Keeper Review
Detailed Reviews
- Limited Edition Trial Version: Keeper offers its business edition as a 15-day trial version, this allows you to actually try the product before you start using it and you don't need to spend a dime to try!
- Military Level Encryption: Keeper is armed with AES-256 Bit level encryption.
- Multi-Layered Security: The layers of encryption are multi-layered and have separate encryption key for each functionality.
- Hassle Free UI: The UI across all the platform is quite simple to use and master.
- Highly Customizable Team Management: The team management in Keeper is highly customizable and allows multiple level access to the team members.
- Decent Browser Extension: The browser extension is decent and contains some minor settings.
- Fast Customer Support: The customer support team is quick in responding and solving the queries.
- Affordable Pricing: The Pricing set by Keeper is quite affordable, and the features it gives are justifiable with that.
- Record History Function: Rewind back to the original passwords after you have changed several times.
- Secure File storage: The Keeper Vault also provides secure file storage up to 1 TB for business edition.
- Good Security Audits Functionality: The security audit had good features and password restoration.
- Functional Integration and Plugins: Keeper has equipped some good add-ons and plugins in the provisioning and two-factor authentication functions.
- Deep Web Alerts: Breach Watch of Keeper alerts if any login credentials of your database appear in the deep web.
- Mediocre Auto-fill Feature: the autofill feature is ordinary and is not so smooth and user-friendly.
- No Cloud Backup and Restore: Keeper only supports local storage for backup and restore, and these local files are not secured too.
- No Secure Notes or Memos: There is no separate place to store notes or memos securely.
- Underwhelming App Auto-Fill Function: The autofill function in apps like Skype, VPNs, etc. does not have automatic capture and fill.
- No Dedicated Folder Management: Many password managers give dedicated folder management with a variety of functions and accessibilities, which Keeper does not provide.
- No Portable USB Passwords: Porting passwords from one account to another using the USB is not possible.
- No Subscription Charge Warning: There is no subscription end or renewal warning, accessed from main dashboard, which can hurt some customers.
Isn’t it mind-boggling sometimes when we have to remember the dozens of items when we go for grocery shopping? Most of us cannot remember everything and therefore try to write them down on a paper. This practice allows us to access the specific details that we want.
Similarly, in this tech-driven era, it is necessary to secure our digital details by use of some passwords or other security measures. Most of us use passwords to protect the digital data, be it online or offline. These passwords are vulnerable and targeted by hackers all the time, to get access to a person’s account and misuse it.
To protect these passwords, we can opt to use an application like a password manager. Passwords managers are software programs that can store not only the user’s passwords but also their identities, memos, cards, etc. All this data is highly secured using the encryption methods.
Keeper Security is such a password manager that not only enables the users to store passwords but also user identities, payments, address and phone numbers, etc. All these identities and info is very sensitive, and so Keeper Security uses sure encryption to safeguard all the data of customers.
Being located in Chicago, USA, this passwords manager has gained a place in the top list of password managers with time.
Being one of the top products in the passwords manager field, we are expecting some good features from it. However, do not let our excitement shadow the unbiased testing and review we will do for this password manager.
In this section, let us see in detail what features, and functionalities Keeper has to offer compared to other password managers.
Password storage and management
What is the primary mission of the password manager? Well, you heard it in the name, to store the passwords, isn’t it?
The first and essential step for the password managers is to detect the login sessions, prompt pop up to save the password and once stored, secure it using a master password and then auto-fill them when the user re-appears to log in on that site.
The primary step to start saving your passwords using Keeper Security is to make a new user account. The first 15 days are trial after you have registered successfully. They will ask you to input the master password when you make the account.
This master password is like a key to your vault of passwords. There is also a security question attached to your account in case you forget the password. If you fail to recall both of them, there is no way to recover the data of your account unless you get some help from support staff.
The entire walkthrough process will guide you from importing the passwords from browsers, other password managers, installing the extension for the browsers.
Once you start a login into a page, Keeper will generate a small popup that will auto-fill the fields. If multiple passwords are stored, you will see a drop-down icon, and you can pick the identity that you want to fill.
The entire process of auto-updating the passwords is a bit sluggish in Keeper. You will have to open an update password page of the existing login, and then Keeper will detect the three-password field and then auto-change the password.
