses, FutureLearn makes it easier for...
Interaction Design Foundation
These self-paced courses are taught by industry experts, and successful completion results in industry-recognized certificates...
These technical and business courses are ideal for companies who want to train their employees...
It provides a common platform for teachers and institutions, who want to share their knowledge...
Khan Academy
Most of these courses are designed for school based or junior college based education...
The platform is ideal for anyone, who wants to learn and grow their skills...
VTC courses can be accessed online or through USB or can be downloaded to use...
It offers many professional low-cost college courses and degrees accredited by leading colleges and universities...
Mindvalley Review and Overview
The modern times have made humans busier than before, and all the business often ends up causing people to cut off from their social connections and fall prey to anxiety and depression. One should remember that mental health is as important as physical health, if not more, and it should not be ignored at any cost. Mindvalley is a platform that helps users mentally fit and active by providing self-development courses. These courses contain videos followed by an exercise for each day that helps users stay motivated and improve their life a little each day.
Visiting the forgotten space
All of us have had mental problems to deal with, and while some of us move on from the bad experiences, some of us don’t, and this is where we need mental support. Self-development and psychology stuff comes to the users’ rescue here and helps them. Moreover, there are many instances when little things like loneliness or incidents from the past cause us trauma and bitterness. It’s for cases like this that Mindvalley turns out to be a helpful asset and helps individuals in living a healthy life. Today, thousands have people benefitted from Mindvalley, and they recommend it to others as well.
Now users might doubt that how does Mindvalley strives to achieve these objectives? The answer to these questions lies in learning. Mindvalley offers multiple courses for self-development with the help of various experts in the field across the world. These experts are the ones who are maestros of mental health and self-development, have degrees from top universities in the world, and hold excellent credentials in the field. Courses are entirely designed by them, keeping in mind how normal users can get the best out of the material, and the variety is so diverse that users can find the solution to almost any life problem.
Subscribe to life
Mindvalley subscription is the best thing users can avail to bring positive changes in their life. With a subscription, users get to access all the content at the Mindvalley platform without any limits. The video lessons also help users implement the learnings with perfection with the help of a post-lesson assignment that asks you to perform just one activity for self-development, as described in the video. And in case users feel that they don’t need it, they can still apply for a refund if it has been 10 days or less since buying the subscription.
The search for oneself begins with self-development. Get Mindvalley and discover your true-self today!
Company Information
Company Name: Mindvalley Academy