Teamwork Projects

Teamwork Projects Review

By:, Ltd. From Ireland

Detailed Reviews

Teamwork Projects is one of the popular project management tools, and some good reasons are backing up this popularity. Over the years, this platform has evolved to accommodate as many needs of the user as possible. However, the landscape of project management tools has also changed a lot in these years, and a few tools are pushing the envelope for project management niche. Teamwork Projects has fared remarkably well in some sections when compared to these newer tools, while there are some sections where we can see stiff competition.


  • Allows nesting of categories and tasks.
  • Every section goes well into details.
  • Easy to monitor tasks.
  • Options of live time-tracking and logging time in bulk.
  • Multiple view options available on different screens.
  • Highly customizable Gannt chart section.
  • Multiple ways to set up Kanban boards.
  • Easy to export data.
  • Can set up different permissions levels on projects and tasks.
  • Easy to regulate the access level of users.
  • Easy integration with third-party applications.


  • Has a steeper learning curve.
  • Can’t access time tracker from outside of a task.


One of the keys to success for any organization or individual is getting tasks done timely and accurately. If there is only one task at hand with a flexible time limit, then it is one of the easiest things to do.

However, if it is a bunch of tasks grouped together, which come with a challenging time constraint, then things may not be so easy even for the seasoned players.

Sadly, it is the second case which happens more frequently. Whether it is an organization or an individual, they all find it tough to juggle so many things at once.

We refer to this bunch of tasks as projects, and they come with more complications than just the time frame. You may have to collaborate with others, follow a chronological order for completing the tasks, accommodate changes which were not present in the initial draft, and a lot more.

Project management tools such as Teamwork Projects help individuals manage everything that revolves around a project. It includes task listing, task assignment, team management, resource management, project monitoring, etc.

Even though all the project management tools try to filter projects through particular blueprints by assigning the parameters, the truth is that every project is unique in its own regards and it is nearly impossible to create categories for all the projects.

Some projects may have time tracking as an essential element, while some may put more emphasis on the sequence of completion of tasks. Some projects may demand the nesting of tasks and projects into subtasks and subprojects, while there may be some which contain only a few straightforward tasks.

Therefore, it is quite difficult for any project management tool to follow some set guidelines to deal with projects. We have gone through a lot of project management tools and concluded that the best project management tools are the most versatile and more accommodative.

They will be able to deal with almost any kind of project you throw at them and organize it for you. For a tool to be so flexible, it is imperative that it is loaded with project management features.

Teamwork Projects is among the few tools which come with the ability to deal with a wide variety of projects. It has got features which help you at every stage of the project and fulfill every requirement of the project.

In this review, we will inspect all the capabilities of this project management tool and try to measure it against some of the best in the business. There are already a lot of users who consider this as the best project management tool.

However, we don’t go by such proclamations. We will gauge Teamwork Projects against the best features of the project management tools.

For instance, we will see if it has the same capability of breaking down tasks and projects as Process Street or if it deals with bill and invoices in the same way as Paymo or if it’s as organized and intuitive as Wrike.

We are sure that will be a few anomalies in this tool as we move forward, and that is the case with almost all the project management software out there. It all boils down to your preference if it’s the best platform for you keeping your needs in mind.

The early steps

It is a few steps process to login into Teamwork Projects. Teamwork provides a few more organizational productivity tools, and you get the option to sign-up on them along with Teamwork Projects at the beginning.

If not sure, you can skip them and integrate with the software later if needed. They will ask you to fill in some details about the organization and about your team, as well.

There is a window which prompts you to manage time and date settings before beginning with project management. We liked having this option since most management tools ignore this part, which later transforms into utter confusions.


You are on the platform after these initial formalities. There will be a small introductory video to being with and a few sliders giving you an idea about what to do next.

Let us begin with the most basic feature of any project management tool, which is managing projects.

You start by adding a project. The project addition dialog box comes with the necessary options to describe a project. After the name, you can add a textual description and assign a few more attributes to it.


It includes mentioning the company. You can specify if the project is for your company or if it is some other company’s project that you are handling. Such a parameter will help sorting project at later stages.

You can add or invite users to a project. These users can then be assigned various tasks that you add later in the project. The users can be assigned different roles. We will discuss collaboration on Teamwork Projects in later sections of this review.