Once these passwords are stored, you can open the Keeper app on your device, be it phone or desktop. In this app, you will be displayed with the list of passwords that have been stored. You can choose to change the view and see them as big tiles format or can sort them based on name and date.
Click on any one of the passwords, and you will find all the details related to it. The data will reveal the username and password, its strength, website address. From here you can edit the passwords, launch the website, create a shortcut on the desktop, mark favorite, and change color.
Few more interesting details here will be the Record UID, version, last modified date and time. Overall, these are enough details it has provided for each password.
With so many passwords listed all in one go, it can be quite bothersome to scroll all the way down to find one. To avoid this, you can use the search button on the top. Another thing you can do is to use the Folder option to group the passwords. These folders will be displayed on the main screen, and you can directly jump to the designated folder to find your password.
Filling Non-browser Apps
Not every login or form fill identity is tied to the web browsers, like some of the instances viz. Skype, Outlook, VPNs, or any other application that requires login or form filling. How do you save passwords for such apps?
Worry not! Owners will not have to manually enter the entries into the Keeper and copy/paste into the fields. To use this perk, you will go to the General Settings Option in the application. Go to the Keeper Fill. Choose the option to configure for the apps.
It will ask you to add the shortcuts through which you can invoke the auto-fill function. One shortcut for each function viz. launching the auto fill, filling the username, and filling the password will have to be configured by the users.
However, many other password managers like sticky password have a pick and select pointer in the tray menu, which can be dragged to the application window and then used as an auto fill.
Keeper’s auto-fill feature for non-browser apps is mediocre since it did not work properly many times, while we tried it on Skype and several VPN apps. The login area should be auto-filled once you click on an identity in the autofill pop up. This did not happen, and we would certainly like the Keeper to improve this feature and make it more automated.
Identities and Payments
Being part of the auto-fill feature of the Keeper, both of these fields are one of the most common and annoying to fill online, especially if your job is data entry or form checking.
Saving the Identities can be done using the Identity tab. This tab will ask you to fill an identity. What does the information in this Identity form include?
As usual, the identity will have to be filled with proper details of that account. This identity form contains common items like Name, address, phone, Email, etc. After you have filled it, save the details.
When you have to fill a form page, use the small yellow lock icon on that field. It will display the list of names whose identity you want to fill.
The one big problem that we found with the autofill feature here is that it will not fill all the field of the identity form. You will have to click on every field separately and choose from the Keeper Fill. This is very strenuous and is annoying. I do not know why the Keeper’s developers decided to implement it this way.
Same is the case with an auto-fill of payments via cards. Users need to click on every item instead of a single identity to auto-fill the entire query. This was not expected from the Keeper.
We would certainly like Keeper to check on the auto fill of password managers like 1Pass, Dash lane, Sticky Password, etc. and see how fast, and efficiently they fill these forms and payment information.
Secure Sharing
It may sometimes happen that you would want to share certain details with one of your friends, family or work colleague. So, writing it down on a paper or mailing or using online messengers sometimes can risk the data to be seen by the third person.
To avoid such a situation, we need some sort of secure sharing option that will only allow the consent parties to see the data. Keeper is equipped with one such feature called Share.
For this sharing to be successful, the receiver needs to have a Keeper’s account. After that, he will receive the files or shared content in the shared folder of his account. This process is a bit lengthy and less secure, to be honest.
A third person can very well send a mail to his own account in the owners absent. To avoid this Keeper should have used an offline standalone encrypted program like in sticky password. A key, only known to both users can open this secure setup and share the data.
Such a design will reduce security theft due to handling by third parties. Another thing is that Keeper can directly auto-fill the form on a login page, with this separate offline tool, without disclosing the passwords details.
Emergency Access
What will happen in case you have forgotten the account password of your Keeper. In this case, another option is to login via the security question method, but what if you forget that too?
Another case one can think of is real life emergencies like fainting out, dead or disabled. In all such conditions, giving access to someone from the family is always beneficial.
For that, the Emergency Access button in the accounts menu with allow the users to set up a different account which can access the Keeper’s assets related to the deceased member. You can invite up to 5 users from a single account.
