Snappa Review
Detailed Reviews
Snappa came into existence in the year 2015. Since 2015, it has attracted a tremendous number of users. The main reason for the growth could be the pre-defined graphic dimensions and the availability of a huge template library.
- It gives the possibility of selecting different graphic sizes for social media posts, blogging and infographics, header, and social & display ads.
- For any size you select, there are numerous templates available.
- They even provide a vast number of photographs which you can use as background.
- There is a graphic library too which contains thumbnails, symbols, small figures, etc.
- Basic photo editing features such as brightness, contrast, blur, due, etc. are available under the effects section.
- You can integrate Snappa with Buffer which will help you to conduct effortless scheduling and posting of your content on various social media platforms.
- Creating a graphic from scratch is a tough task as it doesn’t offer any drawing tools.
- Advanced image editing features such as smoothening, pixelating, doodle, etc. were found missing.
- You can’t use the effects to edit the images which you upload using the graphics tab.
Ease of Use and efficiency
Creating a graphic could be an endless task as every time a new idea pops-up you will think of making a change to the existing design.
That will surely consume a lot of time. Spending so much time on each and every graphic is not a necessary task.
Rather than that, for creating posts, advertisements, and images which you need to embed on your blogs, it is preferred to use an application which provides an option to create a graphic easily and fast.
Snappa is one such tool which we found amongst all the graphic designing applications. It can be a disadvantage that Snappa doesn’t allow a user to perform much editing and create a graphic from starting.
However, this is the reason why it is easy to use Snappa. First, we need to select the size of the graphic from the dashboard which we will discuss next. After selecting the graphic size, there is a huge template library waiting for you to choose one template among all.
The template library has a significant effect in making the use easy. After choosing the template, you can set a background, add and edit an image with a few tools, including some text on the graphic, and save it.
That’s a time-efficient process, and by going through the same technique for multiple times will speed up the task of generating graphics.
As we have said, the easiness may act as a disadvantage too. It is because now, whatever you create will remain confined within the boundaries set by Snappa.
You don’t have drawing tools which would have helped you to create designs on your own. However, we have found a solution to it.
There is an option to upload an image from the local drive. You can rely on third-party applications for generating a completely new design, and then for further editing, you can upload it on Snappa.
This can be a tiring task, and purchasing a third-party product will need you to add some extra budget for graphics designing.
The Dashboard
The Dashboard is the screen from where the journey of creating a graphic start. Snappa’s dashboard’s one, and only function is to let the user select the graphic dimensions of his choice.
The graphic dimensions matter a lot as it is not possible that graphic of any height and width is compatible with all the platforms. For instance, LinkedIn post and Pinterest Pin are of different dimensions, and thus, different graphics are required for them.
On top of the dashboard, you get an option to set a custom size by adding the width and height of the canvas.
After you add the width and height, clicking on the Create button will take you to the drawing area which we will discuss in a different section.
The best thing about the application is if you are not sure about the exact dimensions of a graphic then you can choose the one from the pre-defined sizes for various platforms.
Let’s say, you need to create an Instagram post whose size is 1080px X 1080px. Rather than adding a custom height and width, you can directly choose “Instagram Post” from the different canvas sizes available.
As you can scroll down, you will find that the graphic sizes are divided into four sections. In total, there are thirty different graphic sizes on the dashboard.
The first section is of social media posts which contains post sizes of Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest. You can also select graphic sizes of Facebook link, Instagram Story, and YouTube Thumbnail.
In the case of Facebook, you don’t only need a graphic for posting and creating links. For cover pages also, designers put a huge effort into making them tempting and alluring. Thus, it is necessary that the developers of Snappa also add graphic options for cover pages.
To our surprise, they have not only added one but three different options for Facebook covers. As the size of the cover photo is different for a profile, event, and group, putting a single option was not useful. They have added these options in the header section.
In the same section, header graphic’s sizes for SoundCloud, Twitch, Twitter, Email, and YouTube are also provided. Guess, Snappa is good enough to cover everything.