Another impressive part about adding a project on Teamwork Projects is that you can select the features you want to be dealing with while handling the project. You can decide if there will be tasks with the project, milestones to measure progress, ability to add files on a project, time tracking, and a lot more.


It is options like these which allow one to customize the software according to their needs. You can keep it light if you don’t want to have a lot of attributes around a project or you can make it heavy if you feel like having extensive management capabilities.

Finally, you can mention the start and end dates for the project and add some categories and tags around it to keep things organized in case you will need to add more projects.

After you add a project, you will want to add tasks to it. Teamwork Projects allows you to add task lists under a project. The task lists help one differentiate between different tasks of different nature within a project.


If multiple departments of an organization are involved in a project, then you can go about creating different task lists for these departments. You can also manage settings related to a task list.

The tool allows you to manage permissions for users who can access the list, you can add milestones, and make sure that it is never closed.

You can manage default settings for a list as well. You can mark default entries for all the projects that you will enter in the list. It includes everything such as dates, assigned user, priority status, reminders, etc.

All tasks added under the list will have these entries by default with the option of editing them.

A task can only be added under a project list on Teamwork Projects. If you decide against creating a task list, then all of them will go under the default task list called ‘General tasks.’

When it comes to adding a task in a list, you can either go around adding them by name, and pressing enter to add several tasks in a single go or you can carefully manage every single detail about the project while adding it.

Talking of details, you will get attribute options according to the choice you made while creating the project. Usually, the entries will include the options to assign a user to the tasks, mention start, and due dates, add a description, attach files, manage privacy, set priority status, and a lot more.

Taking care of these options while setting up the task makes life a lot easier during the monitoring stages.

The priority status for a task is ‘None’ by default. You can choose either of Low, Medium, and High to indicate the importance of the task to other users. There is a timer section to mention the estimated time for a project and indicate its completion level during its progress stages.

You can add followers to a task, and they will get notified every time there is a development on that task. You can even set some interdependent relations between tasks to maintain the chronological order. It is one of the vital features needed in a project management tool.

Another useful feature of any such tool is to create sub-categories. Teamwork Projects allows you to add sub tasks and be more specific about the details of the tasks while making sure they are measurable at the same time.


We missed not having the option to create a nested structure for projects the way it is possible for tasks.

There is an option to set up reminders for the task, and you can add tags to make the sorting easier.

With all the necessary details and attributes in place for tasks and projects, you can start exploring the multiple options and opportunities available on this tool.

Panels and screens

It is necessary that one knows how to navigate through the tool to use it to its fullest capabilities. Teamwork projects have a number of panels and various screens with more panels.

Let us go through some of the significant sections of this tool to get a better understanding of it.

You will usually get a top panel and a side panel for most of the screens on this tool. There may even be multiple panels at the top for some screens. But there is one top panel for the complete tool, and secondary top panels keep changing according to the contents of the screen.

Let us go through the contents of the top panel for the tool.

First comes the ‘Home’ button, which takes you to the home screen. It is where you will get an overview of everything that is happening on the tool.

The home screen has a side panel with multiple options. These options allow you to macro manage different aspects of projects and tasks.


The first entry on the side panel is ‘My Work.’ It shows all the tasks that have been assigned to you. You can sort these tasks based on multiple filter options. It can be a date, priority status, company, project, etc.

You can click on these tasks to manage them, or you can modify the details from within this window. You can see the events and milestones scheduled for the day on the right side of the screen.


The next option on the side panel of the home screen is ‘Projects.’ This one lists all the projects added by you. There are again multiple options to filter these projects under various parameters, including the option to sort them alphabetically.

For display, you have the option of grid and list view. There is nothing much you can do to a project without leaving the screen. You can add elements, star-mark the project, and view details of its progress.


The third entry on the side panel is ‘Activity,’ and as the name suggests, you can see all the activity around projects and tasks. You can monitor all the changes that have been made by the users. It is an easy way to trace back any modification that interests you.


Next in the list is ‘Dashboards.’ This is where you get a boiled-down version of everything that is happening on the tool.

You can add a board of your choice and have them display the details you want. There are options to have dashboards which show details around you, such as events and logged time. It will have information about the status of different tasks.

Then you can choose to have a dashboard which comes with even more information. This board will show the health of projects, risk counts, projects with more risks, and a lot more.

One can have a customized dashboard on this screen, as well. You can be picky about all the details. You can choose to sort projects by their status, health, tag, company, owner, and all other information of that sort.