The permissions or access level can be changed for each individual. You can also view here another user who has granted you the same emergency access. The owners can also set the delay time for these grantees, like immediate access or two, three days, etc.
Rewind back in time with Keeper
Ponder upon a situation where you have to restore the version of the Keeper to recover old data or to revert unwanted changes. To do this, you can use the Record History function in the general options on the top.
This is not just reverting the software version but works like windows system restore. This function will restore the entire setup to the backup version. This means that all the data saved by you before the backup will be gone.
This is available for individual content too. Just select any content like passwords, forms, payments, etc. and you can save them via their record history button.
To restore an item, just select the record history button and choose the version you want to restore. This will revert all the changes to that item after the backup was done. The Delete Items Tab just below the main menu can help you to restore the recently deleted items. It is like the recycle bin of a desktop OS. You can also permanently delete that content if you want.
Although a good feature, but this could have been included in the backup and restore tab for the manager. However, there is no backup and restore button here. Users will only find the import and export button. A shocker from a password manager to not have a dedicated backup and restore option, isn’t it?
Also, the export file is under a format that can be hacked to reveal the data inside it. Both .pdf and .csv are unprotected, and just a click away from revealing all your data. This is one of the most significant liabilities of this password manager.
Also, the recorded history must have more detailed options to select either all passwords, or only forms, payments data, and so on along with recording entire group data. Let us hope that the Keeper’s developer team takes note of this and patch this significant security vulnerability in backup and restore function and improve the usability of record history button.
Snoop the Dark Web with Breach Watch
What if the passwords you have saved in the browsers, extensions or in password managers get hacked and distributed on the dark web? Most of us will get cold feet and will rush to change the passwords of as many sites we could before we lose our accounts.
Such a scenario cannot be avoided forever, but damage control is always possible. At times when your data gets leaked on the deep web, you can utilize a deep web scanning tool to find out where your information has been leaked and which information you can change quickly.
Keeper comes with a similar scanning tool called Breach Watch. To utilize it, head to the same option in the top left menu of the desktop application. Click the Scan Now, and it will start checking the deep web for the passwords in your account if they are among the leaked/stolen passwords list.
If any password comes in the list of these leaked data, the scan results will generate a warning message. It will direct you on how to resolve the issue. One of the common suggestions is to change the password and other security login stuff to a random one and update the data in the Keeper Vault.
This is a unique feature only top end password managers provide, and Keeper has done a decent job in properly implementing this service.
Admin Console
Generally speaking, most categories of data managers need some sort of control desk, from where they can control their data, the permission access to various other users, security settings, etc.
Such a feature exists in Keeper known as Admin Console. This admin console can be accessed from the left-hand side menu in the main vault menu.
The primary features of this admin panel include the task of assigning roles, creating teams, checking the security audits, etc. which we are going to discuss now.
The next tab is the Users manager. This tab will include all the details of the number of users that you have added to a particular Node. These nodes are like access categories where we can assign some users from our workplace to Office Node, non-office users in Home Node, etc.
The users' tab can add many extra users that want to have access to the password manager. Click on the Add Users to add a new user, and it will register them via their Email address. The admin of the Keeper account can decide what access level you can give to that user.
Click on the edit button on the username field, and now you can customize the user details. You can perform certain actions like edit the user name, transfer the account, expire the master password, lock or delete an account.
The admin can view which user is online via an active green dot similar to the social media’s online button. Other than that, you can assign the roles to a user like Admin, data manager, etc. or group them in the teams. This is a good feature for an association level password management.
Now as we have said earlier, this section of the Keeper is supposed to be a user management system, and now the next tab called Roles will let us define the access of every user in much detailed manner.
When you click on Roles Tab, you will see the Keeper Administrator by default. Let us check what kind of customization is available in this feature.
Click the Add New Role button on the top of the list. You will be asked for the node and name of the role. After you have added the New Role, click the role in the list, and it will pop a menu on the right side.
This menu will let you customize the access level for that role. You can add the role identity to a specified user and also give administrative status to that user. The amount of access level customization is impressive in this mode.
To change the access level and permissions, click the Enforcement Settings. This will open a pop up in which the owners can change the things that a particular user can access.