It doesn’t end here as two more sections are remaining. Blogging and Infographics only house three options. One for blog featured image, the second one which can be used for creating infographics, and a third one for generating ebook covers.
Although they have added a size whose image can be utilized in blogging, it is not necessary that it will be compatible with all the blog sites as different blogs have different image standards.
The last section is for creating advertisements. As advertisements can be placed on various websites, the size of the graphic should be selected in such a way that it effortlessly gets fit with the user interface of the website.
That’s why different size choices are provided in this case as well. There is a particular option for selecting a canvas size for your Facebook ad. Other than that, the sizes which are widely used for advertisements are included here such as rectangle and with the size of 180 px X 150px, and leaderboard ad having dimensions, 728px X 90px.
In our opinion, the options added are sufficient. They can, however, add more size choices for blogging and infographics.
Although they have covered most of the sizes, if you are not able to find the perfect match for your requirement, then you can always go for the custom size which you add on the top.
However, there is a disadvantage in adding a custom size. When you select the graphic dimensions from the provided choices, then you get the option of selecting a template. However, this option is not provided when you add a custom size.
The reason behind this is, they can’t create templates for each width and height combination. However, creating templates for predefined dimensions won’t be a tough task.
Drawing area and menu options
After you set canvas size and select a template or choose to create the graphic from scratch, drawing area will appear on your screen.
It is the core of the application from where you will design a post or advertisement. The drawing area is designed in such a way that all features are easily reachable.
As you can check in the image, there are a few options which appear above the left panel. We will elaborate these features in detail in separate sections.
Right now, we will concentrate on the design of the drawing area, menu options above the canvas, and settings present on the application.
You can see a menu option present on the top-left corner of screen. That menu option is a bluff. When you opened it, you will only find two options which are created graphics and saved graphics.
The create graphics option will take you back to the dashboard from where you have selected canvas size. The saved graphics option open a screen from where you can choose and edit previously designed graphics. Technically, these are not menu options.
Adjacent to this pseudo menu drop down, you will find an option to name the graphic. Snappa also provides you with the flexibility of changing the canvas size.
The use of duplicate option was incomprehensible. It just creates a mirror image of the existing graphic, and when you click on the “view image” option, it opens the same graphic in Snappa’s drawing area in another tab. Thus, we are not sure when you will need this attribute.
You can also upgrade or directly visit the help section through the drawing area. The sad news for geeks is, there are no settings available by which you can alter the functioning of the application.
There is an account settings option under My Accounts tab. However, it only contains an option to change the password and email ID. The option to delete your account is available under this tab.
Under these features which we have discussed till now, you can find some more tools which are very useful while designing. We already told you, the one above the left panel are saved for later sections, and we are going to discuss ones which are above the canvas.
There is not a huge number of tools when compared to diagramming software such as Edraw and LucidChart. Snappa only houses basic ones such as undo and redo options.
You can choose to copy-paste an added icon or element using the Duplicate Layer feature. However, you can also do this by clicking Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V.
The option of moving an element a layer backward or forward is a required feature which Snappa has fortunately included. You can turn on and off the grid from the same toolbar.
These are the only features available on the application. They have not added basic drawing tools, no color filling options, you won’t even find a way to add connectors, and there is much more which is missing in Snappa.
Although the application’s usability seems to be limited, it is not completely true. With so very less features also, it is possible to design amazing graphics.
The application is a good example of how one can include simplicity without compromising with the working.
The software still provides you with the opportunity to create limitless designs because of attributes which are still left to discuss.
In the upcoming sections, you will find how Snappa has added these features, how they can be used, and how they can be improved.
Background Options
The background is a significant part of a graphic. That’s why one must never compromise with it. Thankfully, Snappa offers templates with different backgrounds. You can choose the one which suits to your graphic.
There is another option also. When you open the selected template or the blank canvas in the drawing area, you will find “Bkgrnd” (Background) tab on the left panel.
Under that tab, you will find four options by which you can add a background. There you can also discover a few actions related to them.
The first option is to add a photo from their image library. Amazingly, the image library even has a search box. In the search box, whatever keyword you type, all the related photos will appear. It is not necessary that you need to add the exact name of an image.
