Quoting Software

Price quoting is one of the most important steps in the sales process of your business, which allows you to configure the right price for the products and services that you give to your clients. When you offer the right products and services at the right price, you have more chance at winning more deals for your business. Configure Price Quote (CPQ) Software helps you to automate the price quoting process in your business, allowing you to be more up to date in your business offers.

These are the best CPQ software that you can use for your business:



Provides quoting software that allows you to create and manage your quotes online.

By: Deversus Software Inc. From Canada


Provides intuitive online quoting and proposal software that allows you to create, manage, and send your quotes easily.

By: Quotient Ltd. From New Zealand
Based on 12 Votes


Provides configure price quote software that allows you to improve your revenue growth and sales effectiveness.

By: Apttus Corporation From USA


Onedesk is an app that lets the office or business owners book the office cleaning service.

By: Onedesk, Inc. From USA


Provides enterprise CPQ software for manufacturers that allows you to leverage your CRM, guide product selection, and convert quotes to orders.

By: Technicon Systems, Inc. From USA


Provides sales quoting, estimating, and proposal software that offers various third-party integrations and robust features.

By: Aspire Technologies, Inc. From USA
Based on 11 Votes


Provides CPQ software for sales and product configuration that allows you to sell customized products in a better way.

By: Tacton Systems AB From Sweden
Based on 17 Votes


Provides proposal software with smart document automation for sales. It features document...

By: Quote Roller Inc. From USA


Provides proposal software with free proposal templates that allows you to automate sales proposal for modern sales teams.

By: Proposable, LLC From USA
Based on 14 Votes

Configure One

Provides product configurator and CPQ software that allows you to visualize your product in real time.

By: Configure One, Inc. From USA
Based on 9 Votes

Pros CPQ

Provides configure price quote software that allows you to sell and quote much faster, easier, and smarter.

By: Pros, Inc. From USA

Quosal Sell

Provides CPQ software that allows you to create professional quotes and proposals anytime and anywhere.

By: Quosal, LLC From USA


Provides the next generation CPQ software that is built 100% on the Salesforce platform.

By: SteelBrick, Inc. From USA

Selectica CPQ

Provides simple configure price quote software that allows you to slice through the complexity of your sales process.

By: Selectica, Inc. From USA

Revvy CPQ

Provides configure price quote software that allows you to simplify the sales quoting process with intuitive platform.

By: Model N Inc. From USA


Provides online quoting engine software that allows you to create quotes and proposals quickly.

By: Quotegine, LLC From USA

Preparing and sending quotations is often the first step for many companies who wish to acquire a contract for a particular project. Although the process of designing and sending quotes may seem straight forward and easy, it generally isn’t so in the actual world. Quotations prior to being sent to the client, have to go through multiple levels of review by executives spread across various departments in an organization. From managers to senior managers to owners, the quotation is reviewed at many levels, and therefore, the process of preparing quotations becomes a time-consuming process.

The process of sending quotations

The other part of the story is sending quotations. Although the process of sending by itself isn’t complicated, but it may be time-consuming in some cases. And once the client receives the quotation, the story actually begins. A client can have quotations from multiple vendors, and therefore, it takes a significant amount of time before a vendor is finalized. And often this is the time when the process gets cumbersome for most vendors. They have to repeatedly follow-up with the clients, and in the absence of a satisfactory answer, they tend to get frustrated and confused.

How have quotation software tools changed the process?

The onset of digital tools has brought about much-needed convenience and ease to the process of preparing and sending quotations. There are dedicated quotation software tools available that make preparing quotations quick and intuitive. Entire quotations can be prepared and sent for review on the vendor side. The users can even track the status of quotations in real-time and make changes to them. The other users can see what changes have been made and give their inputs on the same. These quotation software tools make the process of preparing quotations extremely collaborative and engaging.

Tracking options

Moreover, when it comes to sending and tracking quotations, these software tools offer another set of useful features. These include options to track the status of quotation at the client-side. Such tracking options streamline the process of following up and make it more transparent. Further, these tools also offer project management and work management features. Additionally, features like billing automation and reporting are also offered as a part of the package. The high degree of customization is another feature that is common to most of the popular quotation software tools.

Integrations for better user experience

These customization options make the experience more authentic and engaging. Apart from these, the tools also provide users with a wide variety of integration options. From integrations with CRM software tools to integrations with scheduling platforms, there are several integrations on offer, and these make the cross-platform navigation a lot easier. Quotation software tools have brought about a lot of changes to the process of preparing and sending quotations, and they will continue to do so as we move ahead.