The first option in the enforcement is Login Settings. This will allow the owners to change the default master password characteristics like the minimum number of letters, alphabets, symbols allowed, case letters, and also set an expiry date for the master password. You can also tweak the biometrics login here viz. iOS Touch ID, MacOS ID, and Android fingerprint logins.
Next tab here will let you allow the two-factor authentication methods like text messages, Google and Microsoft authenticator, Apple Smartwatch, and apps like RSA SecurID, and Duo Security. You can set the platform restriction here too. This will allow the owners to restrict the access of the Keeper services for a given user on certain devices only.
The Vault Access tab can edit the user permissions like preventing the folder creation, not allowing to access identity and payments, and mask custom fields, notes, and passwords. The record can be set to delete themselves and also purge the deleted records automatically.
Sharing and Uploading Access Tab will let the owners restrict a user from recording and sharing files, sharing files to users outside the Keeper Enterprise, file attachments, and also prevent the upload and export of records from Web apps or desktops. You can also disable the Keeper Fill function for certain domains from here.
Other general access level settings include preventing offline access, no Email alterations, log out timers across various platforms, PBKDF2 iterations, IP whitelisting and Transfer Account permissions.
Finally, in the last option of Role settings, the owners can tweak the permissions to the particular node like permitting access to certain sections like Nodes, Users, Roles, Teams, run reports, Manage Bridge/SSO, transfer accounts, and cascade node permissions.
As we saw above, Keeper has done splendid work in allowing such broad customization to permit level for users and due to this, it is well suited for organizational structure and management. Keeper also advises having at least two users in the admin role, in case the primary account is lost or inaccessible.
This section will let the owners add Teams to manage the Keeper. Select the add team button and input the node and Name of the group.
From here you will have to allow the access level to the teams and add the users in different units. You can disable record re-sharing, record editing, password viewing and hide the shared folders from here.
Not much customization is allowed here since most of it was available in the Roles section of the Keeper Vault.
As the name suggests, Provisioning is the method in Identity & access management system that can automatically manage the creation, deletion and changes to the user accounts in the organization.
Manual provisioning is something that is inbuilt in the Keeper Vault. The above section on Users, Roles, and Teams have already discussed the manual addition, deletion, modification in the user management system.
The Active Directory/LDAP provision can integrate the Keeper Bridge to manage the provision. Since it is a different product altogether, we will not elaborate it here.
Another option given for the provisional support is SAML 2.0 Single Sign-On. Keeper’s SSO Connect can connect to SSO platforms like OneLogin, Centrify, Microsoft Azure, etc.
Similarly, SCIM (System for Cross-Domain Identity Management) can be integrated with above similar plugins to provide seamless provision management. The E-mail provisioning can make provision based on the domain of the organization. Keeper Commander SDK and API tools can also be used to do the provisioning tasks, and both of these are command line based.
The owners can set any of the above methods as their requirements and then configure the settings for the same. This feature is part of advanced team management systems and it good to know that a password manager has employed it on such a scale.
Security Audits
As we have often heard about IT security Audits, where the security teams do a systematic assessment of the entire system or an application, looking for any vulnerabilities, checking all the access controls and so on.
Similarly, we need a security audit for our Keeper and its user management system. This can help us find us any vulnerabilities in the system and allows us to take actions to patch it as fast as we can.
To access the security audit, go to the Vault menu and select the Security Audit tab. From the main panel here, you can see the overall score and individual scores of the passwords management system. Sadly, this audit is not available for the user management system.
The owners can view which passwords are weak, medium and secure here. It will also show you the master password strength, unique passwords, two-factor authentication level.
However, you cannot directly change the required passwords from here. This could have been added since clicking on any password will redirect to the password editor and suggest stronger version. The user management audit must be added as per future perspective.
Need Breach Alerts and Login reports?
What if we can see the records related to the password manager like the number of passwords added in the specified time limit, the total logins of our user account, the devices used to access the services, and get alerts and warning for unauthorized device login or login failed attempts?
Keeper Vault has provided similar feature under the Reporting and Alert tab. This function has three tabs viz. Reporting, Alerts and External loggings.
The first tab Reporting will display the timeline chart of the selected month. There is a color code provided which will indicate added records, logged in, console logins, opened login, and Filled Logins.
The Y-axis or Ordinate will display the number of attempts for the above actions, while the X-axis or abscissa will display the dates on which above action took place. This timeline gives a good one time look for these activities.