Simply click on the image, and it will change the background of the predefined template. One must note that there are very few photos which are available for free users. To unlock all the pics, you need you to purchase the subscription.
The other background option is of adding patterns. Unlike photos, all the patterns are unlocked, and you are free to choose any. The pattern consists of a combination of gradient shades of different colors. A few patterns contain a particular design which is repeated on the entire background.
Although the library is huge, and pattern options are also present, it is possible that these options don’t satisfy the requirement of a user. In that case, you can browse through the local drive and upload a photo.
With this option, you get the full flexibility to add whatever background you find suitable. The fourth option is of adding of adding a solid color background. You just need to select the shade amongst the popular ones or through the custom selection option.
Above the background addition options, you can check that there are a few actions available. Using those actions, you can make changes in the background.
If you want to remove an image, simply clicking the delete button won’t work. In the background image’s case, you need to select the Remove option present amongst these actions.
You can also flip the image horizontally and vertically using these actions. One useful option present here is Reposition option.
As the name implies, reposition allow to move the background image in any direction. The part of the image which background contains will depend upon your positioning of the image. You can also zoom in or out to make a specific part of the photo visible in the background.
For adding a background, Snappa has opened all the possible ways. Thus, the background addition feature can be considered satisfactory.
However, there could be more actions related to the background. Even the basic features such as rotating a background were missing.
The deficiency of features could be disappointing, but you can use the effects to make the background better.
The effects tab contain basic image editing features which you can use to edit the background. However, the images which you upload from the graphics tab cannot be edited using the effects.
We are not sure why they have placed this limitation as they could have made the ‘effects’ available for all images. Right now, we will discuss the effects available for background images.
As you can check in the added screenshot, there are not many attributes available. The tab contains the basic editing options: Darken, blur, Saturation, Hue, Brightness, and Contrast.
One exclusive feature available here is the “Color Overlay,” which allows a selected color to dominate on the background. For instance, if you select green as the overlay color, then a layer of green color will appear on the background whose intensity is adjustable.
If you set the intensity at the lowest level, the selected color will not appear in the background. However, if you set it to the highest, the color will completely hide the image.
We have already mentioned that there are no effects available for the images uploaded from the graphics section. But there are some other actions which you can utilize.
You can adjust the opacity of the image using a slider. This can be useful when you add multiple images, one above the other.
You can also flip the image in the same way how it is done for the background images. The rotation option, which was missing for background images, exists in this case.
However, you don’t get a choice to adjust the brightness, contrast, or the other aspects of an image which you were able to alter in case of background images.
Thus, they need to make those options available for all images. Even after that, there will be a requirement of adding doodle, sharpening, exposure, and many more image editing features.
In case these options are not included, you will need to depend upon other applications for editing an image before you upload it on Snappa.
Adding text, graphics, and shapes
Text is one of the significant parts of any graphics. The color, font, size, and other customization options also play an important role in delivering an appealing design. Without the availability of these features, the user will be left with no control how text will be added.
When you open the Text tab, there will be three options: adding a heading, adding a subheading, and add some body text. You can select the depending upon the size of text required.
However, you can also adjust the size using the settings which appear when you select the text that you have added to the design.
The settings contain the customization options for the features related to font and shadow. You can choose the font type and even upload any new type. However, this is only available for paid users.
Size, color, and alignment can also be adjusted through these settings. However, only three alignment options are added and justify is a missing one.
In the case of color, you can add any shade by using the custom selection. A minute unique edition is of adding “BI” feature. This feature makes the content bold and italic at the same time.
You can also adjust the spacing between the letters and between two lines.
When you are adding a shadow for the added content, you can use the available options to make the visibility better. The use of the offset feature will make the shadow effect more elegant, but if it interferes with the content, then you can use the blur option.
The blur option will make improve the appearance of the content by smoothening the shadow present behind. Like you have added color for text. Similarly, you can add color for the shadow also.
Also, you get the choice of altering the opacity of the content and shadow. You can’t keep a different opacity for content and shadow as only a single slider is added.
