Presentation Software

A story or idea can be best explained in the visual form or in the form of pictures and graphics. A presentation is a graphical way to represent a story or idea using pictures, videos, clip arts, and other tools. Presentation software and tools allow users to easily create interactive and beautiful presentations easily. A presentation can be based on a story, process, steps, or idea. There are available hundreds of presentation software both online and in downloadable forms.

Here are some of the most recommended presentation tools and applications.



Xtensio provides an easy way for organizations to create and share relevant and responsive documents, and you can manage and present them efficiently.

By: Xtensio
Based on 194 Votes


PowToon is a free online tool to create presentations and animated videos.

By: PowToon limited From UK
Based on 23 Votes


GoAnimate is an online animation and presentation software mainly used to create professional animated videos.

By: GoAnimate From USA


Slidebean is an advanced presentation platform that automatically builds beautiful presentations based on the content inserted and design chosen by the user.

By: Slidebean, Inc. From USA
Based on 8 Votes

Beautiful.AI is a presentation builder that claims of doing exactly that.

By: Beautiful Slides, Inc.
Based on 23 Votes

Google Slides

Google Slides is a free online presentation platform from Google that allows users to create and edit presentations in collaboration with other users online.

By: Google Inc From USA
Based on 330 Votes


PowerPoint from Microsoft is one of the most widely used presentation software out there.

By: Microsoft Corporation From USA
Based on 1356 Votes


Slides is web based presentation software that allows creating, editing and sharing beautiful presentations.

By: Whim, LLC From USA
Based on 24 Votes


Prezi is online presentation software integrated with several special features, tools and effects to help users build professional presentations on their ideas.

By: Prezi Inc From USA
Based on 308 Votes


Keynote is a presentation tool for Mac that allows users to create stunning presentations with the help of integrated tools, effects and applications.

By: Apple Inc. From USA
Based on 53 Votes

Microsoft PowerPoint

PowerPoint is an animated and customizable presentation application by Microsoft and is packaged along with Office 365 suite of apps.

By: Microsoft
Based on 45 Votes


emaze is online presentation software featured with several tools for users to create beautiful presentations to amaze everyone.

By: Visual Software Systems Ltd.
Based on 12 Votes


Wooclap is a presentation management software that is used by educational institutions and companies to conduct interactive classroom experiences and business presentations.

By: Wooclap SPRL
Based on 1 Vote


By: VoiceThread
Based on 3 Votes


MySimpleShow provides a platform through which you can create explainer videos for a variety of fields such as professional, educational, and personal.

By: mysimpleshow
Based on 2 Votes

LibreOffice Impress

Impress from LibreOffice is a presentation tool used to create effective multimedia presentations.

By: LibreOffice From Germany
Based on 2 Votes

Haiku Deck

Haiku Deck is an online presentation tool designed to allow users to tell their stories in the form of fun, simple and beautiful presentations.

By: Giant Thinkwell, Inc. From USA
Based on 12 Votes


Focusky offers various online tools for users to create animated videos and presentations for an improved visual experience for their audience.

By: Focusky Software Co., Ltd. From Hong Kong
Based on 19 Votes


Power User is a Presentation Software that helps its users in making attractive Powerpoint presentations and Excel sheets.

By: Power-user
Based on 2 Votes

Zoho Show

Zoho Show is one online presentation software that lets you create beautiful and engaging slides.

By: Zoho Corporation Pvt. Ltd.
Based on 24 Votes


Bunkr is an online presentation tool that allows creating elegant presentations based on any web content.

By: Bunkr, Inc. From USA


SlideDog is free presentation software and multimedia tool that allows users to embed their favorite multimedia files to create a powerful and professional presentation.

By: Preseria AS From Norway
Based on 3 Votes


By: Animiz software co.,ltd
Based on 2 Votes

Zoho ShowTime

ShowTime from Zoho is a powerful presentation tool that allows users to create new presentations or work on existing ppt files to create more awesome ones.