The users can further view a very detailed report by clicking on the recent activity option below this graph. This page will give a detailed report on all the activities performed on a Keeper Account by the owner or any other granted user. The users can also manually add a report if they do not find it in the report manager.
The owners can view the event types like logins, security breaches, password resets, shares, record access, folder access, and most of the activities that need a submission from the user. This report can also be exported in JSON, Syslog or CSV format on your device. There is a separate tab for security activities giving info about the permissions and access customization done on the main admin account.
Such a powerful tool to see all the activity log can be convenient in an organization. It can also curb any malpractice or abuse of service in the Keeper Vault.
Next tab here will show you the Alerts Option. This feature is used to create alerts for any occurrence of events in the use of the Keeper services. From here, the owners can create an alert system for every action like logins, password changes, user added, etc. Owners can also add the alert via the Email or via Phone notifications.
This feature can be handy to detect any unwanted logins. Such alerts can help the admins know of any suspicious logins and act quickly and stop the services in case the breach is confirmed.
The last tab is External Logging. This tab is used to synchronize the data with cloud services like Splunk, Sumo Logic, Amazon AWS, and IBM QRadar SIEM. Third party integrations are not always preferred when it comes to password management systems.
Any leak in the above systems can compromise the password data too. However, as Keeper has the only option to export the data on a pdf or CSV files on your device, it is a good secondary backup option for your data and can turn quite handy to access it anywhere.
Integrations and Add-Ons
Keeper's Cloud Security Vault is an add-on that can be handy in storing digital assets. You can store files like your passport, license, etc. images or save card details. They claim that this separate cloud storage is safer than most cloud services.
Keeper Chat is another such add on. This add-on allows the users to send and receive messages and secure them in encrypted form. Similar to a messaging app, this feature enables the users to create groups, send multiple messages, get status of the messages sent, etc. on the same device.
Another integration Keeper employed is Commander SDK tool. This tool is used in the provisioning and is one of the best available tools for IT admins and organizations.
Keeper SSO Connect is another integration that helps to improve the Single-Sign ON functionality of the Keeper Vault. It is part of the SAML 2.0 application and is armed with Zero-Knowledge policy. Keeper SSO Connect encrypts the login details with dynamic entries and allows the customers to have access to the lock and unlock the key of their content.
Lastly, Breach Watch is part of the deep web monitoring add-on that we have discussed earlier. This addon can alert the users for any data in their account matching on the deep web while scanning it.
User Interface and Experience
In this segment, we will debate about the user interface of the Keeper and our experience while using it. User interface here refers to the ease in working with the application and its features.
As we have discussed earlier, the first step in this will be to create a new account and choose a subscription for Keeper. Keeper offers a 15-day trial version which has similar functionalities as its enterprise subscription.
After this, you will have to download the Keeper application for your device, install it and login into the account created. As you have logged in, Keeper will ask for sync of passwords from other password managers or from the browsers.
Keeper supports import from most of the top end password managers like 1Pass, Sticky Password, Dashlane, EnPass, RoboForm, etc. It can also import the data from the .csv file.
Once you have done importing stuff, the Keeper will display the main dashboard of its application. This panel will show the info of all the passwords, their strength status, reused status, and last date it was modified.
The desktop application and web application have similar UI, and so it is easier to tweak the settings out of both platforms. The options given in the application are the same as the features we have discussed above like the Admin Console, Password management, Identity and payments setup, Security audits, and list of deleted items.
The data in the password tab can be sorted by shared, favorite, Attachments, or all records.
On top of this Keeper Application, the Accounts tab will let you switch the account and see the current activities of that account. The users can also log out from here or set a session log off timer.
You can access the general settings of the application from here. These settings include changing the theme of the app, reset of items like master password, security question, email address, or delete the account. You can also set the clipboard expiration time here.
The security settings include the auto-logout timer, enable self-destruct in case the password attempts are failed more than five times. You can also add two-factor authentications from here and add security keys for it. There is also a selection to set the PBKDF2 iterations to 1k, 10k or 100k iterations.
The Keeper Fill setup will have some configurations for setting up Keeper Fill for Apps, browsers and select the shortcut keys to invoke the auto fill form of the Keeper.