This way, you will have only the relevant information about the relevant projects on your dashboard screen. If you are interested only in specific projects, then you can star-mark them and have a dashboard for starred projects.

The next three items in the panel are unread comments, unread messages, and events. As the names suggest, you can have a look at all your unfinished business when it comes to messages and comments in the next two sections.

It’s a useful feature to have all the unread stuff at one place so that you do not miss out any of it. Since these sections show only the unread content, the interface looks clean and organized rather than being a mess full of messages from different users and comments on various tasks.

The ‘Events’ section will show all your upcoming events. Once again, there are a lot of filters in this section, allowing one to browse data the way they like.

These were the options you get to see on the ‘Home’ page of Teamwork Projects. Let us now explore the other options available on the top panel.

Multiple ways to display projects

The next option on the top panel is ‘Projects.’ It displays projects based on categories. On the side panel of the Projects page, you will see a space for categories. Teamwork Projects allows one to create new categories to add multiple projects.

There is also an option to create sub-categories to organize things even better. But they missed out on flexibility in this section. Even though they allowed users to nest multiple categories and tasks, it is tough to make any changes when needed.

Most project management tools allow users to drag and drop projects, tasks, categories, and a lot more from one folder to another. But you cannot do any such thing on this platform.

The whole process of creating folder and categories on Teamwork Projects is primitive, and they need to add some flare as well as the flexibility to it. It is the subtle features like these which make a lot of difference to the user experience on the whole.

Depending on what category you have selected on the side panel, you get to see the projects within that category. The Projects section has got various ways to list out the products.


The first way is that they list the products based on categories and folders that you have created. There are two ways to display products in this category- list view and grid view.


It comes with the usual options of sorting the projects based on various parameters. For every project, you can see the relevant information around it, such as the project owner, members involved in the project, tags, due dates, etc.

You can even export the information available on this window to PDF, CSV, or Excel format document.


One can say that Teamwork Projects is using ‘Portfolio’ as a fancy term for a Kanban board. One can make arguments both for and against this statement.

Portfolio on Teamwork Projects is similar to Kanban boards because it is based on the same structure as them. One can create multiple columns or stages and move projects from one stage to another as they progress.

It is also true that Portfolio offers a bit more than the traditional Kanban board system. It allows one to automatically make some changes in the project, as it moves through various columns. Let us get into some more details of how this section works.

When you create a board in this section, you get to add multiple columns in it. These columns can be anything such as workflow stages or based on departments which are handling the project. If you can identify a parameter which keeps changing as the project progresses, you can create a board based on it.


When you add columns on these boards, you get the option to set some triggers for projects in that column. It means that you can modify settings such that when you add a project in a column, some specific attributes for the project get updated automatically.

Some of the attributes which can be used as triggers are dates, tags, project owner, etc. You can also make the software archive the project or send some notifications when you move a project to a specific column.

There aren’t many project management software which offer such a feature. They may automatically update the status of a project when moved from one board to another, but none of them change parameters as it happens on this tool.

You can set the triggers such that when you move the project to another column, it will automatically assign it a new project owner, or change the expected due date. If you deal with projects which are quite repetitive, or if you have a lot of projects which are supposed to go through similar workflow stages, then this feature can save you a lot of time.

Apart from setting up triggers, there are a few more column settings that you can manage. You can choose what details of the project you want to see when it is placed under a column. You can color-code a column to make it easier for you to identify columns and make the interface look appealing at the same time.

One can add multiple boards in the portfolio section. It means that you don’t need to follow a hard-line path when it comes to creating workflow stages. You can have as many workflow stages you want and place projects inside them as needed.

For adding a project to a column, you can drag and drop it from the backlog menu into the suitable column.

Teamwork Projects have done a great job of taking a conventional project management technique such as Kanban and creating a much better and useful version of it.


The next option on the top panel of the Project page is Chart. While the last option was about Kanban, this one is not to be confused with the Gantt chart. It may appear like it, but it does not form any relation between projects as it happens in case of Gantt charts.

Charts show you projects over a timeline to give you a better idea of what lies ahead and how much workload you need to manage.

That being said, there is nothing much fascinating about this section. Each project’s duration is shown with a colored stripe, and when you hover over it, you will see some details about the project along with the option to edit dates.


This section will not show you all the projects listed on the profile. Instead, you get to see only those tasks which have been marked with start and end dates.