By: Zoho Corporation Pvt. Ltd. From USA
Based on 27 Votes

Microsoft Sway

By: Microsoft
Based on 41 Votes


SlideRocket presentation software allows users to create and share presentations for business and personal uses.

By: SlideRocket, Inc. From USA


CustomShow is a business presentation tool for iPad, Mac and desktop devices that allows companies to develop highly professional presentations for marketing and sales.

By: CustomShow From USA
Based on 16 Votes

Articulate Studio

Articulate Studio is mainly used by educators and learning websites to create online, presentation based training courses.

By: Articulate Global, Inc. From USA

Express Points

Express Points is free presentation software for Mac and Windows platforms.

By: NCH Software, Inc. From USA

iSpring Presenter

By: iSpring Solutions, Inc.
Based on 2 Votes


Islide is a plug-in Presentation software, which allows users to create PPTs efficiently with ease.

By: Chengdu iSlide Network Technology Limited
Based on 1 Vote

Audience Advantage

Audience Advantage is sales enablement and presentation creation software that enables you to create unique presentations that can help you to close more deals and win more business.

By: Audience Advantage From Belgium

Mentimeter - Interactive Presentations

By: Mentimeter
Based on 21 Votes


KnowledgeVision is a presentation solution suitable for marketing & sales, e-learning & human resources, communications, and any other business or personal use.

By: KnowledgeVision Systems, Inc. From USA

Many of us may have come across this quote in our lives. We’ve all come to realize the importance of presentation at some point in our lives. It may have been that great science project idea that wasn’t presented well enough or that final semester project at university that never realized its potential, the importance of good presentation has been felt by all of us at some point.

The art of presentation

Presentation is indeed, essential. After all, “A great presentation gives smart ideas an advantage.” A great idea not presented well is an opportunity wasted. However, the good part about this whole discussion on presentation is that most people around the world today realize its importance and therefore give equal importance to the presentation.

How did the presentation tools become so popular?

Presentation software has been of great help in bringing about this change in mindset. Presentation software and tools have become an inseparable part of our work life. They have been in use for a significant amount of time and are therefore used for a variety of applications. From discussing new ideas to incorporating new work systems to even discussing company policies, presentation tools have a role to play in almost everything. They offer certain unique advantages that make them an instant choice over anything else. The meetings that happen in most organizations can often be long and boring. The use of presentation tools to discuss various issues creates a kind of distinctive interest among the members and helps the organizer conduct the proceedings smoothly.

Features and functionalities

These tools also come with features that allow the presenter to use various audio-visual tools that makes it interesting for viewers and keeps their attention intact for longer periods. The audio-visual tools include the options to embed videos, images, infographics, and even animations. The various options on offer empower the presenter to present all facets of a topic with enhanced effectiveness and convey the crux of the idea. Apart from these, most presentation tools come with a plethora of design options that help users explore the creative side of their personalities and create presentations that win over the audience.

The integrations on offer

Apart from offering unique presentation features, these tools also come with a multitude of integration options. From integrations with text editors to spreadsheet tools, the presentation tools have a lot to offer. Preparing professional presentations involves a lot of back and forth between various types of tools. The seamless integrations and embedding options provided by various presentation tools make it that much easier for users. Presentation tools have an application for all types of businesses and can be categorized as essential software tools. They are one of the pillars on which most ideas are conceived in the modern-day organizations and are therefore highly valued.


1. Do I need any prior training to get started with a presentation software?

Most presentation software available in the marketplace today comes with a user-friendly interface and, therefore, does not require any extensive training. In case somebody requires learning resources concerning these tools, then they can definitely explore the resources available online.

2. Do I need to buy one of these presentation software tools?

Depends on the requirements of each user. While some offer the software for free, they do so with limited features and functionalities. Others provide them with an extensive feature list but also charge a significant license fee for it.

3. Can I use these presentation tools through my smartphone?

Although many presentation tools offer various features that can be accessed through smartphones, the experience of using these tools through laptops and PCs is something that is hard to replace.