The import and export function is this menu itself. However, it still lacks a dedicated cloud-based backup.
The Keeper Vault configurations will show the choice to add the company logon the Keeper session, send Email invitations, and show Node structures.
The browser extension available is mainly for the auto-fill function of the Keeper while using it in the web browsers. Once you have logged in the browser extension, you can now successfully use the autofill function of the Keeper and the password saving feature too.
Similar to the desktop app, the app on the phone also contains every feature in it. There is Keeper DNA for mobile devices that lets the Keeper app login and detect the identity of the person.
It includes two-factor authentication via some authenticator apps. You can also use the fingerprint scanner of the phone. Another setting that you can do is configuring it with wearable devices like smart bands.
Only things not accessible in the app is the Keeper Console. The reason may be due to the high complexity of the setup or for security reasons. The security auditor in mobile can redirect the users to the given password while checking on the weak passwords list, which is not present on the desktop version.
Overall, the application on a web browser, desktop, and the mobile app worked flawlessly. Although some of the features were interchangeable, we did not find any trouble configuring the password manager from either of these platforms.
Also, from storage management to userbase management, Keeper has done a fantastic job to maintain its reputation in the top list of password manager.
Security Algorithms
What happens when a password manager gets hacked, and your data is flushed in the deep web? Quite a hectic situation, isn’t it?
To avoid instances like this, password managers need to employ every possible step to secure the user data and their servers too. The data securing algorithms are mostly based on encryption methods nowadays.
Data encryption is the use of encryption keys to lock certain data, which can only be accessed by an input of the same key used while locking it. There are many data encryption techniques in the modern era, and most password managers use popular AES-256bit encryption methods.
The Keeper has employed one of the most secure methods like PBKDF2 to encrypt and retain the user data while using Keeper Services. Keeper claims to use the Zero-Knowledge functionality to keep the user data only accessible to the owner's account. Each data entry in the Keeper’s Vault have separate AES-256bit key, and the master password locks this key.
There are like four to five separate keys which encrypt each other like the records keys, data keys, and the Client Key. Such a layered phase encryption methods make it harder for the hackers to get through all the data using a single key (like a master password). Very rarely we see such encryption provided in any applications of data management.
The keys used to cipher the user data are not accessible by any of the Keeper Services. Contrary to this, an encrypted version of the private key is used to access the other Keeper services like a vault, and TFA. This makes Keeper and its services immune to any hint of access to the customer’s confidential data.
Keeper is armed with the TFA-Two Factor Authorization, that allows the TOTP apps, authenticator apps. OTPs, etc. to provide additional level security in acceding the Keeper Account. It also has hardware-based YubiKey integration to secure user data.
Keeper also has blocked all the external or internal scripts if not whitelisted in Keeper database. This prevents the XSS attacks on the system.
The department of team management also encrypts the data like access limits, device data, roles, and account transfers, on an individual level and all assigned separate keys via another encryption from the master password. This keeps the data secure from the internal users from abusing or hacking the system.
Keeper uses RSA encryption methods to secure the data exchange among the team members. PBKDF2 is used to secure the data exchange rather than the master password for fast and efficient transfer.
The Keeper has gone greats steps to ensure any vulnerabilities are patched as fast as possible. They employ vulnerability testing from the third party like Secarma, Rhino Security and also run a vulnerability reporting program, where they invite the gray hats to help them patch the security loopholes and reward them too.
Thus, from the above details, we can safely conclude that the Keeper has gone a great length to protect the user data. However, there is one thing that pings us the most is the user data export function. The exported files are in .csv or .pdf format.
None of them are password protected, and anyone with access to the personal device can take them and misuse it. This is the thing that Keeper needs to patch soon by locking these exported files by Keeper’s Master Password. Other than that, it is thumbs up from our side to Keeper Security for having such a robust security infrastructure for its customers.
Subscription types
When it comes to purchasing any product, as a consumer we look for the maximum return of our investment, and so we try to compare the subscription for various versions of the specific product. This allows us to select the correct version as per our requirements and budget.
Keeper comes with mainly two subscriptions viz. Business and Enterprise. Both versions have the necessary password management tools and features. From unlimited vault storage to Shared team folders, activity reporting, and TFA, both versions are entirely up to the mark.