Teamwork Projects fell short of providing some interactive features in this action as well. They could have allowed users to extend or shorten the duration of the project using the mouse pointer. Or there should have been a drag and drop option to prepone or postpone the entire schedule for the project.

If you have marked some milestones or events along with the project, then you will be able to see them along the project timeline in this section as well.

Save templates, save time

The final option on the top panel is ‘Template.’ Teamwork Project allows you to save project templates. You can either create a new project template and save or copy the features of a preexisting project.

The usefulness of this section may vary from user to user. If you know that you will need to add a lot of projects of a similar type, then it makes a lot of sense to have a template for projects.

If a project layout turns out to be just the perfect one, then you can copy that project’s features for next projects and imply the same rules on them.

When you add a new project to one of the templates, you can make the necessary minimum changes to it, and your new project will be good to go along with all the settings that you prefer.

Views and board within projects

So far, we discussed all the display and setting options happening outside of projects. We saw how projects could be moved within boards, copied, viewed on a timeline, etc.

But the essence of any project is the tasks within it. The ultimate goal of any project manager is to finish the tasks listed in a project before the due date and without making any error.

When you get into a project on this platform, you realize that makers of this tool haven’t slacked on the most critical aspects of any project, which is, tasks.

They provide you with an overview at the beginning, which is a lot like what we saw on dashboards. However, everything is broken down in terms of tasks in this section. The overview will show you a distribution of the tasks based on their workflow stages and tags.


You can see milestones, and if tasks are in sync with them. There is a breakdown of work shared by users involved in the project. You can see how many tasks have been assigned to each, and what percentage of their work has already been completed.

You can see the progress made on the project over days along a timeline and make sure that your team is not falling behind. The overview section on this tool is among the best that you will see on project management software.

Teamwork Projects offers three ways to display tasks within a project- List, Board, and Gantt Chart. In the list view, all the tasks are present according to their tasks list. You can see what percentage of work has been completed for individual tasks, who is overseeing a task, due dates, and all sorts of other relevant information.

Adding new tasks to the tasks lists or editing the existing tasks is easiest in this mode. You get to see the milestones, as well.

The board view within projects is precisely the same as what we saw outside of the projects. One can create multiple columns and set some trigger rules for them. As you move tasks from one column to another, the attributes of tasks change according to triggers.

The advantages of automation, which we observed in previous sections, apply in this case as well. You get to see a summary of boards in the overview section as well, which gives the user one more reason to keep this section organized.

The Gantt Chart view is the most impressive feature on all of this tool when it comes to monitoring tasks. You get a clear visualization of how tasks will proceed, and it is easier to form a relationship between various tasks.


We were disappointed by the lack of intuitiveness in a lot of sections until now, but we are happy to know that they made an effort to keep the Gantt chart as interactive as possible.

The chart shows you all the tasks over a timeline along with some relevant information about them. The scale itself is enough to tell about due dates for the project, and you get to see other details such as assigned user to a task and how much of it has been completed.

No complains when it comes to drag-and-drop or interacting with tasks on the chart. You can move the complete duration strip of a project to change the schedule. You can grab ends of it and move them to either side to increase or decrease the duration and change the terminal dates.

Gantt charts are popular because they let one visualize the relationship between different events. Teamwork Projects allows the user to add a task before or after another task to establish a chronological order between them.

If there is such a relation between two tasks, you can see it on the Gantt chart. If there isn’t such a relation, then you can create one on the chart itself. All you need to do in this case is to grab the dot at the end of a task and connect it to the fitting end of the appropriate task.

All entries get updated in task settings automatically. Teamwork Projects provides you with all the right tools needed to make Gantt charts much more useful.


It is a common practice to break down bigger and daunting tasks into smaller, achievable, and measurable bits. It shifts the focus from the big scary tasks to tiny ones which are not so overwhelming.

There is not much that one can do after breaking down a project into tasks and breaking down tasks into smaller subtasks. Even after all this planning and fragmentation, one may stray away from the path leading to goal completion.

It is where milestones come into play. One can use them to mark important events. Milestones are not so much based on the concept of breaking down tasks into smaller bits as much as they are on ensuring that everything goes according to the plan.

Teamwork Projects allows you to add milestones into projects for the same reason. Now, milestones are not an exclusive feature of this tool. In fact, it is one of the most common features of project management tools. However, it is the way that these people have presented this feature, which makes milestones a lot more useful.

