Clarabridge customer experience management and analytics software is used by companies to turn customer feedbacks into customer happiness. It is also a very comprehensive customer intelligence platform that allows businesses to understand customer needs, behavior and feelings towards the company. Clarabridge gives valuable insights into customer voice and feedbacks through in-depth text, surveys and analytics to allow companies to direct corporate strategy for more customer satisfaction.
Top Clarabridge Alternatives
- Delighted
- Sitecore
- Canny
- InMoment
- Thunderhead
- Critizr
- Questback
- Selligent
- MaritzCX
- Confirmit
- AskNicely
- Vision Critical
- Avtex
Top Clarabridge Alternatives and Overview
Nice customer experience management suite is designed to help companies deliver flawless, consistent, reliable and personalized customer experience to all their customers.
Delighted is the quickest and most effortless approach to accumulate real-time, noteworthy feedback from your clients, representatives, accomplices, and merchants.
SMG’s CEM is an online customer experience management platform that utilizes sophisticated technologies and automated learning mechanisms to generate insights about customer needs that would otherwise be less comprehensive and require a lot more time and effort if done manually.
Sitecore is CRM software used by companies to control and manage customer experiences and make decisions for customers.
Canny is a feedback management platform that lets users collect, organize, and manage feedback from various users and keep the feedback loop going.
InMoment is a web-based that allows the organizations to analyze and improve upon their customer experience.
It allows companies to gather valuable customer experiences from mobile, web, contact centers and high...
It is a necessary tool for companies that want to keep on improving every minute...
The platform can be used by companies to create a personalized and unique digital experience...
The software platform in combination with the innovative research expertise makes a perfect CX solution...
It provides logistical solutions for improving your teamwork and brand value...
It helps them understand the perspective of the customers from their point of view...
Vision Critical
The customer insights provided by the platform enable the organisations to deliver their businesses results...
It provides tools to develop a real-time and practical end-to-end CX (customer experience) strategy...
Clarabridge Review and Overview
Every market's success is based on customer satisfaction. Traditional feedback collection and extensive surveys fall short to properly understand the complex thought process of a customer. When collectively an assumption is made based on such manual feedback collection and that is considered as the basis of a campaign, one can imagine what a catastrophe this might lead the business into.
Clarabridge is intentionally designed to intuitively understand the complex minds of the clients and turn them into progressive steps to success. Their solutions are best in the industry and use the latest tech and reach every platform. It is a customer experience management platform designed to retain customers.
Customer reach of Clarabridge
Customers of Clarabridge are not limited to a single industry. They support industries from telecom and tech to transport and retail. With KPI models and customized dashboards, Clarabridge helps banking and finance industries to reach their desired goal while being tech-savvy. Companies with consumer goods can level up their innovation in products and services by recognizing customer feedback better.
Solutions and services
The CEM framework by Clarabridge is top-notch and scalable to organizations of any size and need. Their solutions help industries to maximize their business impact and reach new heights. Text Analytics by Clarabridge is a proven solution to listen, accurately understand and record customer speech in a way that helps the business make smart plans which will eventually lead to efficient usage of finance and time. Be it any credible source Clarabridge seamlessly combines all channels and platforms and collects the customer feedback and information in one integrated forum. Quick closure of issues and queries from customers is enabled with automatic routing of problems to the relevant team.
Organizations with any kind of business that needs a marketing push and customer reach need not think twice before partnering with Clarabridge. Additionally, all official data of any specific form stored in Clarabridge is protected and secure. The Saas services that it typically offers are reliable and available not only on the physical level but also on the application and network levels. It is undoubtedly one of the best and leading CEM software solutions available that meets the industry standards and requirements today.
Company Information
Company Name: Clarabridge, Inc.
Company Address: 11400 Commerce Park Drive Suite 500, Reston, VA, USA
Founded in: 2006
Top Features
- Customer & Employee Surveys
- Gathering Feedback
- Personalized & Dynamic Questions
- High Response Rates
- Quality Survey Insights
- Custom Branding
- Multiple Integration Paths
- Social Intelligence
- Collecting & Processing Surveys
- Recording Customer Calls
- Warranty & Technical Feedbacks
- Unified Customer Data
- Filtering Noise
- Automated NLP
- Advanced Sentiment Detection
- Classification & Categorization
- Managing Root Causes
- Managing Root Crisis
- Global Language Supported
- Operationalized Customer Voice
- Competitive Comparison
- CRM Integration
- Statistical & Contextual Alerts
- Direct Engagement
- Service Recovery
- Managing Cases
- Templates Customization
- Proactive Alerts
- Scheduling & Publishing Messages