The main difference between them is the SAML 2.0 and a dedicated team management system that comes with enterprise edition. Certain additional provisioning functionalities are also provided in the enterprise edition.
The pricing of the subscription is affordable for both addition and can fetch you some discount via the affiliate program. The business edition costs $2/user or $30 annually whereas the Enterprise edition costs $3.75/user or $45 annually.
When compared to other password managers, the pricing is very affordable, and the features they pack are totally worth it.
Platforms and Devices
With a share of so many devices that require password management, it can be quite frustrating to have only one platform for a password manager. Like many other equivalent products, Keeper has also stretched its reach across many platforms.
As a password manager, Keeper has indeed extended its reach and is available on all Desktop OS, Mobile OS and also on Linux systems.
There is a browser extension of Keeper too that can be used to auto-fill the entries in the browsers.
The versions on mobile and desktop devices are almost the same and share the common vault functionalities. However, the secure admin console is only available via browser, for which desktop is the best.
There have been some issues with the autosave and import from safari on the Mac devices from previous reviews, but it seems that the issue has been patched.
The dedicated app on the Desktop must also have the Admin Console in it. Overall, the application performed well on all devices.
Privacy Policy
Some of you may wonder what the use of privacy policy in a password management system is. Well, you’d be astonished to know that many password management companies can hand over your data to security agencies when asked for the same.
Also, these password managers store many things apart from only passwords and login info. This data may include credit card details, bank details, insurance details, and much more confidential information. Any access of the third party may result in the information being compromised, and this can adversely affect the customers.
Keeper also stores some data of the users, be it their password manager data or user account data like the Email ID, Name, address, etc. The third party that is involved with Keeper services may also collect some user data to offer their required services.
When it comes to the password manager, Keeper claims to use a Zero-Knowledge policy. As per this policy, they do not have access to the main master password of the user, nor do they collect any data from inside the vault.
Only data they claim to collect is application usage of the users, the actions they performed, the payment account data, and minor personal details to avail the subscription bonuses of Keeper.
Keeper claims to only provide the minor account data, personally identifiable to the users when they are asked for the same via a subpoena. They will not disclose any internal data encrypted by the master password.
They do not store Master password but have an alternate encrypted binary file for it. When the users are unable to access the account, this secondary file is used to decrypt the master password and allow account recovery.
They collect info while the users visit their website like the IP address, user traffic statistics, time of access, etc. Similarly, the Keeper Chat also collects some data like Email ID, session time, etc. for security purposes.
Overall, the privacy policies of Keeper are quite transparent and assures us that third parties do not have access to the encrypted information of the users. Even the law enforcers will not be able to get the internal vault data unless the Keeper sees any threat to its organization from it.
Customer support
The customer support is one of the active pillars to make sure an organization does not fall. It also helps take the developers some valuable feedback from the customers and improve their products.
The Keeper has left no stones unturned to provide a superior quality support system for its consumers. Basically, it has a support system for every platform.
From ticket submission to Email support, phone support, and live chat support, Keeper has extended its reach to its customers. It has provided a request Demo function for the Enterprise customers.
We checked out the Phone and ticket submission. Both of them replied fast. We asked for a general security question and added some suggestion for same. We also requested help for some bugs like an auto-fill malfunction on some websites. This was resolved with the help of a technical representative.
Other than that, they have 24/7 live chat support. They have written and video tutorial and FAQs. They also have their own blog and resources library.
Overall, even going through numerous reviews on the internet, we did not find any customer support related blunder.
As we have gone through each and every detail of the Keeper Security Password manager, we can now decide some conclusion over it.
As we used the password management and team management series, Keeper was working flawlessly. The sole problem that we found was the auto-fill function that seemed to not work on certain auto fill testing websites. The saved passwords, cards and identities were not displayed on these testing sites.
Another thing that pinged us was a genuine issue in our thought. No backup and restore on the cloud server, and the worst thing was that the local backup was not password protected. This could be serious trouble and needs to be addressed soon.
The pricing structure was quite affordable, and it was justified for an extremely customizable team management system.
Concluding our review, we would recommend the Keeper, but they need to work on the above issues as soon as possible. You can use the trial version for 15-days and let yourself decide if the product is worth your bucks.