When you add a milestone, it reflects everywhere on the relevant project and tasks. One can assign a task list to a milestone and see how the milestone reaches completion as those tasks get done one by one.


There are statuses for milestones as well depending on whether they are under progress or achieved or behind schedule.

You can assign responsibility for these milestones to some user, which is not a common feature on other project management tools.

Apart from these features, you can add followers to a milestone, set up email notifications, add reminders, and add tags to it.

It makes a lot more sense to use milestones on this platform as there is so much functionality attached to it.

Time tracker

There may be a lot of disagreement if we discuss the necessity of time tracking tools on project management software. Some people may deem it a handy feature to keep track of time spent on various activities while some may argue that it is not a practical solution when a user may be handling more than one tasks at once.

A lot can be said for and against both sides of the argument. Even the project management software club seems to be divided on this particular topic.

You may find project management tools boasting of a time tracking tool on them while others may not mention it even once. Tools such as are doing fine without any time tracker at all.

In the end, it’s users who decide if time tracking is a tool which will be of any use to them. In the meanwhile, project management software should ensure that there is an option to track time on the platform in case one needs it.

Teamwork Projects did the same and ensured that they have a time tracking option. It helps one keep track of time as they are busy doing tasks. It negates the need to go through data logs all the time to update time.

The time automatically gets assigned to tasks, and it reflects at all the relevant places on the tool as well.

However, one can easily find some shortcomings in their time tracking feature. These are not necessarily flaws, but things which would have made it easier to use the timer and made it more functional from a project management perspective.

It is not a straightforward process if you want to access timer on Teamwork Projects. You will have to get into specific tasks to turn on a timer for it. It would have made a lot more sense if one was able to simply turn on the timer from outside of projects and tasks and then choose the tasks for which the time should be logged.

Looking for tasks every time one needs to start the timer may end up annoying some user.

Another disappointment is that fact that you cannot have the timer going on for two tasks simultaneously. Teamwork Projects negated the possibility that there might be few tasks of such nature which demand one to multitask between them.

The solution offered by the service provider for this problem is absurd as well. They do not allow timers for two projects to run simultaneously, but you can have timers for two projects on your window and pause and start timers as you switch between tasks.

While it may work in some cases, we don’t think that it is an apt solution to the problem at hand.

You cannot use the timer when offline as it is a web-based application. It may add a bit to the inconvenience.

Everything else about time tracking on Teamwork Projects seems just fine. One can quickly log time in various tasks without the timer. You can open a task an update the time log according to the time you have spent on it.

The timer stops automatically when your device is turned off or remains inactive to ensure the logging is correct. With this feature, you will not have to worry about accidentally leaving the timer on for long durations.

There is an option to mention the estimated number of hours for a task. You can measure it against the actual time you have spent on the task and track your progress.

It is a useful tool for any project manager, as you can see how much time has been assigned to various tasks.


In the majority of the cases, there are multiple people working on a project or a task. For a task or a project to be completed in the right manner, coherence between all the involved individuals is necessary.

Everyone should be clear about their roles and responsibilities. And it is essential that each member has a reasonable share of workload for everyone to perform fullest to their capabilities.

Well, Teamwork Projects took care of all these factors, and they provide all kinds of tools for one to comfortably work along with others on this platform.

One of the essential steps of team management is to create a team first. Let us start with how that works in this case.

Unlike other project management tools, you cannot manage permissions right when you invite a user. However, inviting someone to a project is a straightforward process. All you need to do is enter their email address and press the invite button.

There are two avenues from where you can invite a person on Teamwork Projects. You can do it either from within a project or from within the account.

The people who you invite from within the account can be added into multiple projects as you create projects.

Teamwork Projects allow you to manage a wide range of information about an individual. We do not think that there is any other tool which lets you be so specific about an individual.


When you get into the information editing section for any team member, you will see that there is an option to add all sorts of information.

There is space for general information such as company, profile picture, job title, phone number, address, etc. And then you will discover that there are options for so much.

You can have a public profile for individual and a markdown profile, which is a way for you to store information in the coded form so that others cannot see it.

You can add two kinds of users- standard user and collaborator. The collaborators have limited ability within the project. They can only deal with projects assigned to them, whereas a standard user gets to do a lot more than that within a project.