For the shadow option, they could have added a different offset for X and Y direction. As of now, the offset remains at an angle of 45 degrees. This could be adjusted with the help of separate offset for different directions.
Still, it is appreciable that these additions are made keeping the UI simple.
Next comes the addition of the graphic which denotes the images, icons, and photos that will appear above the background.
Snappa houses an endless number of icons and thumbnails which you can access through the Icons tab present under the graphics section. Using these icons, you can even create vectors without adding a template.
The application claims to own one million icons, but you only get access for all of them when you purchase pro or team plan.
There are pre-added photos also which you can use the above background photos. There is a search window, the same as the one which we had seen in the case of background images. You can type a keyword to find relevant icons and images.
Furthermore, you can even upload graphics from local drive. The possibility of adjusting the opacity of a graphic is also provided. When you select an icon, a slider for opacity adjustment will appear on the left panel.
We do not think that there would be many competitors who would be having such a large library, and proficient search engine for finding the required icon. That’s a major exclusive factor which makes us suggest everyone try out the product.
There is one more attribute left which is adding shapes on the canvas. In total, you can see that there are twenty-three shapes, but again, they have played a bluff here.
Actually, there are only twelve shapes if you count the line tool also. Other eleven shapes are generated by using solid fill option. Thus, there was no need of adding them.
After you add a shape, certain editing attributes will appear when you click on the shape. These attributes are divided into four categories, as shown in the image: fill, border, rounded corner, effects.
The name itself is enough to understand for what an option is used. Under the fill option, you can select the type of fill and color for it.
For the border, you can choose the type of border: solid or dashed, and even the thickness of the border. The obvious option of color select is present as well.
Under the rounder corner section, you can set the roundness required. After a certain point, if you increase the roundness, a rectangle will be converted into an oval.
For all the shapes you have added, you can alter the opacity through the slider present under the effects section.
Now, we must let you know what else they could have added. First of all, there is no option of gradient filling which would have made the added shape look more appealing. They can add more fill types such as pattern and texture filling.
You can’t even add a shadow for a shape which is a wanted feature. One can also accept them to add a few more border types.
If the company wishes to widen the functionality of the application, they must work on adding at least these minute recommendations.
Saving and Sharing
We have already discussed how one can import the file; through the upload option present in background tab and graphics tab.
Now, we will discuss how can you save it and export it to your local drive. In the image which we have included in the drawing area section, you can view the “save” option present the top-right corner. Selecting that will not download the created graphic, but it will save it in their database.
The Download button is present when you need to save it on your local drive. Selecting the download button will open a list of file types in which you can save the file: Web optimized JPG, High-resolution PNG, Retina JPG, and Retina PNG.
There are only these four options available which are not up to the mark. There are many more file types which the application can include.
There can be an instance when you need to open the graphic in another application such as Word document, PowerPoint, Adobe Reader, etc. For such cases, it would be better to provide an option by which a user can download a file in different formats (.docx, .pptx, .ppt, etc.). But in case of Snappa, these many file types are not available.
However, a solution to this is open the respective application, and add the graphic on the document as an image.
When it comes to social media sharing, you can integrate the application with Buffer. It is a social media management application which allows you to do scheduling and posting on various social media sites through one interface.
Hence, rather than manually publishing the post by logging into different sites, you can use this integration.
We have tried to make you familiar with each feature of Snappa in this review. While using the application, we have learned that it can be used for designing posts which require fast work delivery.
Many applications do not even provide an option to alter the canvas size. Here, you not only get the chance the adding a custom size, but you can also choose amongst the predefined canvas sizes. You don’t even need to remember different graphic sizes used on different websites.
There is a huge template library which will also help you to reduce the time for creating the design. After selecting the template, all you need to do is to add the required image, perform the needed changes, and fill the content.
You also get a graphics and photo library from where you can select a suitable background and other elements to make the design more engaging.
Thus, we can conclude that Snappa is an excellent application for creating posts and cover photos at a faster rate.
However, for diagramming, it can not be used as there are no drawing tools. If they add sketching tools too, then the use of the application will increase, and better designs could be created using it.