There is a place for you to store social media information of that user.

You can manage permissions for the user from two perspectives. The first perspective is from within a project. You can decide what this person gets to do in the project and how much access is there for her to enjoy.

The second perspective is where you manage permission settings for someone added on your Teamwork Projects account. You can make them an administrator or make sure that the person has access to all future projects.

Once you have the members added on a project, you can assign tasks as you create them. For the privacy part of a task, you can manage settings about who can have a look at that project.

There is an option to add observers on tasks. These people do not need to be responsible for the completion of a task, but they monitor the progress being made on them.

Users can add comments on projects to let others know about any update.

Teamwork Projects lacks the option of team chat. They have another tool dedicated to this purpose, which can be easily integrated with Teamwork Projects.

However, one may not feel the need for it since it is easier for one to communicate through comments. You can mention other team members in comments so that they get notified about the same.

There is no way of getting an idea of the workload being shared by team members. There are some project management software which provide such a feature, and it turns out to be useful in a lot of cases as well.

We feel that having such a feature on Teamwork Projects would have considerably improved the team management feature.


Just like Teamwork Projects is a useful tool when it comes to project management, there are a lot of other tools which are used for other operations in an organization.

Since the majority of tasks in an organization will be managed through a project management tool, it is necessary that tools used in those tasks work well with it.

Having the ability to integrate the project management software with other applications can reduce a lot of legwork for a user. There won’t be a need to update the same information at different places if one has got the relevant apps integrated.

It is not just data entry where you will get some respite, you can get automate a lot of processes, which otherwise you would have been doing manually. Automation helps you stay away from human errors as well.

On Teamwork Projects, you have the option to integrate the software with third-party applications as well as applications from within the Teamwork ecosystem.

The other applications available for Teamwork are Teamwork Desk, Teamwork Chat, Teamwork Spaces, and Teamwork CRM. The names of these applications give a fair bit of clue about what these applications do.

You can directly choose apps from the ‘Integration’ menu. Some of the popular apps listed in this section are Slack, Dropbox, Google Drive, Google Sign In, etc. You can choose these applications directly and integrate them with you Teamwork Projects account.

For other integrations, you can take help of Zapier. We don’t think that there is a need to say much about the advantages of using Zapier for app integrations.

You can connect a variety of apps with various actions automated. There are numerous possibilities once you get into exploring such areas.

We don’t think that you will miss out on any possible app integration with such reliable tools available at your disposal.


Teamwork Projects made our job simpler by doing so well in most of the sections. It has an exhaustive range of tools and features which will help you deal with most of the situations you may face during project management.

It may not have one of the most appealing user interfaces, but they do not fall behind on functionality in any way. Each section on Teamwork Projects is detailed and well planned.

There is a common theme prevalent across the tool when it comes to how to use the platform. It helps in learning about various features.

Speaking of learning about features, there are so many of them available on this tool that you may end up forgetting about some of them. But the good thing is that you will always find a feature which would serve your purpose.

Teamwork Projects is very accommodative when it comes to customization. They allow users to tweak every detail about the projects or tasks.

However, we are not impressed by the navigation panel on this tool at all. It is easy to find projects and tasks using it, but it does not allow one to change the structure of projects and tasks right from the panel.

The multiple view options available on this platform make it appealing to users. You get Kanban boards, Gantt charts, list view, grid view, etc. User can customize the tool for specific purposes and projects quite easily.

As we mentioned in the review as well, we liked how well they have used milestones on Teamwork Projects. Most project management tools just leave it out there for the user to figure out how to make milestones more useful. But, in this case, you will automatically get to know how to use milestones on your projects and get good results.

Timework Projects have a time tracking on the tool, but it did not seem quite appealing to us. It came with a lot of restrictions, making it difficult for one to include it along with various tasks. This is one area where Teamwork can make some significant improvement.

Moving on to other pillars of a successful team management tool, team management, and app integration, both look rock-solid on this platform.

You can set various permission levels for team members, save a lot of information about the reference, include collaborators specifically for a project, etc.

Teamwork provides a separate tool for team members to chat which you can integrate with Teamwork Projects.

There are multiple integration options available on this tool, including some 1st party applications. You can use Teamwork Projects along with a lot of applications and improve your efficiency multifold.

There were hardly any significant flaws on this tool, which would lead to us having any second thoughts about it. There is every reason for you to give this tool a try.

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